Hello running people. How’s it all going?
I’ve been thinking recently of how hard we work our bodies when we do this running thing. We know it’s a high impact exercise. All the miles we run, all the effort, the stress on our joints and bones 🥵 And for some, the extra stuff like the cross training, the strengthening work, the complementary exercises, the training plans, the races.
I’m sure most of us here are good runners 😇 and try to adhere to the Running Rulebook. We eat properly and keep hydrated and try to get decent sleep. But sometimes maybe we need to give our running bodies a little treat just to say thank you for putting up with all of our demands.
With all these thoughts in mind, I was out for lunch with a friend a few weeks ago and she was raving about this Thai massage she had had and how fabulous it was and that it was only in our nearest town… blah blah. She was going on and on about it and how she had already tempted two friends to go and then her husband. And they all thought it was divine and ….. … well, needless to say I booked an appointment and went.
Oh, my goodness!! I normally aim to have a sports massage once a month to keep the niggles at bay but, with the best will in the world, you can’t call a sports massage a relaxing experience 😫 But this was a completely different experience.
My therapist had such strong hands and knew exactly where my tight bits were and worked to loosen them up considerably. My neck, shoulders and back were especially rigid which I already knew but she also found tights bits on my hamstrings (that was a surprise) which could have been contributing to my lower back stiffness. She even worked on my feet and each toe which was bliss and they did crack a bit 🤣 but felt really good. The rest of my running body was relatively OK 🙂
She suggested that I do more warmup exercises for my shoulders before each run and basically I have to do those aeroplane movements which I think will be a lot of fun 😂
I slept like a baby that night and my body (and head) have clearly appreciated the attention.
What about you? Do you have any regular treatments or treats to help your running body? If not, then maybe it’s time to think about it. Go on, you know you’re worth it 🥰
Run hard, play hard but remember the treats too.
From The Marathon Team xxx
⭐️ If you have a race coming up in July, any distance, and would like a pompom cheer then go here:
⭐️ If you have run any of these distances you can claim a shiny new badge:
10 miles
Half Marathon
Metric Marathon (26.2K)
Ultra (50K and beyond)