Has anybody had a loved one in ICU for more than a month, if so for how long and what was the outcome? Please I need to know.
Tb meningitis : Has anybody had a loved one... - Meningitis Now
Tb meningitis
Hi - Sorry to hear you have a loved one in ICU now. My mum (61 years old) came down with meningitis just after new year and on the 8th of January ended up in Critical Care. It was a long and incredibly difficult period wondering what was going to happen. In my mum’s case, she was in Critical care for about 3 months, of which about 55 days she was in a coma. From Critical care, she was moved into a standard ward in the hospital and then for the final 6 weeks she has been in the rehab center part of a hospital. However, after a long wait and many challenges, she came home yesterday and is over the moon. In all honesty life is very different. Despite many small seizures, thankfully my mum has not suffered any brain damage. However, she has now got many life changing physical disabilities. She is recovering really well and looking forward to the future. Please let me know if you have any more questions.
Hi Laura_25 am happy for you and thanks for those encouraging words, I know one day my son will open his eyes and smile.