Brilliant stress-busting run this eve... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Brilliant stress-busting run this evening!

Redcello41 profile image
Redcello41Half Marathon
33 Replies

Today I decided to go for a 25 minute run after work using the Nike app, specifically a guided run called 'stress free run'. I have found this week very tough and the reality of the virus and how it's affecting my life just hit me rather hard a few days ago and ended up sobbing and in tears on the phone to my mum. I just felt this profound sense of loss that everything that I enjoy like choir, driving lessons, church, concert work and teaching piano had all suddenly been taken away and I'm left with food retail job (Sainsbury's) that I haven't really been enjoying for about a year now. Of course work has also been stressful with all the panic-buyers, less stock and a few people kicking off about our item restrictions too which didn't help how I was feeling either! This all happened when I wasn't running this week either to recover from my recent half marathon, so everything came to a head at the worst possible time to be honest! So it's safe to say that I have been feeling very stressed and worried about the whole thing so today I decided to just go for a run - My ankles have been niggling for the past few days but it got to a point that if I didn't go for a run today, I would have gone mad (or felt like it anyway...)!

So I got my trainers on, headphones in, headed out the door and just ran my usual route. I didn't care how far I was going or how fast my pace was, I just wanted to run to get rid of this stress and worry I have been battling with all week and boy, it was exactly what I needed! What struck me during the run was that I felt so strong and accomplished not just physically but also mentally! I was expecting there to be niggles from my half marathon last Sunday but there were no sign of them at all! I felt amazing and was going quite fast towards the end! I felt unstoppable! I also reminded myself that even though a lot is happening at the moment that you can't control, there is one thing you can control and it is going out for this run and nailing it! I now feel so much better and this I why I love running, it's a great relief from stress! I feel like I have more control over my thoughts now too - worried thoughts are still entering my head but less often and I can push them away a lot more easily now compared to before my run!

I also can't believe that it's a exactly a week ago that I ran my first half marathon! Madness! Hope we can still enjoy our running during this time and stay safe everyone! :-D

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Redcello41 profile image
Half Marathon
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33 Replies

Running is good for the soul redC be strong 💪

Redcello41 profile image
Redcello41Half Marathon in reply to

Yes so good! :-D

You did the right thing then, you ran and it did its job.. Its great when you can slip a pair of trainers on and escape it all, you are in control and nothing can get in the way.

It's going to be hard for us all for the next while but more so for people like you who are supplying us all with our foods etc.. I hope you know that we all appreciate this very much..

If you need to chat you know you will always find someone on here to chat with, all you need to do is say hello.

Go out your feet up and have a cup of tea, relax and enjoy your evening.

Take care...

Redcello41 profile image
Redcello41Half Marathon in reply to

Yeah, I'm just so grateful that I can still run at the moment, many people round the world can't unfortunately. But we will get through it and be all the more grateful for the things we have when things go back to normal! :-)

in reply to Redcello41

What will you do if you can't get out to run, anything planned?


Redcello41 profile image
Redcello41Half Marathon in reply to

Either run around in circles in my small living room (my housemates won't be too happy about that hahaha) or maybe even rent a treadmill? How about you? :-)

in reply to Redcello41

You can rent them, that's good.

I have a treadmill and loads of other equipment..

You find videos to follow on YouTube that will keep you going.. 😊

Redcello41 profile image
Redcello41Half Marathon in reply to

It's good that you have a treadmill! I've been looking up strength work outs on youtube and just found a brilliant one by The Running Channel! Will post it somewhere when I get a chance! :-)

in reply to Redcello41

It's handy having it.

Would be good to see it, I'll look out for it 😊

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

You are not alone in feeling overwhelmed at times Redcello41 . It is completely understandable and I think we all empathise. I have found it tough today. As from tomorrow (I work in a school) we will be working two weeks on, two weeks off - providing for our Keyworker and vulnerable children. It's going to feel very different😕 but I know we will all support each other through these difficult times, as best we can. Well done for running today and glad to hear that it helped you. I will run tomorrow (not in school for next two weeks) and like you, I really feel I need it!

Big shout out to all the amazing supermarket staff too👍👏 - I know it has been crazy and you are all worth your weight in gold! Thank you so much for all you are doing and let's just hope that the panic buying settles soon!

Take care, stay strong and run often!🙂x

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Sandraj39

That's interesting to hear - two weeks on and two off? I guess there isn't a standard approach then? My daughter is working as normal, albeit with combined classes as many staff members are off ill or self isolating. When I say as normal, I mean normal term time hours. But also she has been asked to work through the Easter holidays! As she teaches in a SEN school ALL the pupils are entitled to be in school. She's 24 and I have to say she is feeling utterly overwhelmed just now 🙁. And everyone thinks schools are shut and teachers are therefore off work!!!

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to linda9389

Sorry, I just opened a valve there to let off a bit of steam which has been building all weekend. I clearly shouldn't be venting at you but somehow it helps to directbit towards the kindly ears of someone who probably understands the setting 🙏

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon in reply to linda9389

No worries - I totally understand your concern for your daughter. It must be especially tough in the SEN schools - I have worked in a special school, so am fully aware of the demands and how hard something like 'social distancing' will be. Really sorry your daughter is finding all this so overwhelming - it is so hard. We too are open during the easter 'holidays'. 😞 Really wish I had a job where I could work fully from home right now - at least I'm on a rota and we have a small group of children.

Btw, I've heard of a couple of other places using the two team approach - both veterinary teams. Obviously everything will be under review, so we will see how things work out. 🤞

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Sandraj39

I've just been chatting to her again. Her mood is up and down like a yo-yo. She's spent all weekend in her room because she thinks she is a risk to the rest of us in the house. I don't think that's helping her either! At the end of the day, she's well aware that others are in a much harder position, particularly anyone working in the NHS. As you say, things will no doubt keep changing too. All the best to you though. I'm working because I can do so safely, but I'm not contributing in anyway to the fight against this virus; we'd be nowhere without all you amazing key workers - teachers, NHS, food chain workers, etc ... 🙏🙏🙏

Redcello41 profile image
Redcello41Half Marathon in reply to Sandraj39

I am glad that I am not alone, we are all in the same boat. I am feeling much better than I did last week and am really getting stuck into running now which is a lifesaver! :-)

misswobble profile image

Well done 😃💪👍🏃‍♀️

I hope you feel better now

Good luck with work. I hope things settle down for you at work 🙂👍

Redcello41 profile image
Redcello41Half Marathon in reply to misswobble

Thank you! Things have settled down at work thankfully but I do still sometimes have a few customers kick off about the item restrictions we have put in place. I had this one guy kick off about cat food last week!

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Redcello41

Some folks ey 😕🤷‍♀️ I was in our little co-op yesterday, having patiently queued, and the assistant was saying that someone kicked off, swearing and being abusive. He’s now barred. They don’t need the stress do they

They had someone outside managing the queue He had a smiley face and hand gel 😁. He was ascertaining what folks were after (if they didn’t mind saying) so they weren’t standing in line needlessly. I was wanting salad 🥗 they’d had none previously so when the shout rang out that they had fresh salad, it was cheers all round 😁.

Redcello41 profile image
Redcello41Half Marathon in reply to misswobble

Yeah some people, I just don't understand it! We've had increased thefts in my store too which is rather annoying!

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Redcello41

Oh eck 😖

Redcello41 profile image
Redcello41Half Marathon in reply to misswobble

Yeah, not fun... ☹

linda9389 profile image

Brilliant RC! I love that you are feeling strong. Your body has clearly recovered very well. Freedom running after the stress of focusing on a specific event for weeks is so uplifting.

You're right, we have to concentrate on the things we can influence and cobtrol, and we have to let everything else go.

I have huge respect for people working in food retail right now, unsung heroes. Well done.

Stay positive and always remember how restorative your next run has the power to be 😍

Redcello41 profile image
Redcello41Half Marathon in reply to linda9389

Thank you! Yes it is very important to do things you can control when life is up in the air and my running is really helping at the moment! :-)

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Wonderful Redcello. We’re so very lucky to have our running. You proved that to yourself. Keep it up too. At least the weather is being kind to us (although that wind can disappear whenever it fancies!) 💨💨

Huge kudos to you for working in the supermarket. It seems the vast majority of people are being sensible and sane, but a small minority are being totally pig-headed. Like the ones who refuse to remain socially distant. Argghhh. 😡

Anyway, you’re fantastic. Stay well, stay safe and stay running. We’re all here for each other and we will pull through this. ❤️

Redcello41 profile image
Redcello41Half Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Thank you! Yes I am grateful that we can still run at the moment! I was browsing the internet last night and came across a Runner's World article with to companies that you can rent treadmills from! If the lockdown gets even stricter, I am seriously considering renting a treadmill because I really don't want to lose my fitness that I've gained from running! Either that, or run round and round in circles in my rather small living room, which my housemates won't be too happy about hahaha :-)

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Redcello41

I’m dreading even more lockdown too Redcello. I hope it doesn’t come to that. 🤞🤞 I’m lucky enough to have a good sized garden, but even so .... 😩

Good idea about treadmill rental as an option for you though! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

We’ll get through this. 👍 💪 👊

Redcello41 profile image
Redcello41Half Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Yeah dreading it too, we'll see what happens. Just take it one day at a time.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon

Sorry you had to go through all that RC and I’m not surprised you were so upset. Your life has changed.

But that run sounds fab! Your joy comes through your post 🏃‍♀️🤗

Take care and stay healthy x

Redcello41 profile image
Redcello41Half Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Yes rather challenging, but in a much better headspace now! :-)

Decker profile image

Aw RC I’m sorry you had such a rough week. But I’m happy your running was able to help you out. I was at the grocery store picking things up for my folks and really felt for the store staff dealing with people trying to ensure distancing in the lineups etc. Hope you can find other ways to embrace the things you love in the weeks to come.

Redcello41 profile image
Redcello41Half Marathon in reply to Decker

Thanks! Yes has not been easy but it seems like that work is calming down down, especially with all the measures that supermarkets have put in place. And running is really helping me get through it! :-)

Deals1 profile image
Deals1Metric Marathon

Pleased your run helped. Sounds like you've had a real rough week. Take care of yourself as much as u can. Its definitely such a strange and sad time. But we wil get thro it. Keep running if u can, as we know already it can help with much needed headspace

Redcello41 profile image
Redcello41Half Marathon in reply to Deals1

Yes definitely one of the roughest weeks I've had for a while but am feeling much better now thankfully! Running is one of the things that is keeping me sane during this time! :-D

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