Posts - Melanoma Caregivers | HealthUnlocked

Melanoma Caregivers

All posts for June 2019


So we were able to see the neurologist early, which I’m super glad we did. His n...
kellyOd profile image

First scans back post TIL trial

We had an initial discussion yesterday with the study doc in advance of the full...
missyrand profile image

Scans last week, in a holding pattern😬

Mark had his CT Brain, Pelvis, and Abdomen last week and all came back NED. We a...
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ER for us...

Ryan presented with headaches since Thursday.. we thought maybe it was a side ef...
kellyOd profile image

New publication out for decision making for Stage 3 melanoma peace, mis...
missyrand profile image

opioid induced hyperalgesia

Hey guys, So we've been in a weird lull, no new news yet, but scans upcoming w...
H_Daughter profile image

Food Taste Like $&/@!

Between the metal, cardboard and “poop” taste of food - the choices are dwindli...
carlsbad317 profile image

Return to Work blessing

This has been a good week for Wayne and for me. He started back to work remotel...
missyrand profile image

Does it work?

Met with radiation dr yesterday about 20 days of low dose treatment. I have read...
carlsbad317 profile image

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