Marathon tapering.: I am in the dreaded... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Marathon tapering.

โ€ข33 Replies

I am in the dreaded marathon tapering. I have 2.5 weeks to go which feels a bit scary. My last long run 22 miles was 30th March followed by a 15 miler the week after. Last week was 13 miles and this week 10 miles. Oh dear, did I peak and taper too early? It amazes me how tired and sluggish I feel now yet I had more energy during the progressively long runs, why is that? My run yesterday was a mental challenge all the way. I wore different thinner socks and my left ball of foot was sore by the end of the run creating maranoia of a possible injury. I was annoyed with myself that I didn't wear my normal socks ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ. I know I have done the training but I still wonder if I can do the distance, particularly reading of others withdrawal from injury on here and elsewhere etc. I try to visualise a good run and crossing the finish line. I hope to run the first half with some other ladies at a nice pace. Once I wave them over the hm finish line I will have the second half solo, I just hope I am feeling good at this point. In the meantime I am trying to stay away from bugs, illnesses and remain injury free. My sports massage is next week for final leg niggles. Why on earth did I start on this journey, it is totally messing with my head?!?!

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33 Replies
roseabi profile image

misswobble and I love tapering - a choice opportunity to put the feet up (can I get an 'amen', MW?) ๐Ÿ˜„

Joking aside, it's pretty normal to have all these fears during the taper period, even if you've run a lot of marathons already! But for you, you are venturing into the unknown with those extra 4.2 miles. You already know the word 'maranoia' so I'm sure you don't need me to tell you all this ๐Ÿ˜„ It might help you to have a look back through your training records and see how far you've come - and trust your training plan!!

Unfortunately it's good to feel nervous, but try to look forward to it as well! Well done for the positive visualisation, and it's really cool that you'll be doing the first half with friends ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

Why did you want to run the marathon? Only you can answer that. In my case it was just to see if I could! And as it turns out I can, and I'm sure you can too xxx

in reply to roseabi

The question of 'why would I run a marathon' has come up on many occasions. I don't have a tragic story (thankfully) or a big incentive (charity fundraising) to push me. My brother taught me to do the things you want to do rather than waiting otherwise your time may never come. I ran a hm in his memory and I wanted to see how far I could run, a marathon was the next stage. I guess my drive is similar to yours roseabi, let's hope it is enough!

Decker profile image

Youโ€™ve put the work into your plan and as Abi says, you are doing all the right things, including feeling nervous ๐Ÿ˜ณ, all you can do now is trust your training and fulfil your dream. Youโ€™ll be great!

in reply to Decker

To put my trust in my training is to put my faith into myself, that is harder to do! Sometimes I feel ok about it, other times the challenge seems very daunting. I guess there is an element of the unknown and a chance of failure. As long as I cross the hm by 3hrs there will be a rear party for those at the back (6hrs). Eek not much extra time if I have to walk lots!

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to

Youโ€™ll probably surprise yourself RFD. Youโ€™ve put a ton of miles on. I think youโ€™ll be wonderful on the day. I will be cheering for you!

in reply to Decker

Thanks Decker!

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

From what I I've read of your posts on here RFD, you have always been very disciplined in your training for any event - putting in the miles and the training. When you stand on that start line in a couple of weeks, you will have done all the prep and be as ready as anyone can be at the start of a first marathon! As roseabi says (and I can only imagine!!) nerves are part of the territory - but we all believe you can do this!! Take care between now and the race and go out there and smash it!๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ

in reply to Sandraj39

Thank you Sandra, I have tried in my training. There are unknown factors of illness and injury and I am hoping to avoid both to get to the start in the best shape I can. I almost wish it was this weekend!!

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon

My last taper for HM went from 18k to 10k the following week. That 10k felt awful. Purely psychological I guess. We feel like it should be easier.

in reply to Whatsapp

Absolutely, I feel all my runs should feel so much easier now! I guess psychologically we run to the planned distance which always seems harder at the end of that distance. The mind is a funny thing!

linda9389 profile image

I can't offer any advice. But lots of respect and awe for what you're going to do - and even more for all the effort you've already put in. At this stage of the game your head is bound to mess with you, if it wasn't the taper it'd be something else. Focus on what you've achieved already. Think of other races you've done, remember that magic that only appears on race days? The magic that somehow makes THE run so much better than all those training runs - especially the bad ones - that magic is ready and waiting on the starting line just for you RFD. You're on top of this, no worries ๐Ÿ™‚. And we'll all be cheering you on.

in reply to linda9389

Thank you Linda, such a positive post. It will be hard work and wont be pretty but I am looking forward to the magic!

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to

I meant to add - FIrst Defence (for knocking back colds)! I've always been 100% skeptical of this product, but before both HMs I could be seen surreptitiously sniffing away for fear of catching anything ahead of the big day ๐Ÿคฃ

in reply to linda9389

Oh yes to first defense! Unfortunately I am away and left it at home but will be sucking it up when I get home at the weekend!

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to


Madge50 profile image

Oh RFD, Iโ€™m in awe of you, so well done, my head is messed up enough with HMโ€™s, I canโ€™t imagine what it must be like for a full M.

However, all Iโ€™d say is trust your training and plan, you knew the terrors would way or another....

Sending you the most positive vibes I can , and if that doesnโ€™t help, well .......feel the fear and do it anyway.....youโ€™re going to be fabulous, I know it.

You are awesome

Mx ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ’ช

in reply to Madge50

Thank you Madge, I sometimes cant believe I have done the training, 20-22 miles seems bonkers! I had similar maranoia from my hm but it seems like more is riding on this somehow.

Just got to get to that start line feeling the best I can and just do it!

Lordi profile image

I had an enforced "taper" / week off with the flu recently and I can tell you the easing off works wonders! Your legs will be like coiled steel springs on race day! I always get slightly niggly legs on an enforced break (I think our bodies know when we are taking a break/taper and systems go into "repair mode") so I read that as a good thing,

You've covered bags of miles in training (a ton more than I did before my marathon, and I only went up to to 30km/19m longest run once) so I have every faith that you'll smash it. Tips: don't change any aspect of your normal gear, don't try new gels/snacks on the day, start off slowly and ease into your most natural endurance pace, hydrate - walk through all the water stations (you won't lose much time, max 2-3 mins total), break it down into mental chunks. When you get the 37km "kick in the butt" stage know that you have it "in the bag" anyway, as 5k is a doddle/ "only" a Parkrun.

You'll run sub 5hrs or very close no problem!

in reply to Lordi

Thank you lordi! I just hope it all comes together on the day. I am looking forward to my legs feeling energised soon too, I hear people say it but I haven't felt it yet!

misswobble profile image

Amen to that Roseabi ๐Ÿ˜. Nothing like the taper after the months of slog

Lighten up RFD, itโ€™s a long run, youโ€™ve done them many times. the training is in the bag and now it's time to ease back and enjoy your lovely taper ๐Ÿ™‚It!s the best feeling honestly, after all the hard graft, you can kick back and conserve your energy. Try and sleep well, eat healthily and hydrate well

Be happy with your achievements ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ This is a golden time. Enjoy it ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

in reply to misswobble

Thank you Miss Wobble! What distances would you run in the last two weeks, I run three times a week?

misswobble profile image

Oooh maybe a 3k, a 5k and an 8 k the first week Then the second week maybe two 5kโ€™s and a 3k. It depends how you feel of course. You might want to just jog around the block Youโ€™re just keeping systems ticking over ๐Ÿ™‚

in reply to misswobble

Thank you miss wobble . I did 7k and a 13k this week, sadly missed parkrun this morning as I am oncall. This weeks mileage is done. Next week will be less as you suggest. I feel really envious of the vlm runners at the moment as they run tomorrow. My event was 28th April but was postponed to 5th may so I have another week.

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Marathon in reply to

Omg thatโ€™s so annoying!

Langley-Loper profile image
Langley-LoperHalf Marathon

I ran in your shadow up to HM and have seen your disciplined training for the marathon, leaving us mere mortals behind. Nerves are inevitable and important. When you stop feeling nervous, then is the time to worry.

in reply to Langley-Loper

Thank you! I have been pretty good at sticking to the plan, that seems the easier part! Feeling a bit cranky watching those I know about to run vlm. The soton marathon was on the same day but got moved back a week so I have another week to wait. I just need to keep well, injury free and motivated!

misswobble profile image

You'll be well-motivated for sure! Few little jogs somewhere nice to keep the legs ticking over

in reply to misswobble

Just contemplating a 6k I, don't i etc

misswobble profile image

If you want to go ahead, or run just as far as you feel like doing, not too far though, and nice and slowly. You're tapering so be leisurely. Have fun !

in reply to misswobble

The issue in tapering is being able to run slowly, it's like my legs have to run fast! I really need to hold back at the start line on Sunday.

misswobble profile image

I love running slowly, leisurely, laconically et etc. Itโ€™s lovely. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘

in reply to misswobble

So do I, I loved taking the 5k to 10k group on their slow progressive distance runs,. No pressure and enjoyable!

Lordi profile image

Looking forward to your marathon report! Looks like you had a good race (on Strava). Try a short run (hobble) for a few 100 metres soon (it'll hurt like hell but it's a good idea to do). :-)

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