My mum has been diagnosed with TB Meningitis,I must say it's been quite hard her symptoms being ,loss of balance,nausea, vomiting,loss of vision, headaches, stiff-necked......My question is how long does it take to see any improvement... Especially the headaches
Experience with TB Meningitis: My mum has... - Meningitis Now
Experience with TB Meningitis

Hello, in case of my cousin, the headaches and nausea decreased significantly after about 1 month of antibiotics and anti infflamatory treatment. Just take into account that my cousin was diagnosed when the TB was well advanced. I want to emphasize in the needing of eating and drinking well, I know this is hard, specially with the nausea but can make the difference. I case of my cousin, when she started to be feeding by a nasogastric tube, her health significantly improved. Be strong, your mum is going to be fine.
I. Was in the hospital with bacterial meningitis for 8 days then home with a picc line of antibiotics for 10 days which stopped3 days ago. I am still having symptoms like head and neck ache. Nausea. Chills. But no fever. Not sure if this is ok or if I still have meningitis. Going to call infections dr in morning that I saw in hospital.