Hi everyone, I am still paying for my ranting and raving during the run up to Election Day. Prior to going to the polls a conservative rep. Came to the door. I bet he wished that he hadn't bothered 😕 so of we went to vote. On the way in I stumbled over a carpet in their entrance. Since than I have been in agony with my back. Real bad spams punishment for me. Makes life a bit difficult as I can barely look after myself at the moment, never mind my husband. He had to take meat out of the oven for me, and I had to push him out of the way of the oven door. As he didn't realise that it would be hot. So many things we take for granted, and it can be really dangerous for people with dementia. I hope you are all enjoying the nice summer weather and have a peaceful weekend.😊
After effects 😥: Hi everyone, I am still... - Making Space
After effects 😥

Hi there
So now you might use a postal vote?? Sorry to hear about your back, I'm a sufferer too! Know what you mean, so many dangerous things out there that were once quite harmless huh? And then there's the not knowing what kind of day it's going to be, a fairly steady one or a really bizarre one. At the moment I'm suffering with the 'nothing I do being right', even the ice lolly was too cold today!! Well, I enjoyed mine, and yes, it was cold...just what the doctor ordered!
Hi Lell1 slowly getting there still hurts but painkillers are doing the job. Finally finished all the paperwork at the solicitors, and so we soldier on. My husband noticeably getting worse. The hot weather probably place a part, or it just one of those things. At least it has cooled down here this morning. I hope your day will be peaceful and don't take it to heart. I know easier said than done, all you can do is your best. Look after yourself and take care. 😊
Hi renji are you okay? Not heard from you for a while?
Hi lell1, thank you for asking, I am fine thanks. And you? Just coping as best as I can. We managed to get attendance allowance sorted for my husband. And in the process of a reduction in the council tax. But they are rather slow. Other than that have not had any support from anyone. Had a bit of a diversion in the garden. So far managed to catch on cctv three foxes and two badgers. They made a big hole underneath the fence and in the come. I hope that I don't come face to face with them. I die of a heart attack. How I are things your end? Are you coping OK? Hugs 😘 Rienij
Hey, good to hear there has been some movement forward for you guys! The council certainly don't rush with these things, but you could try asking to get it back dated to the date of diagnosis? Dependent on your financial circumstances, you could also get a financial assessment to help pay for care should you need it? Also for house modifications if deemed necessary (that's the hard bit!!) I can't quite get my head around whether the council decide that dementia is life-limiting (sorry Phil!), and so entitles you to further assistance regarding costs? We are told that it is by the medical profession, but it doesn't seem to be acknowledged anywhere else?
Great news about your wildlife visitations! Intriuging what they get up to huh? Like you, it's ok on camera but in the flesh I would probably pooh my pants! I put a gazebo up for my dad (nicknamed the boudoir!) so that he can sit outside should the sun ever decide to shine again!
Hey Rienij70. How's things with you?
Hi Lel things are steady at the moment. Still haven’t managed to sort out the council tax reduction. To be honest I find it is causing so much stress, of which I can do without. I try to keep myself as much stress free as I can. Husband is getting quite frail, but at least the aggression seams to be not so bad at the moment. How are things your end?
know what you mean! By the time you've completed the circuit training they send you on when merely asking for information/support, you are completely depleted! I applied to carers association in July...and got a reply last Friday. I just burst into tears as once again I am asked to complete this that and the other before anyone does anything. Sorry to hear your husband is getting frail Reinij, but pleased aggression is diminishing. Things with my dad about the same, although we are usually the last to notice any changes huh? How's your garden looking? Mine is starting to look tired and ready for a holiday!
Hi there, my garden is the same. Needs a good tidy up. But my old acer is a joy to behold at the moment. Brilliant red. It is funny, we are given lots of leaflets to support us as careers. But as soon as you try any of the numbers you are on your own again. I was promised a home visit from Oxfordshire Dementia Service, which was cancelled 20 minutes before the lady was due, per email. With the promise of contacting me in the near future, that was last June. Haven’t heard a thing since. Same as Age U.K. was supposed to help me with the council. And again nothing. It really isn’t worth the aggravation. But you are right, because we see them every day, and of course the decline is gradual. We are used to it. But try to keep your chin up. Big hugs 🤗 Rienij
I have a bright orange acer, alongside the red ones...they are glorious huh? More leaflets in this paperless world always amazes me! Maybe your visitor also has dementia?? How can they cancel via email, what would happen if you didn't check email in time? Voicemail? Text? It's rather like a dog chasing its tail trying to get any coherent/consistent/supportive feedback eh? Maybe we should ask for Bonio tokens for xmas? (yet another thing sent to try us! ) 😉