Hi everyone,
I'm a long time ThyroidUK participant.
Right now the thyroid replacement is good, vitamins, minerals,
are all great. I'm very particular to ensure this.
I use HRT (Triestrogen/progesterone) topical cream and have used
since age 45 and I'm now 65.
Here's the problem: in March 2020 when we got Covid lockdown
and I couldn't go to work for 3 months and even then it was less than
half time when I went back, I got Covid. The bad Covid but it wasn't
particularly rough. (The second go round with Omicron was worse).
I was doing nothing at home but you know, eating, eating, drinking,
eating.........damn I gained weight.
Then I started bleeding via the vagina two weeks after Covid.
This is 10 years after the last period. Not normal.
Went to the doctor, got checked out, went for ultrasound and a
truly horrendous unnecessary uterine biopsy.
The gynecologist who I never have seen or met prescribed
progesterone balls 200 mg day. I did gain a lot of weight
during lockdown and that had something to do with everything
but so did catching Covid.
Okay..... what did all this progesterone do? I was still using the
estrogen/progesterone topical. IT KILLED MY SEX DRIVE!
Thoroughly. Almost.
I lost the Covid weight and reduced the dose to 100 mg
progesterone. But the hormones are out of balance.
There are a number of women on the thyroidUK forum who
use topical testosterone. I need to try it.
I get wet very wet but sometimes getting an orgasm is a challenge.
I used to be the unusual woman who was 1:1 for orgasms with
the men. Now? 1:3. And it takes a long time. Usually. MY guy
firmly believes in orgasm equality and well, I have to say there's
times I don't at all. But he knows it. I don't pretend.
My question after all the introductory remarks is:
Anyone here can give me some feedback if they are using?
I asked the compounding pharmacy if they can make me up a 10 mg per
dose testosterone cream. No problem. The only problem I can
see is the GP. Telephone appointment this coming Wednesday.,