Hi. My son had pneumococcal meningitis when he was 9 months old. He is now 12 with no physical signs. He has always been an anxious little boy which now he is in secondary school is really effecting his education with poor behaviour and low self esteem. I asked a GP once if this could be linked to the meningitis who was dismissive. I just wanted to ask if anyone has had any experience of this with children as a side effect as he can't remember it so wouldn't be linked by memory. Thank you
Anxiety in children as a side effect of men... - Meningitis Now
Anxiety in children as a side effect of meningitis
Hi Emily had VM 3 years ago this June.She is definitely a different child now very anxious and worried about everything.She worries about not doing well at school and she has dropped down a lot.Sometimes she doesn’t come out of her room all day.Our Gp had said it’s post traumatic stress from being so poorly.
It is such a horrible virus that really does make a difference to whoever suffered from it.I hope things improve for you take care x
Hi, what a coincidence! My son is 12, he had pneumococcal meningitis at 9 months too. He has always been very anxious and really struggled to settle in at school and particularly secondary school. He worries all the time. For the last 6 months he has had a low lying headache every day and sometimes it gets a lot worse, the light hurts his eyes and he is dizzy. The hospital is not sure if the headaches are anxiety related or migraines. He now takes Pizotifen and that has helped, they are not as bad.....