Half marathon, maybe more than a dream? - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Half marathon, maybe more than a dream?

JoolieB1 profile image
22 Replies

I run 3 times a week, 2 X 5k and a longer run.  I have entered a half marathon in September so feel I have been reasonably sensible but running 20k seems a huge goal for someone who graduated from C25K 32 weeks ago now and as a 52 year old former non runner, pretty surprised I run at all.

I have done 10k quite a few times now which is good but once did a 13k, so today with a 10k in mind, I felt OK and kept going to 11, again at 12 and so thought I might stumble a little longer and managed 15k!  A record for me and makes a half marathon in September seem possible.  Lovely grass and tracks in the woods too, so great for my chunky legs!

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JoolieB1 profile image
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22 Replies
Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

Well done Julie, super run - you are really going great guns at the moment! 😀👍

JoolieB1 profile image
JoolieB1 in reply to Sandraj39

Thank you.  I was tired and grumpy, not in the mood for running and doubted even 5k was achievable.  I think interesting places break the run down, I was running on soft uneven ground which always seems more challenging and fun and I was running at a comfortable speed which made plodding on possible.  I always think if I am breathing ok and not injured, I could keep going!  Legs achy and tired but otherwise unscathed.  Will have at least 2 days off as I'm going out to a Country show on Monday and will then see how next week goes.  Some fast runners overtook me which was a little disheartening but I just jog on LOL

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon in reply to JoolieB1

You are doing fab - and we all go at our own speed, fast or slow! Remember, 15k is 15k, whatever speed you run it! You will definately be ready for that HM in September Julie!

boptillyoudrop49 profile image

Wow, you're seizing the bull by the horns. Sounds like you'll be ready for it by June. I don't feel up to that distance yet. 10k is comfortable now, perhaps not terribly fast but 20k feels out of my reach. Well done, making impressive strides there. Keep it up :)

JoolieB1 profile image
JoolieB1 in reply to boptillyoudrop49

Leg is a bit sore so maybe I overdid it but will rest up!!

dagshar profile image
dagsharHalf Marathon

Well done!  yes, it is absolutely possible!  I think at our age the important thing is just to be sensible and not overdo it and if you keep things steady you will be more than ready in the autumn :-)

JoolieB1 profile image
JoolieB1 in reply to dagshar

Leg is a bit sore today though, seem to have pulled a muscle at the back of my calf, looking after my toffee legs today, warm blanket, reading plus rest!  Not due to run til Tuesday now but will see how it goes

ju-ju- profile image

Woo Hoo... That is absolutely amazing, and that HM is well within your sights now. When is it and I will add on our calendar??

Dunnja profile image
DunnjaHalf Marathon

Well done.  You will achieve.  Just keep that training up.  I found having a plan to follow helped me x

JoolieB1 profile image
JoolieB1 in reply to Dunnja

Thank u.  I tried a 10k plan but find doing my own plan works best for me so far, just need to make sure I don't push too hard and end up with injury, have a 10k in June, then September HM

Dunnja profile image
DunnjaHalf Marathon in reply to JoolieB1

I struggled with a 10k training plan but have to say I enjoyed the HM one.  Ticking each week off was quite therapeutic.

You have lots of time to train and build those miles up.

It's an amazing feeling xx

JoolieB1 profile image

Sunday 4 September, Northampton Half Marathon - thanks

benwill profile image

Did you run in and out of those concrete pipes as well? maybe your be entering one of those tough mudder type things next! 

well done on the long run, anything is possible, just be careful not over do it. 

JoolieB1 profile image
JoolieB1 in reply to benwill

No just thought they Wd look good in the photo.  It is a Police custody centre being built near the woods where I run!!

Jaxsy_runs profile image
Jaxsy_runsHalf Marathon

Hi JoolieB1  I am  running in the Northampton half marathon for this year too! 

They have the map of the route on the web site and it is all on Tarmac. I entered it last year as my first half and as I don't live too far away I drove to the start point (run kit on) and walked the first eight miles of the course (took just over 2.5 hrs incl picking up the car. Then the following week I returned and ran 6 miles to cover the last 10k.

The first long walk got rid of my fears knowing I could walk it if I got tired ( and many of us took walk breaks during the run)  but it didn't feel like a break more of a complimentary way to  recover and continue!

  The first 6 or so miles are pretty flat with a downhill section through the town at around mile 3 to 4. From the Guildhall to Becketts Park running along the Union Canal to the Water Centre off the Bedford Road on to Brackmills. Then leaving brackmills there is a steep hill at approx mile 7 for half a mile  that  evens out  for a bit before a steady incline to Great Houghton for around 1.5 miles ...then flat then down again😅. This ibit is another nice scenic route.

The last 5k takes us over the A45 to the edge of Delapre Park where the ground underfoot is parkland.

This is not a huge race as far as numbers go but big enough for a first one  with enough supporters but not too many! Support and cheers at the beginning, at Brackmills, @ the top of that hill! Great Houghton and then again at the end. 

My feet were sore at mile 9 and that's when I wish there was support to get me running again but by Mile 11 I found a little groove again and got going to thoroughly enjoy reaching mile 12 and 13... nice medal a fluoro yello t-shirt to wear as an overtop through the winter and even better proud and happy memories of doing my first half.

Time didn't matter, well it did but it didn't as whatever it was it was going to be my Pb! It was 2.30 or 2.32 or was it 2.28??! The weather was hot that day (exactly as it was today) so I wore my thin socks and sleeveless t plus capri's of course, There were 3 water stops (cups of water not bottles) and there were gels there and sweeties! I took a hand belt small water bottle and this year I've bought  an SP belt for  carrying bits and bobs.

I got told off for wearing headphones as not allowed - nor music etc. So I will prepare this year by running more without music.  Anyway If you ever want to meet up to walk or jog the route just let me know I am off work on Mondays😀

I think you will be very strong and have really built up your endurance come Summer and all that training and this run is September .... it will be fine, see you there if not before👣👣👣👣👍

JoolieB1 profile image

That is so helpful, thank you!  I just have a weekly routine that includes a long run which begins build upon.  Right now just keeping fit enough for my 10k but once it is under my belt, will start to get semi serious about a longer distance.  Really feel much more positive that I won't b surrounded by mega athletes on the day, just runners trying their best.  Can I be weird and ask if you are a woman or man, can't quite tell from ur post!!  Doing a 5k tomorrow so getting excited about that, running gear out for the morning!  Julie

Jaxsy_runs profile image
Jaxsy_runsHalf Marathon

Hi Julie, I'm female, 52 in July! And first started c25k 18 months ago; I will update my profile 😀 Btw there are super sprinters in this event ... Too fast you won't even see them ! There is the weekly Northampton parkrun at the Racecourse (Abington park) which is also part of the first couple of miles of this hm - I don't go that often but am registered.

Hope your 5k went well..Jackie

JoolieB1 profile image
JoolieB1 in reply to Jaxsy_runs

I think parkrun is fantastic and I have only been to Corby as I live near there but I prefer variety in my running adventures.  I would like to find a female running buddy for some long runs though, hard to find anyone as we are often out and about alone LOL

JoolieB1 profile image
JoolieB1 in reply to Jaxsy_runs

Sorry just read ur message again and see u r a female LOL.  I live in Kettering, u anywhere near me?  I graduated around 40 weeks ago but losing count, never ran at all before C25K and battled through the runs.  I am not a slender natural runner but actually quite surprised that I seem to be able to keep going and I have a 10k in June, Half Marathon Seltember so just keep clocking up the runs and not really focussed on speed right now.  Best runs are across the fields, through the woods and spotting wildlife - I have some interesting places where I like to run.  Not too keen on running in crowds, prefer the peace and quiet and running when and where I want.  Julie

Jaxsy_runs profile image
Jaxsy_runsHalf Marathon

I'm the same, it would be good to know a run buddy - I'm 3 miles from Northampton town and keep planning to run parkrun at Daventry and Milton Keynes ... Daventry is mostly through the park so more trail like ( watched a whole 30 minute YouTube video, haha). Off for my run now; it's been a week so not expecting too much just fresh air and me time😅

JoolieB1 profile image

Hope ur run goes well!  You will be like a greyhound after a week off LOL!  Happy to meet up sometime, I. More of a plodder - anywhere between 7-8 min per km and 5k is pretty comfortable on a good day, 10k still a. It of a challenge, anything further is only possible with a great measure of stubbornness.  Monday is my usual long run day and a day when I have most time.  Let me know if u have any time 😀 Have a car and happy to driver over.  Julie

Jaxsy_runs profile image
Jaxsy_runsHalf Marathon

Hi J, I keep telling myself to go for morning runs now that it's so light but I make my excuses and leave it till the evening. 

I'd be happy to meet up for a run on any Monday... are you interested in running part of the hm route? Or meet halfway somewhere? Btw I've now added a bit about me in my profile ...and your pace sounds very like mine - for me it's time outdoors, building up endurance, stamina (or is that stubbornness)! Jackie

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