HM training week10 day5: 7.92km 1hour... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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HM training week10 day5: 7.92km 1hour 20mins

18 Replies

I’ve just got home to see Bridget Kosgei win the women’s Great North Run in 1hour 4mins. It took me 16 minutes longer to run just under 8km today!!! Mind you, I was running in zone 2.

Scrap that, I was SUPPOSED to be running in zone 2 but there are lots of spikes up into zone 3. This is due to a very bad night’s sleep. My sister has inoperable ovarian cancer and has just come out of hospital after nearly dying with an infection, caused by chemo compromising her immune system. There is now a question mark over whether she can have the last chemo session. Hence a very disturbed sleep on my part.

But there were moments of joy on today’s run. It was very cold when I set out: even Mr IDS, who wears shorts in winter, said how cold it was. But I was sensible and wore long leggings but short sleeves, so I wasn’t too hot once the sun warmed things through. But it really was stunning out today, sunny and sparkly bright. I stopped to smell a huge mass of roses, and again to admire a bed of Michaelmas daisies, so rare nowadays and so pretty with their purple petals and yellow centres.

Lots of runners out today. Something I’ve noticed a lot is that most women, whatever speed they are running, are relaxed and will nod or say hello. Most men look deadly serious, if not downright haunted, are puffing like steam trains and many won’t acknowledge a greeting. I’m not being sexist or exaggerating, it’s a genuine observation. Of course, I do see strained, competitive women on occasion, especially in Oxford where so many students train, but that’s an exception.

Anyway, I shall be happy to do my HM in 3 hours or more - heck, I’ll be happy to get round!

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18 Replies
AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon

Congratulations Flick, one hour four minutes, excellent, oops, that was Bridget Kosgei, anyway you did very well as well, just been watching the Great North Run and once again they have promoted C25K as a starter training programme.

in reply to AlMorr

Yes I saw that. Excellent!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Oh Flick, I’m so sorry to hear about your sister. I hope she’s managing as well as can be expected, and you’re looking after yourself too. ❤️

Yes what an amazing morning for a run. It’s a rest day for me though - boo. Yours sounds like it’s just what you needed. 🏃‍♀️

I’ll be watching the GNR later. I think I’ll find myself entering for next year! 😅🙄😳🏃‍♀️

in reply to cheekychipmunks

Thanks lovely. It's an ongoing situation with my sister. She was responding incredibly well to chemo, tumours shrinking rapidly, so the infection has been a blow.

I've had a bath with epsom salts. now going to put my running gear on wash, make some food and watch the rest of the race! xx

Clairecandothis profile image
ClairecandothisMarathonHalf Marathon

That is a lot to be dealing with for you and your sister lovely. I hope they find a solution. Running usually helps me process so it may have helped you too today. I'm resting and not running my longer run due to my heel feeling off. It may be nothing but my shin is a little tight too and I'm being cautious! Hard as today is my last day for a long, long run but I'd rather not run 32k and actually run my marathon! 🤞

I saw the times for the great north run - how inspiring but way out of my league to run a half in their speed lols! Xx

in reply to Clairecandothis

Thank you Claire ❤️ The run did help actually, even though I was so tired. It took me out of myself and gave me another focus.

I hope the heel and shin are ok. You’re wise to throttle back a bit. I’m sure it will be alright on the day xx

Clairecandothis profile image
ClairecandothisMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to

That's exactly what running does for me when I'm struggling with anything, especially grief. Cancer is a b#ch not just for those going through it. Hugs for you lovely lady. Xx

in reply to Clairecandothis

Aw thanks lovely. Much appreciated 😘

Oldfloss profile image

Oh Flick..hope all goes well with your sister xx

You are doing wonderfully!

I thought the same.. watched Mo run the HM in 59 mins and thought..hmmm I cannot even run 10K in that time:) All relative!

I found Michaelmas daisies too.. at the end of my blood soaked run!!!

There were butterflies and bees all over them :)

Have a super relaxed day you... big hugs xx

in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you lovely ❤️

I saw your run on Strava. Brambles are the spawn of Satan 👹

I’ve had a nice bath and am baking a potato for my lunch xxx

SlowLoris profile image

You'll do great Flick. Best wishes for your sister.

in reply to SlowLoris

Thank you on both counts 😊

Becky1606 profile image
Becky1606Half Marathon

Best wishes for your sister Flick 💕.

Can’t wait to hear all about your half! I love reading your run reports. Xxxx

in reply to Becky1606

Thank you Becky for your best wishes for my sister. Also re the half marathon: I hope I get round in one piece! I’m very inspired by yours! Xxxx

GoGo_JoJo profile image

Sorry to hear about your sister. Fingers crossed they can come up with treatment options leaving her with some joy in life. Chemo is so tough.

Sounds like a nice run overall. 💕

in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Thanks Jo. she was doing really well with the chemo (I agree its rough), but the infection nearly killed her, so it's in the balance.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

Yes it’s the taking part that counts Flick. A HM is a HM at whatever time it takes . Good luck with your training

in reply to Dexy5

Thank you lovely x

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