With having stomach problems I was thinking of coming off HRT but I read alot about how low oestrogen affects your heart has anybody come off without problems thankyou
Coming off hrt: With having stomach... - Menopause and Per...
Coming off hrt

Hi Tazwaz. Intrigued as to why you’re coming off hrt because of stomach issues? What are your issues? Are you putting them down to hrt? Just that I have stomach issues which started in perimenopause but hrt hasn’t made them any worse. I’d just be careful not to stop using it if the problem may be something else?
My stomach pain started when I went on hrt
Good morning Tazwaz I stopped taking hrt in February after almost 10 years! I have a hiatus hernia and other health problems. To be honest I was struggling with the feelings of the progesterone (down in dumps) I couldn’t get an answer or an appointment with my Gp and he basically said “it’s your decision…I have started taking lions main as a supplement which was recommended by a friend for stomach, brain fog , heart and neurological problems. Hope this helps a little with your question. Feel free to reply to ask any other questions… take care.
What benefits are you seeing from Lion's Mane?
Hi it’s hard to say atm as I’ve only been taking lions mane for 4 weeks, I haven’t had any night sweats return due to coming off hrt ! (I’ve recently had a double ear infection which obviously gave me a temperature)I’m hoping it’s going to help with my weak immune system in future plus my brain fog amongst other benefits. Have you tried it before or researched it at all as would be interested to know if it’s beneficial to anyone.
I’d definitely look into getting help with your HRT before you come off.
As I just explained to somebody else today. Oestrogen increases transit time in the gastrointestinal tract and progesterone does the opposite. So if these hormones are not in balance you may end up with issues. Now pain is something that sounds really odd.
Has your GP explored the source of your pain? Are you sure it’s related to HRT? The benefits of HRT outweigh the risks for most people. They go beyond just alleviating symptoms like hot flushes. Heart, bones, memory, sleep, etc. the list is endless. I would recommend exploring all avenues before stopping use.
You don’t say what type of HRT you are on, or is the pain constant comes and goes. Do you still have periods etc.
I would ask the GP to investigate the pains before coming off HRT as it has so many benefits than taking a supplements. Which may or may not work for you