Our group did another destination run this morn. This time from the north end of Toronto, down to the south end just before the lake, to the historical Distillery District. Visited Graffiti Underpass too, where different artists were given their own pillars to paint. Some of them were just stunning. The run itself was close to 17k, though our group got a bit lost halfway down and missed a turn, 😊but we luckily met up with the main group shortly after. Grabbed an iced tea and a Cornish Pastie from a bakery and all was right in the world.
Run down to the Distillery District - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
Run down to the Distillery District

I love the runs you get to do with your running group, so eclectic and varied. Never a dull moment it seems. I’m sure it has opened up a whole new perspective to your city. Great post, great pics, and a delicious post running treat 😋
Its true, I never would get down to some if these places otherwise. We might be looking to do one of these per month, weather permitting. Lots of great options to choose from! I nearly undid all the hard work in the bakery, (read maple almond butter tarts) but I held back 😁

Ooh, I liked it there - went to a great brewery I love these runs you go on! Thank you for sharing with us. The graffiti is amazing, and the maple almond butter tarts sound awesome!

I'm trying to link the dots. Pub run. Group. Distillery district. Got lost. All was right.
Toying with the idea of putting together a similar group in London. Working title - pub run explorations North-South, East-West, and between. Age 49 plus. Levels immaterial.
I could see applications soaring!
Haha yes the pub run was with a different run group. They only run to pubs and breweries. The distillery was with our Saturday Ninjas group. I never bring my glasses on runs, so getting lost on these destination runs is almost a given. I think your idea would be a smash hit. There must be so many great historic pubs to visit. Someone told me of a French group that runs to vineyards for fine wine and pastries. Another great idea. And I think Annie mentioned a Single Malt Marathon (thedramathon.com) in Scotland. Now we’re talking!

It takes so little to please us.

What a fabulous run, I love the pics, thanks for sharing.

Aha! This must be the one I saw on your Garmin!
Offer this man some booze at the end, and he'll run anywhere...a man after my own heart xx

Mmmm Cornish pasty What amazing graffiti!!! Love it.