Hm training not going well at al but I do 3x5ks aweek gym twice aweek and my longer run on Sunday about 10 miles or 13miles am hoping that is enough training for my half marathon in October what do you think
Hm training : Hm training not going... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
Hm training

I’d say that was perfect Paul. 👍🏃👊

Yeah that sounds good. You don't have to do those long runs every weekend if you don't want to
Yeh thanks I know I can run half marathon but sometimes I just feel like I have to keep running are I might lose interest in it and I have to keep fit it's just got inside my head that I have to do something every day you see I have lost 5st and there's no way on this earth its going back on

Think you’re being a bit harsh on yourself. I would say that you may be doing too much if anything. Maybe drop one of the 5K runs?

You're more than prepared 👍🏻😁

Do you really think am ready as I dont
Sounds like you're doing great mate. What is it you're not sure about?
I dont know life I think every now and then life just gets you down just ignore me just on abit of a downer I'll be right after tough mudder lol not my son signed me up for it he must think am 21 again not 59 must be mad it's going to kill me am sure lol 2 more days😣

Yes you are doing great Paul. 👍🏼