every day when I wake up I have this heavy news on my chest and this feeling of great sadness that take over me all
I want to do is cry I need help
every day when I wake up I have this heavy news on my chest and this feeling of great sadness that take over me all
I want to do is cry I need help
I know it been a year and know seems to work
Waking up every day can be a positive experience... if you want to... you can choose your happiness then. If you can look forward, and decide, today...only today...I will myself to feel better about_________(place your main troubling problem). Today I can feel better😊😊 Today I will myself to be alive and feel good😊😊 I am able to heal... but I need help living.
Thank you I will try and let you know ..the information you provided is very useful
Together we can😀. Give life a chance! Give things meaning, as well! Today I made talk...and there are friends online too🤗🤗
Ok I will try
Tell yourself I am better☺️
Will that help
I want to feel good😊 somehow... I know I can. I think better thoughts, I am able to feel a little bit better 🙂 Talk to other personalities on the internet might help. For example, jizzel shares online, and wants to feel good for being listened to. And others are there...it helps me🤗 somewhat to notice that others share my experience then.