My son is in his late twenties, has SLD, visual impairment, epilepsy, and some ongoing health issues. His behaviour can be challenging. He has always lived at home with us. I am his Deputy for his property and financial affairs because I am trying to purchase a house for him through the HOLD scheme. As a result of Covid and some apparent management and staffing issues, he was not moved from the 'Preparing for Adulthood' social work team to Adult Services until this year. He has had little/no input from the council for several years since November 2020 other than continuation and monitoring of his Direct Payments which cover 34 hours care a week.
Nearly two years ago I had asked for Adult Social Care to review my son's support plan and give some indication of what support they would provide if he is in his own home.
Last March a temporary social worker from the Preparing for Adulthood Team visited many times and did a new Care Act Assessment. She said that he was to be transferred to an area adult team and they would look at his support plan.
He now has a new social worker in the area team. I have asked her for a copy of his Care Assessment which was done last year. She said she would have to ask her manager and I have heard nothing more.
Nothing has changed since last March regarding my son's needs. However she says she is reviewing his care assessment. She has now asked us to write a seven day diary detailing all the care, support, and prompting we and his PA's provide hour by hour, 24 hours a day.
Two questions:
(1) Can they refuse to provide us with a copy of my son's Care Act Assessment and support plan?
(2) Is it reasonable of them to ask for this hour-by hour diary? It feels harassing. It is not a person-centred approach. It is not strength-based. She has not explained why she wants it. Have any other parent carers been asked for something like this?