WEEKLY CHAT 27 FEBRUARY - 5 MARCH 🧁☕️🫖 - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

Fun Beyond 10K & Race Support

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Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon
73 Replies

Hello running people. It’s time to pull up a comfy chair, get the kettle on and settle down to share your news and read what your VRBs are up to. How’s your running world? What’s been happening? 

We’ve had a great response to Linda’s post about our HUHM and 10K on 14th May. If you haven’t yet signed up then head there now!  The more the merrier. It’ll be so much fun 🤗


I’m delighted to report that my running is going really well at the minute. The back stiffness I had for nearly a year disappeared almost immediately after I had a soft tissue sports massage from a fabulous new therapist. She’s a runner too so she knows how badly I needed to get back to a decent routine again. Between her and a great osteopath I’m good to go!

However, now that I can do my long runs again, I’d forgotten how much faffing I do getting ready to head out. On the faffometer scale of 1-10 I’m probably a 9!

A case in point was yesterday when I didn’t know what to wear. I popped outside in my dressing gown and it was cool but quite sunny so I thought I’d wear capris and a light top. Then the Tailwind mixing and the taping of my fourth toe which always gives me grief on longer runs. Than my back exercises and warmup.  By that stage the sun had disappeared and clouds had appeared. I went outside and realised I’d have to change as it was colder than I first thought. So, a quick change and then yet another decision, peaky cap or beanie? I opted for the peaked cap and sunglasses. Eventually I headed out.

Five minutes into the warmup I knew I’d have to go back for the beanie 🙄 Honestly, what a faff! I wish I could just get up and run, but I can’t. I need to have everything just right. I am the Goldilocks of running 🤣

What about you? Do you faff? What sort of things do you faff about? Or maybe you don’t faff at all and you just go out and run…. 😇 Tell us here.

Whatever you’re up to this week, have great runs and even if you’re not running at the minute then remember you’ll always be a runner here 😍

From The Marathon Team xxx


🎽If you have an event in March and want a pompom cheer or you just want to see what events your VRBs are doing then click on this link:


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Irishprincess profile image
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73 Replies
RunWillie profile image

Hi Irishprincess & other VRB’s,

So happy to hear all is well with your running IP 😍

I am certainly not a faffer. I check the weather and lay my running clothes with appropriate kit including runners by my bed the night before so I’m ready to go! My husband on the other hand 🙄 I can wait at least half an hour for him to faff. It drives me crazy so thankfully we don’t run together very often.

I’m on week 14 of my HM plan. It is another 32 mile week but it’s stinking hot here so I may need to adjust that. I did a 15k last week as my long run & did a 8K at threshold pace with a total of 30 miles run. My post tib is niggling a little after Saturday’s fast run. I think my new speedy shoes will not be used for my HM as I have a feeling they’ve aggravated it. Will take it easy this week & go and see the Physio if needed.

Happy week everyone ❤️🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️

Today’s run - 34 degrees still 🔥
Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie

First time I can remember seeing clouds on one of your Photos RW…it clearly doesn’t help with the heat much! I would be straight to my physio with that niggle; a stitch in time and all that. I know that sometimes the effects of the treatment make things a bit worse for a few days, but better than having a longer term injury caused by leaving it too long.

I have no doubt you have it all under control.

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Thanks Beachcomber66 👍🏻

It’s a niggle that appears every now and again since I injured it flying down a hill trying to get a sub 30 after graduating C25k. It normally goes away if I drop the speed & do my exercises. Physio is always super busy so an appointment is not always easy to come by.

I never have anything under control with my life which is why I’m so uptight with the basics like getting dressed in the right running clothes 🤣

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie

I meant to say that I have no doubt…..now edited!

You have a lot on your plate which you can’t control!! Young family for a start….great that they run too. 🙂

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie

I can lay my clothes out the night before too RW but then come the day I can change my mind 🙄

That’s a high mileage HM plan you have there! But it sounds as if you're doing really well and getting the runs ticked off.

I hope that niggle behaves and doesn't get in your way. Have a great week 🙂

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Thanks  Irishprincess 😍

I’ve just come back from an easy 7 miler & the niggle is gone but I’m going to take that as my long run this week & not push it.

I’ve never followed a HM plan except Hanson’s so I don’t know whether it’s high but it is in line with what I normally do per week. I think I like Hanson’s plan as it’s 6 runs a week & keeps the long run around 30% of the weekly mileage. The Hanson marathon plan does scare me though 🤣

Today’s run 🔥 Hot not fast!
Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie

If you're already doing that level of mileage then I think you’re in great shape to take on a full Marathon!

Gorgeous photo. I need a bit of sun right now 😎

ForbiddenPlanet profile image
ForbiddenPlanetHalf Marathon

Excellent news on the back "front" IP!

I have multiple sets of the same kind of kit so I don't need to think when getting ready. Pretty much always short sleeves - I've tried long sleeves but always regret it once I've warmed up.

I began low heart rate running two weeks ago, setting a 120 bpm max on my watch.

There was talk of a 10K VR on Linda's thread last week, and somehow my usual run crept up from 8 km to 10 ...

My pace had been gradually increasing from an initial 2 min slower than usual, and on Friday I completed a 10K a minute faster than one of my first 10K's in December 2019.

However, this time around my average HR was 118 versus 146 in 2019!

All down to the human body which is amazing, but it seems this old dog can still learn a new trick.

Still early days trying this technique but I hope to learn much more in the coming months.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to ForbiddenPlanet

It’s fun experimenting isn’t it? There’s always something new to learn no matter where we are with the running.

That’s quite a difference with your HR! You’ve obviously worked on it so good for you. Keep going 👍

ForbiddenPlanet profile image
ForbiddenPlanetHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Thank you - indeed - before I began C25K I had no idea there was so much to running! 😅 And the reduction in effort / HR feels like a nice payback for regular running since summer 2021. 😀

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to ForbiddenPlanet

We do get a great return from our running 🙂

Frenc profile image
FrencHalf Marathon

That’s such great news that you’re back to running longer distances, well done you 😁!

Re faffage don’t get me started. It usually revolves around how many things I can strap to my head. Then there’s how many quick toilet trips (why does the thought of running always make me want to tiddle more 🤣?). Also the laces on my right shoe have to be just right which can take an age. Plus Vaseline on my boobs (don’t ask).

Running wise it will be last run of my repeat C25K tomorrow - yay! Am in little to no pain now from hamstring tendinitis, flipping horrible that it was, so really looking forward to building back up afterwards, just in time for Spring.

All the best IP! 😁😁😁

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Frenc

Ah yes the toilet thing! I’m guilty of that as well. It’s a wonder we get out the door at all Frenc 🤣

I won’t ask about Vaseline on the boobs but I do put Vaseline on the crooks of my arms as they get an itchy rash especially in summer.

Yeah to your last re-run of C25K 👏 and great news that you're in no pain. Roll on spring and happy joyful running for us 💐🏃‍♀️🤗

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

Good morning your highness. You are clearly back in good fettle. I wish that I could say the same! Chest cold, average resting heart rate up 10 and not allowed to even think about going out for a run!Coach Bennett and pals will have to wait. I should be running 10 miles today ☹️. I hate that fitness slipping away feeling! Enough whining!!

Faffage! I sometimes take a while to get out of the door. I usually run in the morning, so first job is make breakfast porridge with honey (not the instant stuff) so that takes a while, and then an hour has to be added on for digestion. Next is 15 minutes treatment of my left knee with a hot water bottle. That is the legacy of runners’ knee/plica 3 years ago. It really works to loosen up the joint. Next comes my asthma inhalers which are a must. Choosing what to wear come last. It is a question of layers really and whether more than one top layer is needed. If it is, how thick should it be? I am pretty good at making sure that my phone and headphones are charged in advance. So that leaves making sure that I have money for post run coffee and brownie, plus a drink if distance/weather requires. My worst habit is listening to the news for too long before carrying out the hot water bottle treatment; activities which should be done in parallel.Finally, download my chosen guided run, pick up keys in case Mrs BC is out when I return, on with shoes and I am out there!It is rare that that I have to return home because I have forgotten something or have changed my mind about clothing; but it happens!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Oh no BC, sorry you are suffering with a cold. There still seems to be loads going around at the minute. I blame the extended chilly winter 🥶

I do hope you recover soon but it is incredibly frustrating to get another setback just when you were doing so well…... Grrrrrr 🤬

But I am relieved to see a fellow faffer here. I have sometimes faffed around so much that I got to the front door and realised I had forgotten my running shoes 🤣

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

I think that I have got worse year on year. I am not saying this is an age thing; the problem is all the trappings and gizmos we acquire as we develop as running. C25k involved trackie bottoms tee-shirt and leisure trainers, plus shorts eventually. After C25k came running watch, proper running shoes, different shirts, shorts etc, drinks bottle, running tights for cold weather, head torch for night runs, bone conducting head phones etc etc and so everything became more complicated and presented more opportunities to forget something. It’s ok provided I am running from home. If I am travelling, I compile a pre flight check list, just to be sure..Faffage is just being careful.👍

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

I know what you mean. We do seem to acquire this stuff but I’m not sure we really need it all.

There is a runner I see sometimes on my roads and he looks pretty experienced. Why have I come to this conclusion? His gait, his leg movement, things like that. But mostly it’s because he dresses in grotty clothes and shoes. I mean, he looks like he doesn't care about all that stuff, he just cares about the running thing. I always feel over-dressed when I see him 😂 I’ve been thinking recently perhaps less is more……

PS He’s probably passing me and thinking that I look so slick and professional that he needs to get his act together and invest in new gear 😂🤣

I know…I know 🏃‍♀️

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

you may both be right 🙂

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

I confess I’m a faffer Irishprincess . If I’m doing a tourist parkrun I prepare everything for the night before, and we are out the door and into the car on time and usually arrive early. But on an average day, I’m faffing with tech and what to wear and rarely get out on time, unless I’m meeting up with friends after, which helps focus the mind.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

Another faffer! It’s all part of my routine now Dexy 😂

Cmoi profile image

Thanks for hosting  Irishprincess , and fabulous that your running's going so well!

Once I've decided I'm going for a run I don't usually faff much. If I do it's probably re choice of listening!

Having taken it very easy last week my dodgy knee is better, my attitude definitely isn't. Really not feeling any urge to train, progress or whatever right now, and numbers, stats and algorithms are doing my head in. So I dumped the technology again for my second run last week, and I'm planning a weekly Garmin and Strava-free run.

My laziness has been helped by the return of the snow, or at least a light dusting of it, last night, as per photo collage. Middle image shows one of the tracks during this morning's super-chilled, in every sense of the word, 7k. Ran up to the trees in the background but turned back as the road was too icy up there. Other photos are from this afternoon's dog walk!

Happy running, all!

Dog enjoying snow-dusted tracks, fields and forest in France
Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

Oh my goodness! It looks pretty but I don't blame you if you're fed up with by now. Doggie seems to be enjoying it though 🤗

Great news that your knee feels ok. It’s always such a relief when our niggles disappear.

Enjoy your tech-free running 🏃‍♀️

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

I actually prefer running in the cold to running in the heat, so that's a plus point! Snow's fine too, it's ice that I hate, and yesterday there were quite a few icy patches. Not nearly as bad as last month though. Still below freezing but road looks dry now, so might go out later. 😀🏃‍♀️

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

Enjoy 😎

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

I did, thanks. Unrecorded, so no faffage or stressing about stupid stats! 😈

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingHalf Marathon

Really great you’re feeling better. It’s so nice when it feels like you’re at least going in the right direction. Long may that continue!

I’m such a faffer. The main thing is over what to wear, which always seems to be wrong at the moment. Then there’s which run to do (I’m nominally following the NRC HM plan…I’m sticking to the spirit of it and doing the long run every week but I’ve subbed in other recovery runs of the same length or different speed runs if I haven’t fancied the ones on offer). If it’s a long run, there’s the whole debate of what I need in terms of snacks. And which podcast to listen to.

I’m sure it was much easier back in the couch to 5k days when the next run was set and I hardly had any kit!

I’ve been ill too. Finally started feeling a bit better and have been out for a short comeback run and a speed run, both with the lovely coach B. I feel so much better that I’m just out there doing something and was pleasantly surprised that I didn’t feel too out of shape. The half marathon in five weeks feels very close after losing two weeks and still not feeling quite up to a full training week. I’ve made peace with jeffing if I need to and I’m much calmer about it now.

A bit of a hill to climb but at least there’s sunshine at the end!

Hill with blue skies
Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to MissUnderstanding

Losing two weeks is fine, you’ve done the bulk of the training so you're more than ready for race day 🤗 and you’ve got a few more weeks too. How exciting!

Blue skies and a bit of sunshine make such a difference, we just need more of them at the minute 😎

That’s a lovely photo btw. Happy running to you 🤗

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Thanks for the encouragement! I’ve got an opportunity to do some trial sessions with a personal trainer who specialises in running so hopefully he’ll get me feeling strong and confident again. Now I’ve actually been for a couple of runs and found them ok, I’m much happier. The NRC plan has a cutback week on the long run (13.1k) which is a great time to pick it up again. I’d been putting off looking at it in case it was something really scary this week! That’s for another day though-I can feel yesterday’s intervals in my legs!!!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to MissUnderstanding

That sounds like a great plan. And sessions with a personal trainer! Go you 👍

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

I’m really excited about it. I had a PT a few years ago and I loved it. Was sad to say goodbye when we moved. She got me miles outside my comfort zone and in the best shape I’ve been in. The idea of being there again is a great prospect!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to MissUnderstanding

Let us know how you get on. It sounds a great opportunity!

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles

Clothes and hats, yes they have to be right, put my leggings on inside out once, mini temper tantrum and went to change them, wouldn't have bothered but they have pockets for my phone which were on the inside. We went to look at Stonehenge but didn't in the end today, now in a hotel in Bath, looking forward to my run along the canal path tomorrow, then to the spa.

8 weeks to retirement day 😃😃😃😃😃😃 not that I'm counting mind

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to SueAppleRun

Not much ! xxx

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Oldfloss

Every day off is more special now too and I have two lots of five days leave in march

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to SueAppleRun

This is all sounding very exciting.. !

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

Fantastic; all that occupational stress evaporating !🙂

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Beachcomber66

It certainly is, we left home yesterday and I was running through what needed doing and today, run and spa, really relaxed

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

Wonderful; you have earned this ….and lots more.🙂

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Beachcomber66

Devon on May 😃 and France at some point but what I'm looking forward to most is my daily run and regular swimming

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

🚀….sky’s the limit 😂

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

Haha 😂 I once ran a whole 7K with my top turned inside out and only realised when I got home. I’m sure no one noticed!

Oooh, enjoy Bath. One of my favourite cities. I was there last Friday 😍

I hope you enjoyed/will enjoy the run. And the spa!!! Lucky you 🧖‍♀️

It’ll be a brave new world when you retire. Enjoy the build-up and Bath 🤗

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Irishprincess

Loved it ☺️ we had best meale er yesterday evening,good night's sleep, run short one, spa wonderful, on way home

TailChaser profile image

Hi IP! It’s so good do hear you sound excited about running again. I hope 2023 brings you all that you missed last year.

I don’t faff as much as I used to. I reckon it’s probably because I approach most runs half asleep at the moment, so I’m practically on automatic. Apart from the weekends, most of my runs are either first thing in the morning with  Shake-and-run or straight after work and I have to get them done quickly. Parkrun is never faffy, so that just leaves Sunday which is probably ‘super faff-day’ where a concentrated amount of faffing goes on! Maybe I should just get up early and do them so they’re like the runs with Shakes 😂

So, this week is creaking into life, literally. I seem to have seized up. However, after two days of feeling like this, I think I have finally worked out why: After the last Winter Series run a week ago I expected some stiffness but usually it just fades away after a few days. I’ve been doing my HM training since and done a few interval sessions, and initially I put the blame on them as I’m just not recovering. I even blamed the Thunderbolt pose I did in a yoga session. So what has been different to the other Winter Series runs that could be making this so difficult? And I suddenly remembered: ibuprofen!

I had a tooth out about 2.5 weeks ago and I spent over a week alternating paracetamol and ibuprofen because it was so painful. I gradually took less as the pain subsided but only in the last 5 days or so have I not taken anything or very little. That coincides with the Winter Series recovery. If my muscles have got used to the anti-flammatory fix of the ibuprofen and I’ve taken it away from them then surely that’s going to have some effect on my run recoveries? I can’t think what else it can be because I’ve never had this problem before, and I’ve never taken so much ibuprofen before - I normally avoid it at all costs and just stick with paracetamol!

So running is off the menu for a few days as I’m having problems just walking let alone running. Once I get going I’m not too bad but if I put too much force down I certainly know about it. I have found something tonight though that really helped. I did a Yoga with Adriene session that was just heavenly. I did Yoga for Hips and Lower Back. It’s on my list of favourites but tonight it just went to another level. I felt soooo good afterwards I just wanted to do it again! Unfortunately I had to make dinner 🙄… but I now know what I’m going to do, other than trying to keep mobile, for the next few days.

I don’t think this is a long term problem and now I’ve done that yoga session I think I know what I need to do. I’m going to be kind to myself this week and hopefully ease back into it as the week progresses.

Have a great runny week everyone and I’ll join you in my running shoes again very soon 😊

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to TailChaser

Ouch that sounds very painful TC. Having a tooth out is not fun and it affects our running! I had one taken out years ago and the dentist told me not to run or do any exercise for a week! WHAT!! It’s all to do with the blood clotting isn’t it?

But you’ve done great detective work there working out what was causing your aches and pains. It does make sense. And I think your plan of taking it easy for a wee while will work wonders. Lots of TLC and soothing vibes coming your way 🧘‍♀️😌

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Thanks IP. Thankfully my dentist only advised 24 hours, not sure I could cope with a week! It probably didn’t help how long it hurt for but needs must. It seemed to clot over quite quickly.

Funny how one little tooth can have so many repercussions! Feeling a little looser today so a bit more yoga tonight 🤞🤞🤞

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon in reply to TailChaser

I’m really sorry to hear about your tooth TC. I do hope you recover soon. I’m also intrigued that you think the ibuprofen might have had an effect on your muscles and recovery. It’s not something I’ve considered before and food for thought as I do take my fair share of those especially before and sometimes after training for my back. I will also look up that yoga video you mention. It sounds great as I have back and hip issues.

Get well soon 👍

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to RunBrianRun

Hi Brian, thanks, yeah, I had a sports massage yesterday and my therapist agreed with me. I have a really tight ITB, so that was irritated but the ibuprofen kept it calm, so I kept running… Haven’t run since Saturday and I’m starting to get really fed up. I’ve done that yoga session 3 times now and 20 minutes on my Shakti mat last night. It is a very good one but maybe I should find another tonight 🤣 It is getting better but I still think I need to rest it. I’ve got a month till my next race 🤞🤞🤞Hope that yoga session helps you too Brian 👍

Comfortnotspeed profile image

Oh my word IP. Faffage. There should be an award for it. I usually set off early so I worry about waking hubby up. I always think I’ve put everything ready but there’s always the odd sock or a hair bobble or something missing. Then there‘s the stuff that should be charged up: phone, watch, earphones, head torch. Then the apps need setting up (NRC ) and that means glasses. I always set off wearing them and have to run back and leave them on the windowsill.

Oh and the mornings the dog decides he needs to come with… well there’s all his stuff. I’m amazed I leave fully clothed, with the house safely locked up in case burglars get in while hubby is asleep! The dog finds it fun to drag me away from the door while I try to lock up and put the key safe, turn the Garmin on, fish out a tissue and a doggie doo bag and, oh yes… start running 😂

Cowladyrunning profile image
CowladyrunningMarathon in reply to Comfortnotspeed

🤣 I have to make sure the cat is shut in otherwise she follows me and gets lost on way home because she's daft!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cowladyrunning

Aw, she just wants to go out with you. My cat once followed me to school and then I worried the whole day whether she got home ok. She did stop at the school gates though 😍 wise cat.

Cowladyrunning profile image
CowladyrunningMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Yes she loves coming for walks. Round the farm is fine but once she followed us round a bigger route that came back through the village and she didn't come home. She stopped at the house she was near for a day (she had dived in their hedge and refused to come out so we carried on thinking she'd find her own way) - so they took her in thinking she was a stray and when I texted to say she was missing they brought her back reluctantly! Hence daft label for her!!!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cowladyrunning

They do say cats have second homes….or third…😻

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Comfortnotspeed

Haha 😂🤣 yes that’s definitely faffage right there! But you do very well with a dog to look after too. I don’t think I’d cope if I took a dog….🤷‍♀️

Cowladyrunning profile image

Hey I'm glad your running is going well IP! And laughing away at your Faffometer 🤣 Yes yes yes.... I'm totally on the Faff spectrum which is why I do most my runs first thing in morning (6.30 am ish) because I don't have time to then. But come a daytime Sunday long run I definitely faff. Most of mine stems from worrying about being 'seen' 🙄 (it took me a long time to actually run in public spaces when I started c25k) (even though my nearest public space is a country lane with barely anyone on it 🙊) I take a long time to build up confidence to go out. Which is why I'm pushing myself to do the trail runs around here...on my own.... on faffometer I'm an 8 or 9 then 🤣 As for my running now - still not running much post covid.... I'm trying to do strength instead. I just can't get back to feeling 'right'.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cowladyrunning

I’m so happy there’s another 8 or 9 here 😂 and it’s not just me.

Good for you to take on the trails. Are you enjoying them? I love running off-road but that’s another type of faffage I’ve found 🙄

Sorry to read that you're still not 100%. This ruddy COVID takes no prisoners. But the strength training will work wonders and benefit your running so much.

Every day is a day of recovery and gets you closer to where you want to be.

Take care x

Cowladyrunning profile image
CowladyrunningMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Yes I am enjoying the trails. Just a bit hilly round here so not much running gets done but I figure walking the hills will still benefit me! Thank you for your well wishes.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cowladyrunning

Walking is great exercise!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Haha, you really are a faffer aren’t you IP? 😅 That’s ok, as long as you factor in faffing time beforehand. It wouldn’t do to have to shorten your run because you faffed so much. 😅 I’m so relieved that you’re back running by the way. Such great news. 🥰

I’m not a clothing or tech faffer, and I don’t normally need to lay things out in advance (except on race eve, when everything is pretty much labelled with order of putting on!) I have a designated running only chest of drawers so I know where everything is. 😀

What I do faff with is where to run. 🙄 The only run I can do from my door is a killer trail one (which I did a few times when my friend’s dog was staying) and it needs to include walking. The common is a mile away, but hard work, Ashton Court is 10 minutes away (but it’s 😱), I try to avoid driving into Bristol, I don’t always fancy the gym, I’m not keen on my old tow path route so my new go-to long easy flat route is WSM, but that’s 25 mins away. You can probably see my dilemma!

I’m still off games with this cough though, so I’ll have a few more days to decide where to run next time!

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

I used to do a 50 minute round trip to the coast most days with Molly. Add in a lengthy walk, it took up way too much time even for a retiree. The Common is an old friend who has helped you to build up all of that strength and stamina with Flossie at your side, opening the door to all of your amazing runs. I am lucky to have a ten minute walk to the woods and then the North Yorks Moors on my doorstep; lots of hills though! I am too far away from the rich mixture of sun kissed organised runs further south. So no real run faffage for me; I just make a quick decision the night before. Often the intended distance makes the choice for me. Each run is different though; encountering different people, wildlife….as soon as this chest cold goes ………🙂

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

You’re right BC. I shouldn’t grumble about the Common as it was my friend every day during lockdown. I could run there from the house then, and not even have to look to cross the notoriously busy A38 at the end of our road! If I did that now ……. 😱

Running on the Moors sounds like my little Common on steroids! 😅 I hope you’re back running soon. I did a 6k hilly dog walk this morning and nope, I’m clearly not ready to run again just yet. Enough already. 🙄

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

I managed a 2k walk; struggled to start with, but then I was so glad to be out. 🙂

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Absolutely. Fresh air is a real tonic isn’t it? Just wish that wind wasn’t so 🥶 though.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

It’s still freezing out there 🥶

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

We drove past Ashton Court last week on our way to Noah’s Ark! I was nattering away and telling my husband all about the parkrun there (what I’ve heard, I’ve never been) but I don’t think he was listening 🤣

I see your dilemma Munks. Perhaps you could write the choices on bits of paper and just pick one out. Leave it to fate. Now, that could be fun 🤗

Sorry that your cough is still hanging around. Is this from the same cold you had before Christmas or a different one? There seem to be loads still doing the rounds.

I hope you feel better soon and you can decide which route to run 🤔😍

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Oh I like your “lucky dip” idea IP! It would just be my luck to pick Ashton Court 3 runs on the trot or something! 🥵

Mr IP didn’t glaze over when you mentioned PR did he? 😅 Mr Cheeky pretends to be interested but isn’t good as disguising the glaze. 😅😅 You should come for a run at AC just for a laugh one day. Let me know if you fancy it - there’s a lovely coffee shop (just saying!) 😈

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Mr IP used to run so I think he understands but I know I am more “passionate” about it than he ever was. I once asked him how he managed in icy conditions and he just looked puzzled and replied, “I just went out and ran”. 🤣🤣

A meet-up at AC…. Mmmn I might do that Munks 😍

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Ooooo! 😀 👏

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon

Hello IP and thanks for hosting the chat this week. I’m so happy for you that you’re on the mend. I have to say that there’s nothing quite like a good sports massage to help with a sore back. They can work absolute wonders and I really recommend them. I try to have one a month if I can.

I don’t know if counts as faffing but faffer but I send ages preparing before a race or track session. It’s an unbelievable amount of stuff that I need on my technical training sessions and I usually start preparing at least the day before. I could list the stuff here but it would take too long. And that’s before I decide what to wear and look at weather conditions.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunBrianRun

I can only imagine the amount of kit you have to prepare for your races Brian, probably things I’d never even heard of! But it’s clearly all paying off evident from your last post 🏃‍♂️

I normally have a sports massage once a month too but it just goes to show the difference between therapists. I tried this new one because she works in the same clinic as my osteopath and my usual therapist just wasn't getting rid of the tightness. She concentrated on my back only last time but I’m with her next week so she can have a go on my legs and glutes 🙀

Hedgehogs123 profile image
Hedgehogs123Metric Marathon

I have my first HM in 6 weeks (eek, Im excited but nervous!!!)

Then Im doing the Yorkshire 3 peaks in May with our local running club. Blimey, I certainly now realise how very different trail and hill running is compared to road. My legs just don't know what on earth Im doing to them!!

Lots of different training going on for strength, stamina and flexibility, oh yes and foam rolling, (ouch!!!.)😬

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Hedgehogs123

You’re on a roll! Literally with the foam roller 🤣 Masochistic Magic I call it 😫but it works.

Hedgehogs123 profile image
Hedgehogs123Metric Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

uis it supposed to hurt so much??? I did a fair bit last night along with massage as my glutes, calves and quads were quite sore, this morning, they don't feel tight at all , so clearly it is helping. On another subject, do you ever use the clothes magnet things to hold your race bib in place and if you do, do they work?

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Hedgehogs123

It does hurt but it eases off the more you use them. Make sure you're not doing too much (no more than 2 minutes per muscle) and don’t push down hard (I’m guilty of this and then end up with bruises 🙄)

I’ve not used the magnet studs. I keep meaning to try them but I just stick with safety pins.

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