Hey hey hey hey hey hey!
Goodness gosh it's Friday again - get those pom poms out!!!! π
We've got another super lineup so let's all hear you cheerπππ
On Saturday, May 21st:
π₯³ UnfitNoMore running his Solo 50k in North Wales!!!!
On Sunday, Many 22nd:
π₯³ Lizcanrun in the Great West Run Half Marathon!!!! thegreatwestrun.co.uk/
π₯³ Fran6500 in the Semi-Marathon International de Nice 10K!!!! ahotu.com/event/semi-marath...
π₯³ aliboo70 in the Newchurch 9k!!!! eventrac.co.uk/e/the-newchu...
π₯³ SkiMonday in the Hackney Half Marathon!!!! run.limelightsports.club/ev...
π₯³ Tom-cat in the Great Manchester Run Half Marathon!!!! greatrun.org/events/great-m...
And on Monday, May 23rd:
π₯³ RunBrianRun may be in the Sussex Masters 200m and Relay in Lewes - hope you're good to go, Brian? sussexathletics.net/sussex-...
β Did I miss someone? Comment below!
To these amazing athletes, and to everyone else racing this weekend - BON COURAGE AND HAVE ALL THE FUN!!!!!!!!!!
The Marathon Team xxx
β Want a badge? 10 miles, HM, Metric Marathon, Marathon or Ultra (50K and beyond) go here: healthunlocked.com/marathon...