HM training week14 day1 - tapering - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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HM training week14 day1 - tapering

45 Replies

First run for 8 days thanks to the knee. I think the watch and app have got confused because I missed week 13: the planned run didn’t come up on the watch, so this was 5k off plan. I did most of it in zone 4, as you can see from the photo. I really must watch that or I will exhaust myself before I’m halfway through on race day. I did manage negative splits though.

I wore compression socks today (they are rather hot!) as well as a knee support, so once I’ve managed to escape them, I will see how my legs feel.

I’m still tiring by 5k, which is a worry. I really don’t know why, especially as I’ve had more than a week’s rest. Back in the summer I was good to go the complete HM distance. Possibly it’s emotional tiredness: my sister’s cancer; my partner’s stress over his mother having Alzheimer’s; having had one of my elderly cats to and from the vets for two months - culminating in my having a twenty minute walk to and from the out of hours vet in the middle of the night, carrying the cat basket, to have her put down (Mic was away and I don’t drive). Whatever the reason, I haven’t the stamina I had a few weeks ago. Ah, well, the race is in less than two weeks, so what will be will be.

The main thing is I’m back!!! And the knee feels ok.

45 Replies
limberlou profile image
limberlouHalf Marathon

Oh Flick what a cr*p time you’ve been having. Sending hugs 💕

I’m sure on the day you will pull it out of the bag. Just concentrate on making yourself healthy and try to sleep ( I know easier said than done!). I find if I grab a cat and a blanket and pull the curtains I can manage a nana nap mid afternoon.

You have done all that training and that has to count for something and you have done the distance before so, even if you end up Jeffing it, I’m sure you will finish. And you will probably surprise yourself on the day. Take care of you xx

in reply tolimberlou

Thank you lovely. It’s not been the easiest of years! Sleep hasn’t been too bad though. I did pass out on the sofa for an hour yesterday too. I feel a lot better for running again. I can’t believe how quickly that can’t be bothered feeling sneaks back in when you stop being as active 😳

You’re right and I’ve decided I will walk or even pause to rest on the day if I have to. Xx

limberlou profile image
limberlouHalf Marathon in reply to

Yeah I know what you mean. I ran Thursday and was going to do ParkRun but then slept in and then thought the HM and the marathon were on my usual routes so I’d leave it till Sunday... and then had a bad attack of my GERD over sat night and all day yesterday and I cannot run with that!!

Just popped out and did some interval training and nearly died!!! I was only running for about 16 mins!!! 🤣. I need to do that regularly I think.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon

Oh Flick, you have had a rough time of it, and that will take its toll on you for sure. As for the race, it’s as much a mental battle, and you just need to prepare and not overthink if possible. Complete the taper, eat well and rest. I am confident you can do this; all the hard training has been done. I am rooting for you. xxx

in reply toSadie-runs

Thank you dearest. It’s alarming how quickly the mind takes over and tells you not to bother once you pause training for a few days. Xxx

Mummycav profile image
Mummycav in reply to

Haha, mine says that every flipping day!!! 🙄 x

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Oh wow Flick, you’re having quite the time of it. I do feel for you. ❤️

I wouldn’t worry too much about stats now - you’re a fantastic runner and you know you’ll be ok on the day. Look at all the work you’ve put into your legs. We’re behind you all the way. Go Flick! 👍🙌💪👊🏃‍♀️

in reply tocheekychipmunks

Thank you so much. It’s really nice being back in here with all the lovely support xx

Agelesslass profile image
AgelesslassMetric Marathon

You’ll be great in the race Flick, all this training will pay off I’m sure. Hope your cat is ok too 😀😀

in reply toAgelesslass

Thank you, fingers crossed. the cat died that night - but i too hope she journeyed safely and well xx

Agelesslass profile image
AgelesslassMetric Marathon in reply to

Oh no, I’m so very sorry Flick, I have two cats so know you must be very upset. Bless you. Poor cat xxx

misswobble profile image

Glad you’re back! 💪

Hopefully things will run smoothly for you and you can crack on The knocks you’ve had would take their toll 😟

It’s a fresh week. Lots of possibilities 😃

I’m off out to run some intervals 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

in reply tomisswobble

Thank you, that's actually really helpful - to the point. Good luck with the intervals :)

MikeJones68 profile image
MikeJones68Half Marathon

Good to see you back on track, young Flick x

in reply toMikeJones68

thank you lovely mike x

MikeJones68 profile image
MikeJones68Half Marathon in reply to

And look, I too have a 10 mile badge now. I am catching you up :) x

in reply toMikeJones68

so you do! i missed that! well done x

backintime profile image
backintime10 Miles

As you are back, the knee held up and you ran !

I'm sure all the stress has had an impact but I'm also fairly sure that you haven't lost all your fitness that you had before the summer.

Have you tried just having a run off schedule...just a nice easy comfortable run ?

If it helps, I had a run yesterday and was knackered by 3k but pushed through and got to 16k, it got easier towards the end but the first few k are definitely harder for me, maybe you are just taking longer to warm up ?

in reply tobackintime

Thanks 😊 today was off schedule, doing my own thing, as the watch didn’t present me with my training plan run. I learned a lot. Mainly that, when I just do my own thing, I zoom into zone 4 and knacker myself. Next run I shall watch that

Sqkr profile image
SqkrHalf Marathon

Oh Flick what a horrible swirl of things around you. Don't think about your endurance fluctuating a bit, it will absolutely be draining you and you'll not be tackling your plan as your full capable self. If you're feeling drained then use your running as the rejuvenating escape it is good for. We run because we can, and numbers can be a great distraction—but sometimes just the wind in your hair can be the pick me up that you need. Make sure you don't lose sight of that bit!

in reply toSqkr

Thank you, all so true. Also, as I said to Linda, my energy levels start to dip as the weather gets colder. I really am a weirdo who has more energy in the summer. Xxx

linda9389 profile image

You've a got such a lot on your plate there! I think I feel tired at the end of every run - it's something to do with expectations, I can only do what I set out to do. Today you set out to run 5k. And you weren't sure if your knee could do it. And you went too fast. Is it any wonder you were tired at the end of 5k?

When you set out in a couple of weeks expecting to do 21k, with a recovered knee, a sensible pace strategy and a huge dose of race magic it will be a whole other story. Look back at your previous pre-race posts - do you see a pattern? Worry if you must, but you've got this xxx

in reply tolinda9389

Actually I didn’t set out to run 5k. Because my watch messed up on the training plan, I just ran. I got nearly home and found I was near 5k and decided to keep going for a bit (spot on about the hr though, I must watch that!). When I do the plans, I forget how long the run is and just watch the time for each phase tick down. Back in the summer I felt motivated and energised and said so. So no, I don’t have a pattern. I’ve been concerned recently because I’ve been more tired. Resting heart rate is consistently up too so something is adrift. I’m guessing just old age as this seems to go in cycles - and I think maybe I just run better in summer. So I don’t want to sidetrack by thinking it’s worry as such.

BUT ... I do totally appreciate your support and belief in me.

How is the foot btw? Any sign of running on the horizon? Xxx

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to

Ahh! So much for my theory! Isn't there a pattern tho, insofar as you have been very concerned before each race that you won't be able to do it, but then been pleased after the event? And yes, I do believe in you - there's a strength and determination there that will be hard to knock. Be nice to yourself xxx

I'm back to the beginning of C25K, having been signed off on Thursday. Little steps, but I'm loving them. It will be a little easier to miss Oxford HM knowing I am at least back out there 🙂

in reply tolinda9389

I think it’s normal to have wobbles about a race. Voicing it helps get it into perspective for me anyway . I’m such a moaning Minnie 😂 but it’s just my way of navigating it - and lots of others’ way too judging by comments on running forums. I guess it’s partly being British and partly that running - which is natural to all of us, and which we were born to do - has become a thing rather than just a normal part of life. And don’t forget I spent 50 years being told I couldn’t run after the injuries I had ... thank goodness for my incredible runner GP who told me otherwise.

I’m thrilled that you are running again. It will probably be easier this time round as you know what to expect and will have a foundation to draw on, both mentally and physically, along with your amazing cycling fitness. Actually this is the best news I’ve heard all month xxx

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to

I agree! Nerves at this stage are normal - I'm a real anxious Annie, so totally get that. I've found the best way for me to navigate nervousness is to draw on previous positive experiences. To know I feared failing a race but didn't, more than once, is a big help for my confidence and helps me keep a sense of perspective. I was hoping it might help you too - I definitely wasn't trying to dismiss your nerves. Hope I didn't offend 🙂

in reply tolinda9389

Oh goodness no, I wasn’t offended at all 😊 it’s sometimes hard to convey without facial expressions or body language. I appreciate any input, especially from people like yourself who have done a half already. My mind says I can do it, I’m just flapping. And if I can’t run it all, I shall alternate with walking. When I did my first race, the hilly Blenheim 10k, I woke up on the morning feeling totally calm and optimistic. I got a 10k personal best 😂

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to

That's a relief :)

It was your Blenheim success I was thinking of. Hold that thought, all day every day :D

I LOVE that feeling of calm that eventually descends - for me it's usually when I take the first few steps over the start line - no reason to worry or flap any more, you just get on with doing what you have to do :)

in reply tolinda9389

It’s true, you kind of float over the start line. It’s as if things slow down and focus x

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon in reply to

Reading these posts made me think of this quote:

"It always seems impossible - until it's done"

Nelson Mandela.

Hope your knee is feeling ok now Flick? Good luck with the taper!🙂x

in reply toSandraj39

Thanks Sandra - inspiring words. Knee is as better as it ever gets - till next time. It’s basically been fucked since I was 19. Running has improved it x

quirkybee profile image

Oh Flick, my little lovely lady, I was rather upset and touched to hear that your little cat has passed, but you did your best and you can't do more than that, you cat would be proud of you.

As for how you feel now with the run, you have quite a bit bearing on your shoulders and even though you didn't flag at 5k earlier, I think sometimes, these worries and concerns we have, bear an awful stress on not only our emotional state, but that of our physical too and, all very sudden too.

You're back though and that's the important bit. Keep practicing and training, you really are doing very well in the circumstances. I'm routing for you in any case ❤️😘 xxx

in reply toquirkybee

Thank you beautiful Beth. It’s true, emotional stuff can be very draining. The trouble with running nowadays is that we do it when we choose rather than legging after our dinner or away from being something else’s meal. We have too much time to think xxx

SlowLoris profile image
SlowLoris in reply to

Sorry but I’m really struggling with the concept of your cat being proud of you.

Anyway, onwards and upwards Flick. Taper is finally here. Time for positive thoughts.

in reply toSlowLoris

Beth is being supportive. It’s a girl thing 😊

Thank you yes, taper!!! And yes I must think positive. Thank you for the succinct bloke kick up the rear which I definitely need. One of the few times male brevity is useful x

GoGo_JoJo profile image

Tough times Flick, life is such a rollercoaster, and we never even bought a ticket! I hope things settle down a little for you. 💕

Look after yourself, I'm sure you'll manage on the day, you're a tough cookie.👍🏻😁

in reply toGoGo_JoJo

Thank you lovely. All this freaking and faffing is good fodder for future races I guess. Soon be over anyway 😊

Mummycav profile image

Yikes Hidden have so much going on both physically and, worst of all, emotionally...your Sister, she must be on your mind all of the time? And Mics Mum too??? Your lovely cats too, bless're not only running on all this but your sleep wont be what it should be either so whatever you're acheiving is amazing...everyday life takes it toll without everything else youve got going on. I have said it before Flick and I'll say it again, you are amazing, your running is amazing just keep.on listening to your body and keep those socks on and support for that knee and when the time comes you will be good to go...your usual, determined, strong self xxx

in reply toMummycav

Bevlar, you are a treasure ❤️ Thank you lovely. My sleep has been bad, but luckily it seems better at the moment. I’m dreading the night before the race as I probably won’t sleep because I know I need to LOL XXX

Mummycav profile image
Mummycav in reply to

Awww, you are too...I know how sleep is affected when we're troubled, sometimes we don't even realise how much the lack of a decent nights sleep actually does change everything...gosh, I'll be awake the night before your race too!!! I'm not a good sleeper at the best of times but when something is on my mind my sleep is the first thing to be affected so considering everything flick, you are doing just fine xxxx

in reply toMummycav

I’m a horribly light sleeper ☹️

Clairecandothis profile image
ClairecandothisMarathonHalf Marathon

Awe Flick, there is such a lot going on around you and a lot to deal with emotionally. I'm so sorry about your cat as well as your families health. Not being able to run on top of all that must have been tough. But you are back! I'm pleased you rested and hopefully your knee is okay?

Maybe you are okay to run in zone 4? Or was that why you were tired out maybe? Zone 3 is a comfortable pace but it took me a few runs to get back into staying in the zones after my week of resting too. The legs just want to move after a break! That's what will happen with your taper too lovely, it's just tough to not start too fast on the day then! I read for my marathon to almost take a step back not forwards to purposely slow down for the start and not shoot off too fast. I think I will purposely run for 10 minutes in zone 2 if I can just to find my pace.

Sending you lots of love and a big boost of you got this. I am looking forward to your run.... mainly because mine will be over lols but I do genuinely believe you eill surprise yourself. Xx

in reply toClairecandothis

Thank you lovely. Yes it’s been a grindingly tough year, starting with the move, then Mics dad dying, and it’s gone on from there. But nothing lasts forever, and next year hopefully things will begin to improve.

My knee seems as good now as it ever is - I’m always one step away from it hurting or swelling because of the damage to it and to my femur. It’s only really an issue because of the race.

You are so right about the legs wanting to move. I went off in zone 2 but soon shot into zone 3. My average hr for the run was 146bpm, which is pretty much my average hr over the last two years. Maybe that IS my zone 3, but I don’t think so as I’m a bit out of breath at that pace. I just have to accept that a sensible pace for me is around 8.5 min/km. I hit 4.5 a couple of times which is insane! I need to slow right down to 9.5-10min/km for at least the beginning of the half marathon or I am going to be tired by 10k.

Love back at ya! So looking forward to your race report. I really enjoyed reading your Blenheim HM report last year! Xx

Clairecandothis profile image
ClairecandothisMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to

The nerves are starting to kick in but so is the adrenaline! We can only be as ready as we are.... 😊

I'm envious of you being able to run lol. You will be back in your zone as you taper! Xx

in reply toClairecandothis

We are going to be awesome!!! I think 😳😂 xx

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