I suffer from agoraphobia i don't really have friends or family or anyone who understands. I do counseling im on medication i work odd construction and landscaping jobs due to my health issues i don't know if i should get on dissability. Im on child support for a son i don't see or even know if hes mine due to finances i cant get that situation under control . The only person I have in my life is my gf and shes a roaller coaster of ups and downs but thats the only support i have so I cant let go . I pray I fight i scratch i crawl to figure things out to the best of my ability for the circumstances im in .
Fighting to stay up: I suffer from... - Major Depressive ...
Fighting to stay up

Hi Irishmexi, I joined this forum just to respond to your posts.
As long as you stay with your gf, you will be riding the roller coaster with her.
The ups and downs will lead to no where. Is she really a support for you or just
someone to hang onto while she sees you drown?
As long as we stay with negative people around us, we can't get back on our feet
again. Maybe disability would help you start fresh again. There are lawyers that
do not charge you unless they win the case so you have nothing to lose by trying.
You need to check off one issue at a time. When we don't is when Agoraphobia takes
over. Believe me I know. I spent 5 years going nowhere until I got back in control of
my life by not depending on anyone but myself.
Being friendless can sometimes be a blessing in disguise. Believe me there are many
people who have family and friends all around them and yet feel alone and lost.
That's because the strength must come from within us. I know things are difficult for
you right now but know that stepping out on your own can be the best decision you
can make right now. I know you have it in you (agoraphobia or not) to move forward.
Good Luck my friend. I Care xx
You have a lot on your plate. Give yourself credit for getting up every day and making an effort. Try for disability, It's okay to ask for help. I've battled agoraphobia more than once. What is harder is finding healthy relationships. I'm in an unhealthy one now. But I can't relate to people without problems and I'm afraid of being completely alone. I empathize with your post. This site has been very helpful. Just reading others posts regularly is helpful. People here have been very supportive and nonjudgmental. Good people here. Glad you reached out.