Hello, My name is Cynthia, I live in Kentucky. Hoping to connect with others with MDD. Would like to confer and strategize ways to help self and others
Hello! Hope to connect with others wh... - Major Depressive ...
Hello! Hope to connect with others who have MDD.

Hi and welcome to your forum.
We are here for anyone struggling with problems or difficulty in find help and support in other places.
We have such a lot of people here who have lived experiences of mental health issues and are willing to help.
It's good to know where you are from, in USA, so you are an expert in dealing with that complicated health system.
Again, Welcome 🐈⬛
Welcome! I suffer from depression and anxiety too. Currently trying to pull myself out of a hole as well.
Well l would look for local resources and national NIHMH.gov check out my healeadteach you tube site I have lots of videos I am presenting
Hi there and welcome to the group I hope that you feel as welcomed as I do you found your people and your tribe right here. I suffer from major depressive disorder PTSD and adjustment disorder as well. I'm just coming out of a four-year about of depression which was so debilitating that I could barely get out of bed and I wound up losing my state job last year due to my illness. Afterwards I wound up losing my home and now I live in my sister's basement so the only place to go is up from here cuz last year brought me to my knees. My husband and I will be moving down to Florida September 1, 2024, and it is both exciting and scary to leave everyone and everything behind here in New Jersey but it's only a 3-hour plane ride and I will come back at least once a year probably in the fall to see the foliage and the leaves change color I love that and we'll miss that happening. We do have family and friends down in Florida for support though which will make the transition easier and we got a really nice realtor that we're working with and are going to buy a home so we're never in this predicament again. Looking forward to my new endeavor and being able to decorate our new home. As you asked in what you wrote some ways that helped me in my depression or journaling my feelings, using breathing techniques and meditation. What are some things you do that are helpful? Hope you find this community as great as I do wishing you peace and well-being and let me know how you're doing.