So, in the midst of my HM training, my friend asked if I’d do a running streak throughout November with her. I was reluctant but agreed just to support her. She has, however, been running for 3 years, and I only graduate C25K in April. Week one ok. Week 2 legs dead despite only doing one milers in between regular runs. Result - unable to do a Sunday long run and weekly mileage dropped over all. Also, I was beginning to hate running! Yesterday, I quit after 18 days as my legs were in ruins! I’m now having a couple of days off before resuming my normal days and hope to get in a 17-19k run next Sunday. Running streak? No thank you 😂
Running streak: So, in the midst of my... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
Running streak

Sounds sensible to quit. Take some good recovery time then stick to the HM plan.

Kudos to those who do them (juju I hold you in high honour, that’s for sure) but I sure couldn’t. Good on you for trying though....and now you know, it’s not for you, at least not right now.

Well done for trying. Even more well done for recognising it wasn't working and going back to what you know and love. Rest well, then enjoy

I’d noticed you seemed to be running everyday on Strava Tasha, and was hoping your legs would survive! ❤️
I’m a bit newer to running than you (started C25k in April), but plan to wait until I’ve been running for at least a year before I even try to run on consecutive days. That seems to be when the gurus say we’ve less chance of getting injured if we don’t have a rest day after each run.
And if you don’t enjoy it then I agree there’s really no point! Let your poor legs have a break! 😖❤️❤️❤️
My legs were getting increasingly ruined! I can do consecutive days ok now but no more than 3 really as but the third day my legs are heavy. I started consecutive days around 6 months in. This was obscene though!
Thoughts with you Xx

I quite fancy giving a one month running streak a go, but definitely not whilst I am training for a race. Never mind, you learn through trying. I'm sure after a bit of rest you will feel some benefit.

Well done on giving it a try Tasha and also for knowing when to say enough is enough!
It's not something that interests me at all. I understand why people do it (I love a challenge myself) but in terms of training I can't see it holds any benefit. One of the best runners I know (in his 50s with a sub19 min parkrun PB) only actually runs twice a week. He does a lot of cross training and absolutely swears by it x