I'm nearly 44 and was diagnosed with early menopause at 41. I was on Femodene for 2 years (from 41-43) but started to have serious side effects so switched to HRT. I am now on Oestrogel pump gel and Utrogestan pill 14 days on/off which gives me a monthly bleed. I feel like a new person on HRT but I'm worried about falling pregnant (which I don't want). I read that if you take Utrogestan daily this could work as contraceptive? My partner doesn't want to use condoms, so I am pondering what the best solution not to fall pregnant might be. Although if I went through menopause at 41 in theory the chances are very low. Any help would be much appreciated.
Can you use Utrogestan as contraceptive? - Menopause and Per...
Can you use Utrogestan as contraceptive?

Hi the Louise Newsons website or menopause matters site may help answer this.
I’m of the understanding that for anyone to be taking utrogestan 14 days then they are still having a period. So had your period completely stopped for 12months or more prior to HRT? I’m peri-menopause and it’s the same dosage for me.
If you’ve stopped bleeding then the daily regime of utrogestan kicks in.
See - liverpoolwomens.nhs.uk/medi...
I think I remember reading somewhere it acts as a contraception but I can’t locate that info sorry - so I wouldn’t want to say it does. Your GP should be able to clarify this.
Thanks Emma. I have looked at the L. Newsons website and that is where I read it can be used as contraceptive, but majority of other sources say it cant - so I'm confused. My period stopped for 3 months when I was 41 and the menopausal symptoms were so severe, that I started to take Femodene - so whether it stopped for 12 months or more is a guess as Femodene gives you a monthly bleed. I have asked my GP a couple of times and they keep saying that they don't know much about this.
Just my thoughts but appears you are / were peri menopause, but yes not easy to tell when we take additional hormones. I’m suffering with severe symptoms too it’s awful & I sympathise! Started around 41, I’m 43 now. The peri stage can last 5-10yrs! Im still trying to fathom out what’s the best HRT regime to help, appears it’s trial & error until get there. Takes such a long time tho to see if a particular treatment works. Just want to function again.I’ll have a look back at the info I’ve come across & if find anything to help confirm the utro as contraceptive I’ll let you know 🙂
Thanks Emma much appreciated. I have been using Oestrogen gel pump and Utrogestan pill and it really did work for me. I hope you find the best HRT for you.
Thanks Tintinblue - unfortunately I think I’m one of the minority that is intolerant to the progesterone so it causes other issues, but hopefully it’ll get sorted soon!
Appreciate you’ll have read the utrogestan leaflet…I re-read it, along with the info from LNewson & others, and it appears the main reason it’s mentioned sometimes as a contraception is only if your periods have stopped for longer than 12 months. So you need to be 100% sure. It’s not the same as other progesterone found in the mini pill, for example, as that has much higher concentrations.
I thought this site was useful:
The mirena coil appears to be the only form that could be used as a contraception & part of HRT (not a separate contraception in addition to HRT like others). If you had this you’d then just continue with the Oestrogen gel.