What can I say that I haven’t said before in my previous runniversary posts? I’ll try to keep it short 😂
I crept out of the house twelve years ago and, very apprehensively, started week 1 of C25K, and that was it. It was hard, far harder than I imagined, but somehow also exhilarating and I couldn’t wait to go again. Apart from time out with various injuries and a few sickness spells, I’ve run three times every week since.
I have a yearning to enter races and am a bling collector (just in case you didn’t know that about me 😂) Every medal tells a story and I remember each one with fondness and joy (mostly 😕).
I give my shoes names and feel sad when they can no longer come running with me ☹️ but they get a second life in the garden so I don’t say a final goodbye for some time.
I love taking photos on my runs and must have hundreds of them, but have chosen just a few of my favourite routes for my celebration day 🥰
I’ve chosen this race photo because I remember exactly what I was thinking at the time and it sums up how I feel about my running. It was taken at last year’s Antrim Coast HM and I’m sodden. We were kept waiting at the start line for over an hour in the rain and wind and I never warmed up during the whole run. I still had a way to go and it was pretty miserable and I just wanted it to be over. But then I remembered back to that very first run and why I still run and why I was there and those thoughts made me feel happy. I was doing it! I was still doing it! Despite the conditions on the day, despite all the injuries over the years, the setbacks, the cancelled races, the ice packs, the physio visits… I was still doing it and still loving it 🥰 And isn’t that what it’s all about?
To you, my amazing VRBs (and a few real life buddies too 🥰) I thank you for keeping me here all this time. This community has been the lynchpin of my running life and your support and encouragement have done wonders when things have gone awry. I wouldn’t be without you 😍 You are there for the good stuff, the bad stuff and everything in between.
Today is good stuff. It’s cold here but the sky is blue and sun is shining and I’m going to celebrate my runniversary by heading out for a long run 🤗 and I know I’ll take you all with me xxx