In taper mode now and having to miss the group interval run both this week and next. Feels a bit like cheating :). I know. At least there is a 13k on the weekend. Still wonder if I should’ve done the full distance once. Well we’re doing it one way or the other. Pic is from last Saturday’s long run with the group to a spot nicknamed Graffitti Alley for mysterious reasons. 🤔
Taper tantrum: In taper mode now and... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
Taper tantrum

You've done all the prep work, you are ready. There will be added buzz and support on the day that will carry you through. I don't know anyone except me and GoGo_JoJo who have done the distance solo and for fun but I do know that most of the guys don't cover the whole marathon before the big day. That's all good, you'll be fine! 👍

Love the pictures! It might be graffiti, but it is pretty.
I know going into my walking marathon a few years ago, it felt odd not to do the distance first but the recovery is too long to cover the distance first especially as a first marathon. If I remember correctly, I was somewhere in the low 30k in my final long training walk. The last few km on race day were tough and I was muttering a lot of f-bombs under my breath (it became my mantra 🤷♀️) but you get it done. You’ve put the training in and will nail it in race day, I know it!

It must feel weird missing your group runs but necessary for the big day. The graffiti is very colourful. I like the group photo with the cool wall behind you.
Are you running the Toronto Waterfront marathon? That will be great! All your hard work will pay off. You’ll do well!

Some of your group must be running the race too!

I only went up to 32km longest run before my marathon. Enjoy the taper, your legs will feel like coiled steel springs after the rest! On race day, around 30km in don't start thinking to yourself "This marathon business is not too hard after all! I feel great!" are about to get a giant kick up the backside between 35-40km as your leg muscles run out of glycogen! You're a bit more hardcore than me these days though Decker, so you'll be fine.
I know exactly what you mean Lordi. I felt that happen on both the 32 and 34 runs over the last few weeks. Like hitting a wall
Yep - 0-35km -> legs, 35k-> guts, grim determination and bloody-mindedness! One thing that helped me around the "I want to die' 40,5 km point was the realisation that I could probably crawl from there to the end before the cut-off

Every good wish Roger.💥
Belated congratulations.💥
Brillant badge, Brillant choice.💥💥

I'm sure you'll be fine. Can't help much on the taper front, I did 22 the fortnight before my 1st and did my 2nd the fortnight after the 1st, but mine are slower trail runs anyway.
You've worked really hard on the training so it will stand you in good stead.
You've been watching and taking inspiration from others and that helps. I know the first time I just kept telling myself that if that fella could do 50 ironmans in 50 days I could do 5k more at the end!
You've also got friends doing it which will be a huge boost. I'm looking forward to seeing your report! 😁👍🏻
Love it Jo.
James Lawerence the Iron Cowboy.50:50:50 fella.
Fantastic 🏃♀️you are also and with that new badge.

You are one of the most dilligent and consistent runners I see on here. you work hard on your prep and always seem to enjoy your running. You will, as always, do great!

Love this! Your collage has brightened up my morning a treat 😊😊😊
Enjoy your taper xxx
The nearest I’ve got to my half marathon is just short of 17k back in the summer. Because my training has been mostly slow running and by time, not distance, I haven’t got anywhere near HM before or since - and only did the long run by adding another 10k to a training run. It’s worried me on and off, but I’m putting my faith in the training plan and keeping my fingers crossed
You will be great Flick. You are training wisely and consistently. My last 10k is uncharted territory as well, but that’s part of the fun too, isn’t it? 👍🏼🙂
Hopefully lol
Think positive and we will do this 👍🏼👊💪
Flick is a given, you will be great too Roger,hope you remember to have your cap 🧢 pointing in its correct direction and full blast in the opposite one.⭐️⭐️’s on the move.☄️☄️
Thank you for your faith in me. I’m having words with my knee about Sunday
I hope so. My knee is the deciding factor. I’m determined to get round but with the knee still swelling when I run, it won’t be very fast. But I have every faith that you will smash it.

good luck - enjoy your taper
I can't wait to read the reports, I love reading the race reports

Great pics as usual Decker. Don't let the taper mess with your head - 'you got this, remember?! 😉🙂

Enjoy your taper. You earned it Your legs will thank you 😃👍

Keep the speed way down 🙂