5 Minute Challenge: The awful truth r... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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5 Minute Challenge: The awful truth revealed

Rignold profile image
34 Replies

Okay, well there has been an enthusiastic response to the Challenge suggestion for across all the various fora. Everyone be like "Yo Rig! What's not to like? Lean and mean in less than 5 minutes? That's a third of the time of that tousle haired muppet Joe Wicks!"

now, after the euphoria, for the ghastly truth of what's involved...

yes, @PamJ58 on the Bridge to 10k forum, you guessed it correctly. It is burpees, I'm afraid...


hmm, well, that emptied the room pretty quickly, didn't it?

Ah, burpees... Not quite everyone's favourite exercise, I realise. Not my favourite exercise eiher, i will readily admit, but a horridly effective one, and , well, we are looking to acheive a lot in a short space of time. If I could propose a way of getting the same job done with 5 minutes of meditation and slow eye movements a was suggested on the Marathon group you can believe I would be all over it, but sadly meditation is not going to deliver the metabolic bang for the buck we require for the task at hand.

Okay so, just to scare off the last stragglers reaining who have not managed to get out the emergency exits yet, I should, in the interests of full disclosure, reveal at this point that the end goal of the challenge is 100 burpees. Unbroken. In 5 minutes.

Thos eof you who have gone 1 plus 1, quick maths and calculated that 100 burpees in minutes is 1 burpee every 3 seconds, congratulate yourselves on your mental arithmetical acuity. thos of you who are just shaking your heads and muttering that I am mental, just hold on a moment... it's not actually as bad as it sounds...

Well, it is as bad as it sounds, but it is not undoable. If you have a heart condition or other medical condition that precludes you from high intensity exercise, you're going to want to sit this one out. Likewise if you have knee or hip issues that mean you cannot get up and down off the floor safely. Otherwise, have at it! If you are shaking your head and muttering that you siply aren't fit enough to do 100 burpees, or any burpees, let alone in 5 minutes well, join the club. I very much doubt anyone here is and if they were it wouldn't be much of a challenge. If you think you are carrying to much weight to be doing burpees, well, so are we all, that's kinda the point of doing them. Trust me, by the end of the challange you will be carrying a lot less. You don't do 100 burpees a day without looking like someone who does 100 burpees a day.

For those of you, probably all of you, (or even us, because I felt exactly the same way this time yesterday) who are just looking at the words 100 burpees and thinking that is just a ludicrous unmanageable figure, well... didn't you think the same thing the day you first looked at the programme to get you to running 5k? Didn't you think the same about the aount of weight you wnated to lose at the start of your weight loss journey?

Yes 100 burpees non stop is a distant seemingly impossible goal, but you don't have to do 100 burpees right now. I'm anticipating taking at least 90 days to reach that target. We're going to break it down and do a little bit at a time and progress gradually towards the goal.

I'm assuming everyone knows what a burpee is. If not here is a demonstration:


2 things to note: firstly, as in the video, you have to take your chest to the floor. I have seen so many exercise classes where people just put their hands on the floor and jump their feet back a few inches. I have no idea what that is, but it is not a burpee. My daughter comes home from school apoplectic on PE day because girls n her class don't do proper burpees.

However, you are not obliged to do the whole plank to pushup thing. You can just drop to the deck and then spring back up again.

Oh, and you d need to do the jump and overhead clap. Every time. No cutting corners.

Other than that, it couldn't be simpler. Just like fallong off a log. Onto your face. Then jumping back up and doing it again repeatedly.

I did mine already today. I started out doing 3 sets of 10 in 30 seconds with 30 seconds break in between. I was being a bit over zealous. I should have taken 1 minute breaks. I didn't quite get the 3rd set. I took 34 seconds for the last set of 10, so tomorrow I'm going to repeat that. if I nail all 3 sets in 30 tomorrow I will move on to 3 sets of 11 in 33 seconds, with a 1 minute break and so on. It continues like that until we reach 3 sets of 30 in 1:30, then it drops back down to 2 sets of 31, but we'll get on to that when we get to it.

So, start with whatever number you can do keeping a 3 second tempo. If you can do 10, do 10, if you can 3 or 4, do 3 or 4 then add a rep each time you have managed 3 sets. If you can only do 1, do 1 and keep trying until you can do 3 sets of 2.

I haven't done any metabolic conditioning for ages so I felt like I had been gargling fire by the end. But that is to be expected at the beginning of anything. On the plus side it was all done in under 3 minutes and I didn't die. Only another 89 days or so to go.

See? I told you it would be fun.

Oh, no , wait... I didn't say that at all. Thank the gods for that. I did say it would make you fitter, leaner, stronger, though and that I stand by.

Right... get down and do those burpees!

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Rignold profile image
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34 Replies
GoogleMe profile image

I'm going to do the meditation version I think.... I think my mitochondria might decide meditation is all I can ever do again if I attempted the real challenge. But I shall enjoy spectating!

Rignold profile image
Rignold in reply toGoogleMe

thus began the exodus

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMe in reply toRignold

In my defence, I'm pretty much keeping up the daily squat regime...

secksy34 profile image

damn .... why didnt i even guess my arch nemesis burpees would be it .... im stoopid stoopid stoopid , and i think id like a refund now !!!

ancientrunner profile image
ancientrunnerHalf Marathon

Well, I did 3 and now need to lie down. I hate them , can't really imagine 100 but will do what I can!!

JennyH10 profile image

Yay burpees!!! Said no one, ever 😂. I’m still in though...

misswobble profile image

I can move my eyes 👀

I said i would so that's it now. committed. Now then, starts making plans to shift big coffee table that’s appeared in my exercise space 🤨 grrrrrrrrr this is what i’m up against 🙄

Gonna need a block and tackle. Gimme me a minute ........ 💪

mrrun profile image

I'm strangely relieved. I feared worse. Much worse. Ok, let's see what the left knee says. A hundred, did you say? I feared much worse....

Rignold profile image
Rignold in reply tomrrun

a hundred at a strict 3 second tempo without pause. I can add a few more for anyone who finishes without breaking a sweat.

I will add another hundred for anyone who finishes before me.

mrrun profile image
mrrunUltramarathon in reply toRignold

Your kindness at times is touching.

Eatcakeandrun profile image

Ok - it could be worse. But not a lot! I will make a chart and tick it off each day. I need that kind of primary school motivation!

marco83 profile image

ok, since I didn't know exactly what burpees were until the video (and there is quite a bit of reading by then ;) ) for now I will follow this. I will try to start this toward the end of the month (I think for the first half of May the marathon is enough) but I like the idea.

I am a bit worried for my knees, cause it seems like everything that is not running damages them (I know I have a very strange pair of knees - driving in the traffic hurts my knees, but running 20 miles on a Sunday morning on the road does not... )

good luck you beasts, I will try to follow up in a month :)

Er... you've got me scuppered before I start as I can't actually do a single push up... yet. Maybe my challenge needs to be to get 10 of them under my belt.

By the way - I got taught the girls' PE method of doing burpees which was a bit more than just jumping our feet back a little. More like a "squat thrust" in the style of Brian Jacks. But with less speed and jumping the feet back, not sliding. Think I'm showing my age there ;)

Langley-Loper profile image
Langley-LoperHalf Marathon in reply torunningnearbeirut

Brian Jacks on Superstars - those were the days!

I was watching from the sidelines but I am afraid I am now back in the changing rooms as my hip makes a funny internal clicking sound if I do just one burpee.

Interestingly burpee auto corrects to burger on my phone. I would rather try and do 100 of them in 5 minutes.

Rignold profile image
Rignold in reply torunningnearbeirut

You dont need to be able to do a pushup. Just drop to a prone position and then jump back up.

Irish-John profile image

...an added benefit...no way would I EVER mess with anyone tough enough to do THAT programme... : O. My hat is off to those who even attempt it, let alone complete it :)

mrrun profile image

In order not to burp in more ways than this, your last pre-exercise meal should be consumed at least 3-4 hours before you fall flat on your face, and should not contain more than a droplet of water and a particle of dust. I had to postpone my workout after mere 6 jumps. A 100, did you say? 3 second intervals? What was l thinking......

misswobble profile image

I love the way he says “just drop” 😁

I am in pain today as I worked hard at the gym yesdy, went to the plot all day and went running

I gave burpees a go this morning and was pathetic but things can only get better.

mrrun profile image

Ok, here’s fresh news from the source.

I did 10 followed by a 90 second break. Heart beat at around 450 per minute. Then, foolishly did another 10. I liked it when I touched the ground and jumped up, clapping moronically, only for the oxygen never to go back to my drained head and the room became funny. And all became funny. And then I spent half an hour composing myself. Asking, why isn’t there any oxygen anywhere?

Right. When I get back to my senses I will try again but will pace myself differently and do reasonable reps. At least I can see the point. If you ever manage 100 in 5 minutes, your body WILL change, no other way about it.

What was I thinking………………………………?!!?

Rignold profile image
Rignold in reply tomrrun

The pace is the critical thing though, not the number of reps. You can start with 2 or 3 reps if needs be. But you do have to do them at 3 second tempo. It is a pretty brutal pace but we are working on building our cardio engine here. Try just doing 5 but make sure you do them in 15 seconds.

I realise it is unpleasant. I thought my throat had caught fire. But, to paraphrase DDP: "This ain't yo' mama's workout!"

mrrun profile image
mrrunUltramarathon in reply toRignold

Sure ain't..

I did a rookie, and figured out I could go another 10, the first 10 weren't too bad. Pace is king, I forgot about it.

I then crushed and burned like a hummingbird shot by a bazooka.

misswobble profile image

I got down there and couldn’t do the jump back up into the crouch position before the final jump up


You are doing brill 💪😃👍

Rignold profile image

Just done day 2. Still didn't get all three sets in under 30 seconds even with a full minute break. Did 30, 31, 33. Slightly worse than yesterday in fact. But what the hey. I suspect its going to take a week or so just to get into the swing of it. I had forgotten just what hell burpees are.

Eatcakeandrun profile image

I have just done 4 sets of 30 seconds - managing 6,7,6,7 in each set, with 1 minute rest between. But now I realise I am doing it wrong! I am not sure I can even manage 1 in 3 seconds!


Rignold profile image
Rignold in reply toEatcakeandrun

good work nonetheless. I think the first week or so will be finding our feet a bit. The tepo is challenging I'll admit. It's flat out sprint the whole way.

Rignold profile image

I have been looking for examples of people doing it. I was dismayed to find if you type "100 burpees in..." into YouTube, the whole first list of suggestions is 8, 10, 15 minutes.

But then I found this guy, who admittedly does not jump very high but gets them done in 3.33, so it is not beyond the realms of possibility


Eatcakeandrun profile image
EatcakeandrunMarathon in reply toRignold

That is unbelievable! But what I really love is that while the guy just goes like a machine, in the background are normal people doing them - looking totally wrecked!

mrrun profile image
mrrunUltramarathon in reply toRignold

He doesn't jump at all. He just gets detached from the ground. Marginally. What pushed my limit this morning was the actual jump, and l leapt like a hysterical antelope, preventing the oxygen to get to my head fast enough, leading to my crushing fiasco.

Also, judging the video, l sense that the fella is of a much shorter stature than me and that's where the laws of physics also chip in.

Anyways, let's carry on and see what this business can really do but l can tell that in the field of swimming pool l would cause him a lot of issues at 100 freestyle.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply toRignold

He's all about the pushup part isn't he! During all the "jumps" he's looking yearningly downwards, planning his next pushup :) Still, despite the marginal ground-leaving he's marvellously bouncy.

Rignold profile image

I’m toying with the idea of relaxing the time constraint and just doing the hundred unbroken burpees, which would be achievement in itself, and perhaps more realistic. But I kinda think it is too early to slacken off the target and pushing the tempo will at least keep us aiming high.

ancientrunner profile image
ancientrunnerHalf Marathon in reply toRignold

I understand I can improve - and maybe even come to love them (!!!!) but that speed is not a realistic aim for me.

Ajs07 profile image

I managed 5 last night!! (I say 5, my version of 5 😂). My knees cannot cope with the madness of it all so I’m afraid I’m going to take the easy option. I’m going to use the stairs as my floor, press up and do the jump at the end. I will still be improving my fitness but to my ability, hope that’s ok ??

Rignold profile image

What is it?

Rignold profile image

I get the idea. Someone else suggested they might do them using the stairs

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