My mum has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and is very stressed constantly its almost difficult for anybody to have a laugh or a conversation that's not directed to her and how she feels ,this is totally out of character for mum but is this it,will things just get worse or do I need to contact her gp,the memory clinic prescribed domeprizil but she seemed to just get worse than before all very worrying I,m quite aware of symptoms of AD but just to stop the constant worry anxiety lack of sleep she has would make life just a bit more bareable
Alzheimer's help please: My mum has been... - Making Space
Alzheimer's help please

i have alzheimers and vascular demture im on doneprizel and cialtopran for depression im also my wifes carer she might need some thing for deppresion get gp to check her out
yes antidepressants work i also went to see a team called gateway some one to talk to other than family ive not had it long but medication will work go see gp has your mum had brain scan ask dr lots of questions if she drives she needs drs anyway as i was stopped from driving for 18 weeks but now got driving licence back im my wife's carer as she is disabled
Hi mums 82 and seams to be going very fast ,she's had a brain scan and that's how they discovered Alzheimer's putting her on the domeprizil ,it's just that she's already on a lot of tablets for other conditions ,and as lost a lot of weight ,not got a very good appetite ,she wouldn't take the domeprizil after 5 days so need to contact memory clinic again but she's adamant she won't take them just wanted to know if they had made any difference in your case thanks
I have recently been diagnosed with early alzheimers and started on 5mg of Donepezil the side effects are terrible but I am persevering as there is nothing else available. The worse side effect I have is insomnia. I now only sleep 2 hours a night. I think they are making a difference but it is early days. The shock of being diagnosed with this took a lot of getting used to.
How long have you been taking tablets for and other than insomnia what are the other symptoms please
One of the most powerful vitamins for better sleep is magnesium, I have started to give my dad a much higher dose of 200mg x2