If my words look a bit shaky, thats because I'm not sure if I have thawed out just yet ๐ฅถ Sunday morning, I got up hoping that the predicted weather forecast could be wrong, but oh no, one look out of the window to see the rain literally bouncing off the ground and the howling wind and it filled me with dread ๐ง๏ธ๐ง๏ธ. It was absolutely awful, It really could not have been any heavier. I drove to Boston, parked up and waited for a break in the downpour to get out of the car . When it looked like there was not going to be a break, I decided race nerves were getting the better of me and I really needed the loos. So....out of the car and down to meet the rest of the running club.
Everyone was absolutely soaked standing around waiting for the various starts, with the only shelter being shop doorways and it was so cold. I really felt for the volunteers out on the course and for a few minutes, I really did think about not doing it.
Anyway, 2hrs and 8 mins later I'm at the finish line, still so cold that I couldn't feel my feet or fingers. Slightly disappointed that last year I got a sub 2hr, but knew this year with health and various injuries that I wouldn't get that again. Achilles wasn't as bad as Id expected it to be, but it was very well strapped which clearly worked. Just couldn't stop my teeth chattering and a long walk to the car didnt help!
The worst thing of all , was that the bag drop, was literally that, all the bags had been dumped into the area near the finish line, onto the ground but in the poring rain, no shelter, so all the contents of all the bags were soaked!! Everyone was sooooo cold, with no warm dry clothes and they had also ran out of foil blankets for the marathon finishers, some of whom were not in a good way at all.
Normally this is a really well organised event, but something went really wrong this year.......๐ฉ๐ฉ