No HM for me this weekend... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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No HM for me this weekend...

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon
52 Replies

...or for some time to come, I fear. I’ve damaged my acl so I’m now awaiting an mri and an appointment with a knee specialist next week. In the meantime, I’m all strapped up like the bionic woman.

I was 4km into a 10k race on Tuesday when I felt a twinge in my knee. Stubbornly kept going, assuming it would wear off, only to throw myself over the finish line in tears, by some miracle still under 60 minutes. The paramedics and my running buddies were awesome. Unfortunately, my husband and my employer have been a little less supportive.

The good news is that the x-ray showed my bones and cartilage are in great shape. But soft tissue damage is always such an unknown quantity. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me folks...

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Gabby08 profile image
Half Marathon
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52 Replies
mrrun profile image

Oh, no..............l know how that can be..

Get well & soon!

All the best!

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply tomrrun

Thank you! It’s the not knowing that sucks, isn’t it?

mrrun profile image
mrrunUltramarathon in reply toGabby08

No good way to describe it. Yours at least seem like a 'normal' running injury, it happens. Mine was a standard idiot injury where you run through pain repeatedly, ignoring the universal advise and then collapse in a heap of agony.

You'll come back stronger and wiser!

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply tomrrun

Oh no, sounds like you’ve had a really torrid time of it. Have you been having physio?

Stronger, maybe; wiser, never 😂

mrrun profile image
mrrunUltramarathon in reply toGabby08

Physio? Throw in an osteopath in there as well, for added fun. Oh, oh, oh, and the busted ankle to go with the knee, let's not forget that. Combined time off between the two self inflicted injuries? A week more than 5 months but l learned my lessons well. If anything, the bank statements taught me a lesson, those two ladies who were fixing me came at standard London prices.

Why private, why not NHS? Because l couldn't walk, l was in agony, had to take time off work and GP said it could take time for my referral to go through. In the end it took seven months by which time l was running again. Oh god how l laughed....

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply tomrrun

Oh no, you’ve had a right old time of it! I’ve already had the matching ankle injury. It crossed my mind that I may have subconsciously adjusted my gait after the ankle injury and perhaps that led to the knee. I also wondered if it was a change of running shoe as I seem to have been far more injury prone since I got this latest pair.

Ooof, that sounds expensive. I’m very fortunate to have private health insurance through my husband’s job so I’m hoping they’ll cover it. But if they don’t, I will probably do the same as you and the bank balance will take a hit. Like you, I can’t walk, I’m off work and I can’t wait 12 weeks for a first appointment.

I’m so glad you’re running again after all you’ve been through. I only hope I’m similarly resilient!

mrrun profile image
mrrunUltramarathon in reply toGabby08

......and, yes, I've taken up private insurance since then...

I will do gait analysis again, a year and a half since the last, just to make sure all my bits are in correct order. I've even got the insoles cut for me to match my feet.

Once bitten....

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply tomrrun

I’m even starting to distrust the gait analysis now! Funnily enough, I’d just been looking at those insoles online (as well as ordering a red cape for my idiot husband). Have they helped?

mrrun profile image
mrrunUltramarathon in reply toGabby08

Gait analysis guys tailor cut them for me. I went to a sports lab, they checked me out like you'd check a lab rat, inside out.

It changed it all for me. The insoles/shoes combo improved my posture, running comfort and took away whatever issues l had in the past.

Mind you, l've worked and still do on legs strengthening, do planks and squats, stretch daily and generally look after myself. I even foolishly participate in 'burpee challenge' that Rignold sweet talked me into. ;)

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply tomrrun

I definitely think I’m going to check it out. I did Rignold’s squat challenge and I’ve recently been doing a lunchtime plank and squat challenge in the office, which has caused some hilarity, but I know I need to stretch more before running. I’m hoping the amount of muscle I’ve built around the knee will go some way to aiding my recovery...

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply tomrrun

It took me ages to get to see the nhs physio as the stupid gp forgot to refer me 🙄. Your life in their hands 😖. When I did finally get an appointment after many months of being in agony, and complaining to the surgery manager, it was fantastic. The physio was brilliant. Runner too 🙂. I couldn’t afford a private one so had to wait, but I would have not hesitated had I got the money. I literally thought I had a broken leg. I couldn’t go to A and E as I had already seen a gp. It’s a vicious circle ☹️

mrrun profile image
mrrunUltramarathon in reply tomisswobble

I didn't have the money, l had MasterCard..

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply tomrrun

A boon I find 😁

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply tomisswobble

What a nightmare for you! Terrible that you had to jump through so many hoops. I couldn’t get an appointment with my GP and the woman actually told me to lie to the hospital about when I got the injury or they’d refuse to see me! Fortunately, one of my running buddies is a doctor and she’d examined it when it happened. She also told me we’re lucky enough to be able to self-refer for physio in York so I’ve already submitted a form in case I can’t do it privately.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply toGabby08

Well,that’s a relief 👍. The gp was a nightmare He saw me then nothing 🤷‍♀️ When I tried to chase him up they wouldn’t listen I was told to ring the surgery next Wednesday which I did for six bloody weeks. In the end, when I got mad, it was “oh why didn’t you say” they thought I was trying to chase up the physio. I wish 🙄 so all that time lost and all the time I was getting worse. then I had the long wait. May til August ☹️

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply tomisswobble

Sounds like an absolute shambles! Glad the physio was at least good after your interminable wait. You’d think the nhs would be a bit more supportive since we’re trying to keep fit and healthy and reducing the chances of them having to treat us for diabetes and heart disease - but I felt like I was a bit fobbed off as soon as I said it was a running injury. It was like, “Well if you will be stupid enough to keep using your knees...”

Work are even worse. I’ve bent over backwards to support almost every one of my colleagues when they’ve been pregnant and gone on maternity leave. You’d think that would buy me a few days’ grace but nope...

WeezeMcCheese profile image

Oh noooo! Sorry to hear that, it was Leeds for you this weekend wasn’t it. :( Also I’m sorry to hear about the lack of support from the husband and employer too, rubbish!

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply toWeezeMcCheese

Yep - can’t believe I’m missing out on it. I’ve been so excited. Think that was the main reason for the tears, to be honest. Probably puts my Marathon dream on hold too. Gah! Hope you have a great day and I’ll look out for the race report.

Husband actually pushed past me on my return from hospital because I was “taking too long” to navigate the steps to the front door 😂

WeezeMcCheese profile image
WeezeMcCheeseMarathon in reply toGabby08

Wow, what a charmer... 😳 put mayo in his tea. 😂

Don’t write off the marathon just yet, I broke my toe two weeks before my first half marathon and was out of action for 3 months but was able to still do my marathon. It was hard to catch up but it was doable!

Hope you’re not too sad, do something nice for yourself this weekend to keep your spirits up. 👍🏻💐

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply toWeezeMcCheese

Hahaha, I like your thinking! Maybe thinking of amusing ways to exact revenge on an unsympathetic husband could be a way to cheer myself up?! 😂

Ok, I won’t give up hope yet - that’s good to know.

Can’t really do anything as I’m sort of stuck. A spot of online shopping might be on the horizon - but I only want to buy running gear and if it’s bad news next week, it might be too depressing when it arrives?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toGabby08

You could wing him with your walking support:) x

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply toOldfloss

Yes, these crutches have multiple uses, don’t they?! He’s got a day off today so I’m going to make him wait on me hand and foot.

*searches online for a suitably humiliating butler uniform*

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toGabby08

Maid's outfit... :)

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply toOldfloss

I dread to think what these Google searches might uncover 😂

WeezeMcCheese profile image
WeezeMcCheeseMarathon in reply toGabby08

Can we all agree to go full throttle and get him a Handmaid Tale outfit, big red cloak? Praise be.

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply toWeezeMcCheese

You’re a genius. Praise be!

Ajs07 profile image

Oh no gutted, hope you recover quickly x

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply toAjs07

Thank you! I’m so upset 😢

Decker profile image

Aww I’m so sorry to hear that Gabby. Hope you heal up soon!

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply toDecker

Thank you! I hope so too. Trying so hard to stay positive but it’s tough...

roseabi profile image

Oh noooo 😖 Everything crossed! xx

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply toroseabi

Thank you! I’m driving myself a bit crackers already...

Nictwit profile image

Oh pants. Fingers and toes crossed for you. Hope your employer and husband get their act together as well!

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply toNictwit

Thank you! Work just want me back but I’m struggling to find a way to get there when I can’t drive. Husband’s just being a bloke 😂

Nictwit profile image
Nictwit in reply toGabby08

Tell them to pay the taxi account for you if they're that keen 😉

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply toNictwit

You never know...

Oldfloss profile image

Oh my... at least?? No bones or cartilage damage!!!

Fingers crossed!!!! Heal soon!

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply toOldfloss

Thank you! The doctor said my knee looked otherwise really healthy and no signs of arthritis so I’m taking some comfort from that. And all the muscle I’ve built up around my knee in the last year should make a difference when it comes to recovery so I’m trying to stay positive!

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon

Oh, no, Gabby :( That's dreadful news. Best of luck for good (better) news from the knee specialist and the MRI scan.

Your husband... it can take some time to become used to crutches, I understand. It's surprising how clumsy one can be at the start ;)

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply toAnniemurph

Thank you! It could have been worse so I’m trying my best to be grateful.

You’re right about the crutches; I’m having terrible trouble getting to grips with them. I did accidentally put one down on his foot when I first got them but I’ve been a bit more careful since then - he’ll be no use as my manservant if we’re both injured 😂

misswobble profile image

oh dear Gabs 😖

It might not be too bad. 🤞 ever the optimist I am

Your husband will be annoyed that you have put a crimp on his plans 🙄

😁 If I had to rely on my old man for sustenance .... shudder 🙄

Hopefully it,won’t be too bad and you’ll be back at it sharpish

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply tomisswobble

Thank you! I’m trying to remain optimistic too...although I still can’t put any weight on it. My ankle healed much faster than expected so I’m hoping for a similar outcome this time. In the meantime, I need another hobby!

I suspect husband will be even more annoyed when he’s had to look after me all day today!

misswobble profile image

When I was in agony with shin splint one tea time and couldn’t stand the pain he did load me into the car and took me for a meal 😁

Otherwise he is no help at all Good job I don’t ail much 🙂

Having a positive frame of mind will be a necessity 💪👍

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply tomisswobble

Mine has been more of a hinderance so far! He was most put out when I explained that I would need the use of both legs in order to walk the dog. He is currently cooking tea though, albeit with guidance!

C3PO profile image

So sorry to hear it. Good luck!

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply toC3PO

Thank you!

ju-ju- profile image

Ouch you poor thing. I do hope it heals quickly, and take care...

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon in reply toju-ju-

Thanks ju-ju-

ancientrunner profile image
ancientrunnerHalf Marathon

Sorry to hear that, hopefully it's not to bad.

Oh gosh, so sorry to see you on the IC. Here's hoping you have a speedy recovery.

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon

oh no :( sorry to hear that! Get well soon Gabby !

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

Sorry to read this - sounds nasty.Sending healing vibes your way!👍

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