Completed first run on pan 6k must admit it was very pleasant running on frosty paths but felt my feet slipping slightly underneath me, can't afford a new pair of shoes this time of year so going to try roughing souls up slightly with a rasp or is anybody aware of stick on souls for trainers that can be obtained
frosty paths: Completed first run on... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
frosty paths

Well done!
Lots of stick on soles on Amazon etc.:
Also there's lots of advice to be found online about roughing up shoe soles, e.g.:

I use Yaktrax Pro (not as fancy as the running ones, but they do have a velcro bit across the toe to stop them pinging off) when the weather gets bad, they may be overkill for frost though. They're great for ice and snow however!
I've read about using glue guns on the sole of shoes for added grip, but never tried it myself. Could give that a Google though, it might work as an intermediate step whilst it's frosty?

Loads of great advice here... stay safe and perhaps run on grass when you can.....

It was very slippery underfoot today and I had to really watch my step I thought I ought to have worn my grippier trail shoes I went steady

Yaktrax... although they are not cheap are great...

There are some great bargains out there... maybe worth a look... a lot of end of year sales... before the new styles come out...? I have just, foolishly, taken a peek