Utterly terrified: I’ve got a place for... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Utterly terrified

63 Replies

I’ve got a place for the Oxford half in the autumn and also the Blenheim half. I’m so unfit after the exhaustion and stress of moving that I can’t imagine managing the Oxford Town & Gown 10k in May, let alone two halfs.

EDIT: thank you so much everyone for your encouragement and faith in me. It’s been a stressful three or four weeks so the stress had to come out somewhere. I knew my lovely running family would help me get some perspective. You are all lovely 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

63 Replies
AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon

Flick, those half marathons are quite a bit away yet in the Autumn, plenty of time to recover from moving home to where you are now, even May for the Oxford 10k is still two months away, have a few days off running altogether and once you resume take all your runs slow and steady.

in reply to AlMorr

Thank you 😊

MikeJones68 profile image
MikeJones68Half Marathon

You'll be fine x

in reply to MikeJones68

Thank you x

MikeJones68 profile image
MikeJones68Half Marathon in reply to

Superflick x

AnnieW55 profile image

I agree with AlMorr take a couple of days to rest and recuperate (try and get some quality sleep), take a deep breath and start again. Don’t worry about the half’s, they’re too far away. For now just work towards the T&G. You’ve done the distance before you’re muscles will remember once you get a regular run going.

Hope you love your new home💐/ area. Some gentle exploring to do?

in reply to AnnieW55

Yeah, I’ve done 10k races before so I don’t know why I’m being a wuss. I’m actually sleeping really well in the new house. The energy in the previous house was hyper and disruptive,, and I didn’t sleep the whole time we lived there, but this one is calm. I think one of my problems is having to adjust to flat running after hills: my pace has dropped by up to 90 seconds a kilometre and I feel like I’m running in large boots ☹️X

Megbird profile image
Megbird in reply to

Hi Flick you will be fine but again listen to your body. Provided you don't overdo it.

in reply to Megbird

Thank you - I will take care x

in reply to AnnieW55

Oh and yes love the house andcarea

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon in reply to AnnieW55

Hi AnnieW55, AlMorr here, I noticed you quoted me by typing AlMorr in light green which means I could directly get to my own homepage, I have an Android Smartphone and was wondering how I can direct people on to any site.

AnnieW55 profile image
AnnieW55 in reply to AlMorr

Errrr? Sorry I’m not quite but almost non-tech. (Sorting predictive text takes me ages 😂).

When referencing someone, like I did with you, just type the @ symbol and their name without a gap (a pop up gives you names to pick from). This then shows up as blue in your reply and posts an alert to the named person. Hope that helps, it’s as tech as I get.

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon in reply to AnnieW55

Thanks for that information Annie.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to AlMorr

Hi AlMorr!

If you type a web address into a post or reply Health Unlocked will automatically post it as a link that people can tap to visit the website.

If you would like to copy a web address from your phone browser and paste it into a Health Unlocked post or comment:

Press down on the address bar at the top of the web browser and a window should pop up with options CUT COPY PASTE. Select COPY. Go to your post or comment on Health Unlocked, press down onto the text input box (where you type your post or comment), and a window should pop up saying PASTE SELECT ALL. Tap PASTE and the web address will appear in your post or comment.

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon in reply to roseabi

Thanks for that information Roseabi

Agelesslass profile image
AgelesslassMetric Marathon

You will be great. There’s nothing to fear but fear itself, remember that😀😃

AnnieW55 profile image
AnnieW55 in reply to Agelesslass

Yep. Feel the fear and do it anyway 😀

in reply to AnnieW55

I just hope I can get round ok x

AnnieW55 profile image
AnnieW55 in reply to

You will. I (we all) have faith in you

in reply to Agelesslass

Thank you x

Madge50 profile image

Fabulous, you’re going to be fabulous Flick, give yourself a break, you’ll feel much better for it,

funnily enough I do the cambridge town & gown (September) , and the Cambridge half, (March- 3rd - just done 🤪)

You’re a dark blue, I’m a light blue!


in reply to Madge50

I take heart from your example 😊 x

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreMetric Marathon

I think you may have forgotten something... you’re awesome, remember?

You’ll be ready for those runs... plenty of time.

in reply to UnfitNoMore

Thank you for the faith in me x

linda9389 profile image

You can do this! No problem. Just not right now maybe ... but that's ok cos you don't have to run them right now. For now you just have to settle and explore and rest after all the stress of the last few weeks :)

I got an email today to say I didn't get a place :( Maybe in the second round next week ....

in reply to linda9389

Thank you ❤️ I hope you get that place. I suspect they might have chosen me to have more older runners, and I did apply when the ballot opened x

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to

Flick, it's a lottery - people are selected at random xxx

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to roseabi

Will try not to take it personally then! 😂

in reply to roseabi

Oh, ok - it’s my first time so I didn’t know 😊

Lordi profile image

You're a nutter Flick! Welcome to the clubhouse!

in reply to Lordi

Haha I knew you would understand x😂

TedG profile image
TedGHalf Marathon

You’ll be OK Flick, you’re made of stern stuff 😊x

in reply to TedG

Thank you Tec x

TedG profile image
TedGHalf Marathon in reply to

See you at the Town and Gown? 😊

in reply to TedG

Yes I’ve entered. Finding it hard raising money as am entered for four races currently and can’t keep asking people

TedG profile image
TedGHalf Marathon in reply to

Are you raising money for all of them Flick?

in reply to TedG

Yes, but a minimum for some. I thought you had to raise money as a condition of entering- I’ve got my target for the stroke association 15k in April

TedG profile image
TedGHalf Marathon in reply to

It’s certainly not for the Town & Gown, it’s optional. I did the Oxford Half last year and Charity raising was optional but this year it was a ballot and if you missed out you had charity raising as an entry option.

I got through the ballot as I’m a local club member but not sure if I’m doing it yet 🤔

Send me your just giving link please Flick x

in reply to TedG

That’s good. It’s not that I don’t want to raise money, but I can’t keep asking the same people. Mind you, when I did Blenheim Rotary Macmillan Cancer Care, they were touchingly and genuinely grateful and thanked every runner for raising money

ClareO65 profile image
ClareO65Half Marathon

Oh I loved the Oxford half last year. Enjoy!

in reply to ClareO65

But you’re half my age 😳 oh I’m just being silly. The move has stressed me out x

SlowLoris profile image

Oh Flick

You’ll smash it!

in reply to SlowLoris

Thank you! Xxx

Katnap profile image

I'm sure you'll feel 'at home' once you join the crowds 😁

in reply to Katnap

Yeah, I’m just stressing. Better now than nearer the time 😊

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon

Flick! You don't have to do them now. You will rest and recover, and you will sleep in your lovely new house, and you will get used to running on the flat, and you will train, and you will be ready for them and you will smash 'em!

See? No worries :) xx

in reply to Anniemurph

I think I love you! Thank you xxx

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon in reply to


Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon

I would imagine with the base level you have built up over your time spent running you could take a month off and still get up and run a 10k (maybe not a PB). I wouldn't recommend it but all those hours and miles pounding the streets or trails will count on your side. It may feel a little tougher for a couple of weeks but you'll soon be hitting your stride.

in reply to Whatsapp

Thank you, that makes total sense and is very reassuring x

davelinks profile image

Flick, you'll be golden! the stress will subside, go for a run!😊x

in reply to davelinks

Haha yes I will x

roseabi profile image

I have nothing to add to all these sweet comments, but I will say:

Lucky you!!! I am so envious of you to be running in these amazing events!!!!! I'm sure you will be fabulous and have a great time. And I really look forward to seeing how you get on 😊😊💗

in reply to roseabi

Aw thanks lovely x

Langley-Loper profile image
Langley-LoperHalf Marathon

What would you have responded with if we'd suggested you were incapable and cancel the places quick and get a refund? I suspect you would have told us all to bog off!!

Just get your shoes on and go for a run and stop worrying.

in reply to Langley-Loper

I would have considered it and worried that experienced people thought I was risking my health. It would have given me a nasty day or two then, once the stress had faded a bit, I would have listened to my intuition - but because my intuition has taken a back seat to stress and fatigue, Ive come to you lovely people for support and advice and perspective and a sounding board x

Clairecandothis profile image
ClairecandothisMarathonHalf Marathon

Flick this is so exciting! I am envious of you getting in for the half and I will come and cheer you on in Blenheim. But they are both 6 months away. That is a reassuring amount of time to get your pace and strength and training well under way. Blenheim is beautiful too and will give you those hills back! 🤣 I find I get more annoyed with myself if I get a slower pace when I run elsewhere and it's flat. I guess we get used to what we train on! The Town and Gown is a fun atmosphere but it's still 10k even flat lol! You are doing the races I did last year.....

Next year it'll be the Marathon! 😘🏃‍♀️ xx

in reply to Clairecandothis

Claire thank you so much for your kind and reassuring response. I really wanted to do the Blenheim half last year but didn’t think I was ready, so I did the 10k instead. I then did another 10k race there because I love the venue so much.

Now I’m living in Abingdon I’m finding my pace is up to 2mins/km slower than it was in Chippy,but it’s early days - we’ve only been here mustbover two weeks - so I hope I’m going to close the gap. I have calf pain again forthe first time in months as my legs adjust from hill running.

Thanks again. You’ve made me feel a lot better x

Deals1 profile image
Deals1Metric Marathon

the HM's are a way off, so you have plenty time. I'd try not to worry. You'll be fine

in reply to Deals1

Thank you x

linda9389 profile image

Well, I just got a place in the second round of the ballot! It's the week before the Great South Run which I have been toying with doing - even provisionally booked a hotel. There are some pretty bad reviews of Oxford, but it's so close to home compared to GSR. Decisions, decisions. I have til Monday to decide 🤔

in reply to linda9389

I have to do Oxford. It’s my spiritual home where I lived for many decades. I had to leave and now am priced our of the market. I love the city, so beautiful, so to run there will be amazing so I don’t really care if the race has bad press 😊 x

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to

I'm leaning the same way. I've never lived there, but it feels more like home than Southsea. A lot of the criticism stems from the high cost I think - people then expect such a lot in return. But again, the costs of travelling further and staying overnight would far outweigh the cost of Oxford entry!

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