Hi all Its Amy from Mencap I am posting about my 1st vaccine jab I was notified by text from my GP surgery in London and given a link to book a appointment which was useful.
I decided to have to have the vaccine as it would save others and myself from this awful killing virus and had it in North London last Thursday afternoon.
Yes, I was nervous but more excited as its new, new is good at times.
I went in a black cab to the centre with my support worker and entered it by people taking my temperature and I went to the desk inside. The staff dealt with my visit very quickly and I signed a consent form before having the vaccine, I could have my support worker with me, and the Dr asked me if I had any questions.
I did one of them was can I go on a bus and he said yes then he did the vaccine and yes there was a needle going in but you don't look and it’s a sec and quicker than going into a shop, he wipes the spot and you go out and get a bus.
The next day I felt like I was slightly groggy and had a headache and a sore arm, but I took a painkiller and got on with whatever I was doing,
It soon went within 3 days and you may not get side effects, we will be all different in our responses
I do say get it and the second one for yourselves and others so we can have a chance of conquering this virus.