Ok so we are a month in from when my son got admitted with bm. And tonight is one of the hardest yet he’s picked up a cough and I am worried out my mind as this is how it all started the first time he had a cough a week before he got bm
Not good : Ok so we are a month in from when... - Meningitis Now
Not good
Hello, I’m so sorry to hear about your Son having BM 1 month ago.
Completely understandable while you are so concerned.
This is normal!!
Meningitis is so devastating to us and creates such a fear in us about “what if”?? with every little bug we pick up..
It’s so difficult, I feel your pain and worry.
I am recovering from VM, and in my 7th month since contracting it.
I have deep fear also about being that sick again, catching it again, etc.. being hospitalized and separated from my young 4 year old Daughter again..
I realized I needed help in coping with these troubling and overwhelming fears, so I have started seeing a Counselor, and I wanted to share with you a couple of things that help me to remember when the scary thoughts start..
Our fears are NOT facts..
With fear, we take a POSSIBILITY and turn it into a PROBABILITY.
Sure, it is possible, but not probable, unlikely, that your sweet boy would ever have that again.
Take heart. He will catch bugs from time to time, but he will heal and get better!
Our bodies are divinely made to heal!
Pray a lot on your knees and and ask God to help you, HE WILL!
Praying for you and your Son today.
Healing hugs
Totally understand. My son got Bm last year at 2 weeks old. Fought for his life, won the fight. I remember about a month in when he was still on Iv antibiotics he picked in broncolitus and I was terrified for him. It’s normal. The worst aspect for me with bM was it was never determined where it came from. Started off as a cold like you mentioned the next thing. Boom. Bomb going off in our lives. Your still in the thick of it, and your bound to feel this way. I got post traumatic stress from Charlie and I still have those irrational feelings now. Every small thing creates a worst case scenario in my head. Your going through a process and for me I was questioning my abilities as a mother allowing this disease to get him when it’s my job to protect him. It was out of my control but it doesn’t stop the guilt!
If your at all worried, get down to your Gp and they will listen to your concerns 💕💕
Hi there,
My name is Barry, and I am twice a survivor of Bacterial Meningitis. I will start off by giving my background as to how I caught Meningitis, and why it recurred.
On 15 September 2015, I had corrective surgery on the Cochlear Implant that I had installed in my left ear. 5 days later, on 20 September, I was readmitted to hospital with suspected, and later confirmed to be Meningitis. It was confirmed that the Meningitis was indeed Bacterial, but they were unable to determine what strain it was. There was apparently, no sign of infection in the left ear, so it was decided to keep the Cochlear Implant in. My gut feeling was that I wasn't entirely happy, but I decided to go along with it.
Less than a year later, on 6 September 2016, I was struck down with my second bout of BM. The second bout left me completely comatose, and unresponsive, even to pain. Doctors did not think I was going to survive. I came round after 3 or 4 days in ICU. On day 9, I was visited by the infectious diseases team on the ENT ward. I was told that the Meningitis was caused by Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus bugs, and it was considered that the source of the infection came from the Cochlear Implant, and recommended its removal at the earliest opportunity. I am of the opinion that it also caused the first bout.
You have every right to be concerned about it coming back, but recurrence of Bacterial Meningitis is extremely rare, although sadly, it can happen. I was just very unlucky.
Do I worry about it coming back? Of course I do, especially when I get a headache, I start to wonder, "is this the Meningitis coming back?"
Do keep an eye on him though and look out for other symptoms. Even without BM, and the recent cold weather we have been having, this time of the year is notorious with colds and flu. If you are worried, get him seen by a doctor, or take him to the hospital. Always better to be safe than sorry.
I hope he recovers soon.