After graduating from c25k in nov last year I carried on running and now run between8& 10 k most runs 3 x a week . I’ve decided to challenge myself by signing up for a half marathon in Sheffield next April . I’ve 11 months to improve distance and stamina . Looking forward to it but nervous too as-its massive for me . So if any one has any advice on training please share . Thank u x
1st ever half marathon : After... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
1st ever half marathon

Good for You! Which one is it? I could join you 😃 there are a few here not far from south Yorks.
I like a training plan. If I have a plan it means I don’t over run. Running too much is my main worry as I’ve been injured in the past. I print it out and keep it on my desk. I did manage to miss one run last week 🤓 but pulled it back 🙄
If you gradually increase the distance, up to 18k, that should be far enough. Adrenaline on the day will carry you the rest of the way
A proper plan will be organised in phases to get tou there safely. If you get a plan be sure to input the correct info about your times, and opt for an easy plan. The intermediate and advanced plans are just crazy 😁
If you do the training then you should be fine 💪👍😃

How exciting! I'm sure you'll get lots of good help here.

Hello, and welcome to the forum!
How wonderful! Well done for entering a half marathon, and that looks like a lovely one (assuming it's the Sheffield Half on April 14th?). It is a great challenge, and one I hope you'll enjoy.
I'm sure folks will suggest you use a training plan, and there are many free ones available online. MyAsics is a favourite, or Hal Higdon's various plans. Plans tend to involve some pre-conditioning followed by speed work, endurance, and long-distance runs, and then end with a "taper" period of a couple of weeks where the long runs are reduced and you have some rest days prior to the race. As you have such a lovely long time before the half, I'd suggest you look now at incorporating strength workouts into your routine, and you definitely have time to build up to the full distance, taper it down, and then build it up again before the event - this will boost your confidence. Also maybe you could find a 10k race in between now and then for a bit of racing experience.
Good luck and have fun - and please keep posting on here to let us know how you're getting on!

For this particular HM, it's a good idea to incorporate some hill training into your plan!! This one was my first ever race and it's not the easiest HM but it's no problem if you do some hill training! Good luck!

Sheff is all hills! Sheff runners were much in evidence at my race yesters kicking some serious ass as per
Totley and stocksbridge ooooooheeeeeee 😁

Yep, plenty of time 😃

You got ages to go, and if your already doing 8-10kn for most runs then you will be able to step up to half marathon as long as your sensible. You could even fit one in Autumn

Go you.. I am on Week 2 of my plan Slow and steady and stick to whichever plan you are using

Ah, you've got plenty of time to nail it. You can do it!
I went with:
You can stretch it, repeat it, do it in your own time without any speed demands. Having completed my run I'm going with his other program on a higher level this time. God knows where this will end... Full marathon without walking breaks, is the ultimate idea!
I joined a running club and they helped me prepare for my first half.
I really enjoyed it (apart from the last 500yds) lots of people told me the crowd and adrenaline would help me along (I wasn’t sure) but they really did!
I’m no expert but I did one short run 5k ish fast one 10k ish comfortable pace and one long one 10+miles at comfortable pace, few hill repeats!
Begin to practice your fuelling find what helps you (I used sis gel)
I wish you lots of luck and hope you have a great first experience like I did!