Wobbling, have I done enough training... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Wobbling, have I done enough training and miles?

34 Replies

Looking over my training log I am having a wobble. Have I done enough training and miles for my hm on 22nd April? I know I am building up again slowly in the last few weeks again, keeping in mind Roseabi suggested plan but I am having a bit of a spin as whether my legs will get me round 😕 Is it normal to be full of doubt at this point?

34 Replies
roseabi profile image

It is normal :)

Why do you think your legs won't get you round? I think they will!

in reply to roseabi

I just don't look to have done many miles, only about 5 long runs. My legs feel very tired at the end of a long run yet not at all bad the next day. But now i am worrying about still being on track. Hm seems so enormous, probably just having a panic about it, faffage will start soon I am sure.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to

Yeah, panic and faffage are all part of it :) But it's fun too, at least I hope it is!

Legs should feel tired after a long run because it's hard work. If they feel fine the next day then that's excellent! In fact I'd go so far as to say it's a good indication that you are fit and ready for the half marathon.

Remember to rest for the last day or so, fresh legs will give a nice spring to your step for the race!

in reply to roseabi

My first run back from Australia, after shorter runs away, was faster but felt good. I did more distance than I should of being jetlagged but did remember your warning of injury so stopped at 9 miles . I can see from this how tapering really can help on the day.

That said I will feel better to get another 10-11 mile run in before the event....just so I haven't lost it. But my pace is fast at the moment so I am going to have to slow up for a longer jolly. It is like being on a rollercoaster!

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to

You know how to pace yourself and you know the route too. You're golden!

Decker profile image

I think you can totally do it RFD. Your legs are there. Now you just have to fully convince your mind. like roseabi says, you are golden!

in reply to Decker

My head is having a mental moment today, maybe reality kicking in. It has also all been solo miles which doesn't help.

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to

I think when we run alone, our thoughts can sometimes get the best of us. That's what I found anyway. Running with other people helps distract me from that noise that sometimes builds in my head, but running alone helps you to slide into a zone. It makes sense you would have some jitters, but listen to the experienced runners here. You will be awesome, you'll see.

in reply to Decker

Yes you are right Decker, too much thinking time on a hilly run today. Everyone here has been very positive and encouraging, something I need to take on board!

C3PO profile image

I completely understand, as I'm pretty much in the same boat in terms of mileage. And doubts are completely normal!

I think you'll get round. Just don't think about your finish time. Lots of things click into place on the day.

in reply to C3PO

That's encouraging regarding the mileage, thank you. I have no one to compare notes with so no idea how I am doing. I feel that I am bumbling in the dark a little. The asics plan was/is all over the place and my three weeks of lower mileage hasn't helped my confidence. Fortunately I have no expectations of time, any time will be a pb. Eek, it is getting closer now!

misswobble profile image

It’s going to be fine, stop worrying 🙂. It’s a half marathon and it’s going to be fun! They are happy occasions, there’ll be a party atmosphere, folks are there to get round in the best way they can 🙂 If you get tired then you walk for a bit 😃

I divide the race into fractions as I feel it helps me mentally chew up the distance. It will pass really quickly as there’s usually a lot to take in, and hopefully plenty of distractions 👍

Allow yourself some taper time as you want to be fresh on race day 🙂

in reply to misswobble

Do you bother with headphones and music miss wobble?

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to

Not for the race itself. Read the race rules and it will tell you if it’s allowed. On race day I like to take in the sights and sounds as it keeps me amused and makes the race seem shorter🙂

In training I often listen to music but not on one specific road where it’s just too busy. I have had an ear infection for several weeks so have run without music for seemingly ages but I’ve not really missed it. It’s helpful on longer runs, especially the 18 k ones when you need all the help you can get. I bought the Audiofuel First and Second hour for my marathon training but it’s ok for half training too. It’s coached so you don’t feel lonely 😃

in reply to misswobble

The rules suggest music is fine as long as you are not chasing a finisher position 🤣. Maybe I will take them but run without and see how I go. I have never really done such a spectator supported run before so it is new territory for me.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to

If there are spectators it really helps. If you watch my little race clip, there were folks cheering me to the finish and on the approach. I didn’t know them. They’ll do it for all the runners 😁

I’ve done races with not one supporter which is when you have to rely on your own resources to get you through Your fellow runners can be a great source of support too which is why I’d forego the headphones 🙂

Don’t be anxious about it. Go with the flow of your final taper jogs, getting your stuff ready and picturing yourself at the event and daydreaming about what it will be like 😃🏃‍♀️👍

in reply to misswobble

Thank you miss wobble. That sounds much more encouraging than what is going through my mind!! I will try some visualisation techniques 😁

Lordi profile image

You'll certainly finish with all your fitness! Even if you blow-up a bit you can drop to a slow jog pace to get round right at the end. If you set an unrealistic time target then you might feel like you've come up short? You won't though!

in reply to Lordi

No realistic time expectations really. I know my times for 11 and 12 mile training runs so these can indicate a possible time but I am not aiming for the clock, just to get round!

JaySeeSkinny profile image
JaySeeSkinnyHalf Marathon

You’ve done 11 and 12 miles recently - why wouldn’t you be able to tag a couple of miles on in a race atmosphere? The only reason I can see for not getting round would be an injury. But you’re top fit and raring to go! You will smash it - I have no doubts!

in reply to JaySeeSkinny

I guess my last 11.8 mile was on 22 Feb so two months prior to the event. Several training plans suggest long run 3-4 weeks before hence my concern. I will try for another long run soon.

secksy34 profile image

yes its normal , I did my first half Mara on Sunday , I thought I had forgotten how to run because of the taper week as you don't do as much but everything was amazing .... You will smash it , if you've trained hard you will run easy x !!! Plus if thee are spectators that is really motivating . Good luck you will be awesome , Ps my longest run before the race was 12 miles !

in reply to secksy34

Thank you. How long before did you do your 12 mile?

secksy34 profile image
secksy34Marathon in reply to

i did 12 miles on sunday feb 25th , the following week i did nothing til sunday ( 5 miles ) as it was snowing and i had slight injury , long run of 8 miles on sunday 11 march , then 2 weeks short runs only as taper weeks , ran 13.1 on 25th, honestly you will be fine , most of its in your head anyway and if youve done 12 you can do 13 xx

Langley-Loper profile image
Langley-LoperHalf Marathon

Hello - you are a few steps ahead of me in the process. I am still agonising about signing up for a HM in the first place. I have been impressed with your Strava miles and although I don't have the experience of others on here, it sounds like you will nail it on the day.

I may be following on a couple of months behind...

in reply to Langley-Loper

Go for it! I have enjoyed the training process and have been quite disciplined. Now I am facing the reality and it is rather scary! I am hoping I have done enough to get through and will take a mini break post event. Hopefully seeing my journey won't have put you off!

Langley-Loper profile image
Langley-LoperHalf Marathon in reply to

Not at all - your journey on the forum is useful reference material for me!

Madge50 profile image

You are amazing, you have done/are doing the training, you are being completely ‘normal’ 🤪, with the jitters, faffidge, etc., embrace the excitement, you are golden...

Feel the fear and do it anyway.....😱......you’ll have a blast, I promise..


in reply to Madge50

The fear is what it scaring me, I need to see it as excitement! I will see how my longer run goes this week as I don't have long left for training. It is a huge step into the unknown for me so yes faffage and jitters is where I am at!!

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon in reply to

honestly you'll love it and you've done so well with your training! My friend Sue who's running with me says she loved it more than GSR last year, even with the bridge. Its a real milestone your 1st one, you're going to remember that finish line. Don't stress i'm 100% sure of your ability :) x

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon

You've done far more than I managed. The longest run I acheived prior was 10 miles two months before. The following week I sprained my ankle and barely ran for the next month. I finally built back up to 10 miles a week before the run. I therefore had no proper taper and had to run an extra 5k on the day. I did it, but the last mile or two were hard. It didn't help it was p***ing down either.

Pre match nerves are normal, and no training is perfect. But this is all part of the journey. You have totally got this!

in reply to Whatsapp

Thank you for your encouraging words. I am very consious of injuries at this point and any illness that my kids might bring me. All adds to the nerves and worries that I may not be as prepared as I should be. I need to chill out maybe, easier said than done.

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

Believe me, you will be fab and you will love it! I was really nervous before my HM last year but it is still one of the best things I have done! Absolutely loved it, everything came together on the day and it will for you too!🙂 Just believe!!🏃🏽‍♀️👍

in reply to Sandraj39

Thank you. I am starting to feel more positive now. Hoping for a good run out tomorrow, in the wet!

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