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Feeling flat

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon
21 Replies

Thank you everyone for your supportive messages after my last post. Tbh I still feel a bit flat. If it wasn't for the fact that I am doing Cardiff Half in four weeks (6th October) I wouldn't be even going out for a run this morning, in fact I am not sure if I want to do that lol.

The whole thing has left me feeling a bit flat, demotivated not good with the Cardiff Half coming up. I know it was my choice to do the 10mile but wish I had said yes when they asked if I wanted to think about it first. Now feel it is too late to change my mind. I have drafted an email to this effect but haven't sent it yet as still in turmoil.

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Pippa49 profile image
Half Marathon
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21 Replies
mrrun profile image

One of the more important things to develop about running is ability to ignore any setbacks. I twice suffered serious injuries that nearly stopped me altogether (physically but not mentally). I had to repeat the entire program. Twice. I refused to fall into self pity and simply ploughed on. Will there be more setbacks? Of course, and to hell with them all.

What's happened - happened. Thinking about it, analysing it, feeling sorry, helps nobody. Carry on regardless, don't look back.

Wanna run marathons? Not even every professional athlete can run them. Some sprint 100m only, some only focus on 400m and some on marathons. Why do we assume that we can do it all?

Do what you can, what benefits you physically and mentally (through distances that make you happy and inspired). Suffering is not allowed in this game, and game is all it is.

In his brusque way mrrun has said something very important there and that we all need to note.

Moan like stink, allow yourself fed up space, then you will be ready to make a comeback with determination.

I felt like you earlier this year when I had to cancel a much looked forward to 10k race round Oxford, and the Blenheim half marathon, also looked forward to. I wasn’t even running at all due to knee injury and felt as if I would never get back out there. I had a couple of horrible weeks once I did, barely managing to run for ten minutes,I lost a lot of fitness. But I’m back, half marathon training and fitter than ever.

A big hug for you, I know how you feel, but this too shall pass.

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to

Thank you FlickM3. I fancied a McDonald's breakfast this morning so ran 1.43miles to my nearest and only McDonald's. Currently finishing my coffee then I will run home in a different direction. A chilled out morning. In a strange way being released from the trial of marathon training has made me feel quite relaxed on my run. I have only ran twice this week but will be back to three runs next week and will run whilst I'm away in Edinburgh for a week. I have 4 weeks to the last half marathon of the year, Cardiff. Have already done three and 13miles of the Brighton marathon thus far. I will still get bling in York just not the bling I hoped for and wanted.

in reply to Pippa49

It sounds as if you needed the respite from marathon pressure. There will be other times and other races, if you want them, maybe earlier in the year so you aren’t up against the cutoff time and approaching dusk, or earlier in the day. My Oxford half is in the morning, and you can take as long as you like, just using the pavements if you take longer than 3 hours, as they have to open the roads again.

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to

I was interested in Oxford but no way I could do it within the cut off. Still trying to get under 4hrs for a half marathon atm. Do you still get a medal and t-shirt? I don't have an issue with moving onto the pavements if I can finish the course and get the bling. Maybe next year, see how Cardiff Half in 4 weeks and Brighton half in February go first. If I get under 4hrs I will look at Oxford Half again.

in reply to Pippa49

Well, as you’ve rightly surmised from my comment, the cutoff is only for finishing before the roads open, but there is no cutoff time if you don’t mind using the pavements after that. I phoned Virgin Spirt and asked. My predicted time in my watch is 2hr 59mins, but I will probably take 3-3.5 hours.

GoGo_JoJo profile image

I suspect you're a bit of an over-thinker like me Pippa. We tie ourselves up in what ifs and don't give ourselves enough credit for what we do achieve. It's a hard habit to break.

Enjoy your break in Scotland 👍🏻😁

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Yes I am lol. I will do thank you. I will send the email and see what happens. If it's too late to change back to the marathon then I will do the 10mile race but nothing ventured nothing gained. Doing the marathon would have given me an idea of how long it might take to do Brighton marathon which I am still debating whether to withdraw from.

backintime profile image
backintime10 Miles

You have to do what feels right to you.

If you want to send the email, send it.

If you want to go for that marathon go for it !! If you want to find one with no cut off, do that, but you have put a lot of effort in and you need to decide what outcome you want and what your goals are now.

From reading your posts I believe you can do a marathon in whatever time it takes. If a marathon is on your bucket list then do it. Maybe push for the one you were registered in with the email, maybe another one, but if you really want to do one then view this as a set back not an end.

Good luck with whatever you decide...and I am jealous of your MacDonald's breakfast...I like their egg muffins : )

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to backintime

Thank you. I had the Sausage and egg one. I did 5K this morning so feel better for it. I will send the email but if it is too late then I'll do the 10 mile race on 20th October. I am signed up for the Brighton marathon in April and in the ballot for London but don't think I will get into London but not sure if I want to do Brighton and Yorkshire Marathon next year. Was planning on having a break from training just running for pleasure but best laid plans lol.

backintime profile image
backintime10 Miles in reply to Pippa49

I'm sure you'll make the best decision for you.

I have pre-registered for a HM in March with a 3 hour cut off so I was following your posts for your marathon with cut off avidly.

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to backintime

Thanks I am doing Cardiff Half in October in 4 weeks and it has a 4.5hr cut off. I did it last year for the first time in 4:13:09 so well within the cut off time. My best half marathon is Brighton Half this year in 4:10:00. I am hoping to get under 4hrs for a half as I will will have more choice then. I think with the fiasco at London this year that some organisers are starting to realise that slower runners matter just as much as the faster ones. It is the slower ones who will return if the experience is positive. I like Cardiff Half and will do it again just not next year as will having done it two years in a row like Swansea Half.

backintime profile image
backintime10 Miles in reply to Pippa49

That's brilliant, you've done so many ! You already knocked 3 minutes off, which is amazing.

I would be much happier with a 4.5 hour cut off...I will see how I do with training

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to backintime

You would be fine with a 3hr cut off..your stats for your runs so far are all showing that:) xx

Oldfloss profile image

Do what feels right for you Pippa..listen to your heart...your mind and your body.

I could not do what you do...and I applaud your determination and strength ...if it were me, I would be just focusing on HMs and getting my time down. That would be me though.

You have your reasons for wanting to run a Marathon...they are your reasons alone , so you must follow your dreams x

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you. I just wanted to do a marathon in my 50th year and to be able to say I have done the distance. I would then concentrate on half marathons or enter other 10mile races. Somebody suggested going out and doing a mock marathon to see how long it takes me but will have to wait until I get back from my holiday in Edinburgh now

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Pippa49

That's a great idea..you could try one for Virtual Runner..for Charity..and get a medal too! There are some really good ones there at the moment.🙂

Have a super holiday..cone back refreshed and recharged:) x

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you. I did a virtual marathon early this year or maybe it was last year cant remember. You could do just a mile over 26 weeks if you want but as I had a half marathon towards the end of the programme I did it a lot quicker. It was for a hospice..

Irish-John profile image

I do sympathize.

I've gone from avidly looking forward to my HM next weekend to detesting it and now to "It will be an interesting experience".

Bottom line - I did not realise how little time I have during Summer for training.

The only two HMs I've done were in Spring and because I do very little work-wise during Winter I had lots of time to run. Even then, the second one knackered me because of hills, last minute change in race route and I lost my fruit pastilles at the start line.

I did not enjoy the second HM, the first was on a dead flat circuit and no cut off and apart from "doing the distance" I really didn't come away feeling much like a "HM Runner".


This one.

I was persuaded to enter by the fact I'd be with Marine Corp buddies, a long weekend in beautiful NC and I'd never been to Camp Lejeune and was curious how it stacks up against Pendleton.

Well - trying to fit in long runs has been a lousy experience. I feel like I have to run "fast" to get the distance in, that the "clock" is always ticking, that if I don't"make it" on each run it's going to nibble my chances of a decent HM, that I "have to" get out there and run miles and miles etc etc etc. The "pressure" to "fit in" runs and "reach distances" is no fun, especially when you have had a heavy day physically at work.

And then - after all that I got Strep throat that sidelined me for six weeks and knocked me right back. I've only been back at running for about five weeks now...and longest run is eight miles instead of having put in at minimum a 12 miler.

So - I managed to turn something I loved doing into a bloody miserable thing. Instead of running, I was chasing a number and pinning all my motivation on it...13.1.

I stopped doing that just last Sunday. I had eight miles in, felt like I could do more - possibly the whole 13.1 - and stopped.

Because I got my sense of proportion back.

I don't want to risk dislocating my hip again or some such serious injury because I "want" to do well in a HM.

Heck - I don't even WANT to do a HM! Not a HM that makes me feel like dogcrap for months before I even run it anyway!

I'd LIKE to run a HM - as long as I enjoy it.

But - I don't "Need to" run a HM.

At what point "fun to" changed to the illusion of "need to' I don't know - but it was then I started forgetting how to enjoy running.

So - tomorrow I go for my "Long Run" and aim at ten miles. If I manage it - fine. If I don't - fine.

Saturday next, unless Dorian or something else screws it up, I'll be at the starting Line at Camp Lejeune with my old friends and looking forward to seeing "how much fun will I have on this run" because I am not going anymore to "run a HM", I'm going to "run" with my friends, see new sights, feel fulfilled that I am doing something good and healthy and that gives me a reasonable challenge to attempt.

If I do 13.1 miles non stop - hurrah for me :)

If I run ANY distance longer than I did on day one,week one - I'll be grateful for that and any subsequent distance 'cos three years ago day one nearly had me in Cardiac Arrest.

Fitter than then, yes. Faster - yes. More Stamina - yes. Happy running - time to restore that, yes. :)

Wishing y'all many happy miles in your future, be they one mile at a time or strung together I'm FMs plus :)

Clairecandothis profile image
ClairecandothisMarathonHalf Marathon

Hi Pippa

I didn't get chance to reply to your last post but I can totally understand you feeling despondent and low. You have been so focused on one event for so long that it will take some time for your thinking to shift to the new plan. Unless of course you decide to email and go for the marathon again. You were sounding relieved though in your first post but also worried by what others might say. I think running a marathon distance on a day that suits you might be an alternative option, that way you only answer to yourself, but I also recognise the desire to do it with others and feel the atmosphere etc.

I would trust your gut. Go with your instant reaction to running the Marathon. If it is sad but relieved then try for a Marathon on a different day and look into training that might help you finish slightly earlier.

If you are only feeling sad then go for it and email asking to try and run on the day.

Either way do what is right for you and don't concern yourself at all with any judgy non helpful comments you may come across from your other site!

You are amazing anyway. So much of a Marathon is in the training not just the day. And you have already proven to yourself what you are capable of. Xx

Pippa49 profile image
Pippa49Half Marathon in reply to Clairecandothis

Aw thanks Clairecandothis that's lovely. I have just posted actually stating that whilst on a run this morning I decided to send an email to see if it was too late to change my mind and still run the marathon even if I have to pull out because it will be too dark and not safe.

Someone said that walking at a pace of 3mph would have me finishing in 8hrs. I do feel that I felt rushed into the decision because I was shocked and disappointed that they thought I would take 10+hrs to finish the marathon. Based on the timings I gave possibly however it was the first time I had ever done those distances so I was bound to be slower than expected. If it is too late then I will do the 10mile race and enjoy it

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