I'm new here so just wanted to say hello.
I started caring for my disabled brother October last year as our Mum passed away from cancer. He was in my care from June when she first became unwell.
We were always close so it was easy to continue with his care but to be honest I have never felt more alone this past year.
He has a severe learning disability that no one has heard of LOL and lots of health issues as well.
I have a wonderful Husband but the rest of my family have carried on their life as normal yet ours has been turned upside down.
I am at a stage in my life where my children have grown up and left home and am very financially secure and was travelling around the world (pre covid) and now all that has gone.
Our older Sister provides no support at all and just sends a weekly text of 'How's Steven?' I've started replying with one word!
As he moved local authority as well we have been without any support since Oct. We have finally been appointed a social worker but so far that has consisted of a 10 min visit and a referral to a day centre that is still closed.
She also gave no help with reference to legal guardianships etc.
I'm sorry if I have moaned a bit, I love him dearly to bits and would never have not cared for him but its very difficult.
Thank you for listening to me x