I have AMD. I have steadfastly refused to use any painkillers that reduce inflammation because they all also promote bleeding. But, right now I am in very urgent need of a root canal, and am having to wait to get treated. The only thing that seems to work on the very annoying tooth pain, which can keep me awake at night, is a bit of ibuprofen. (Yes I am kind of desperate). So, I have taken a K-1 vitamin that promotes clotting in the hope it might mitigate the bad effects of ibuprofen on AMD. Any thoughts?
Can the bad effects on AMD of using ibupro... - Macular Society
Can the bad effects on AMD of using ibuprofen for dental pain be countered with vitamin K-1? Any experience with these is welcome.

I can believe that Ibuprofen can cause bleeding as it can do so in the stomach, but what about paracetamol? I notice that this is the preferred drug given in hospital. I have AMD in both eyes, and have taken painkillers, so this is important to me too. I cant take Ibuprofen, but have had to take both paracetamol and morphine for pain as prescribed. I was not warned that either of these drugs would affect my AMD, and in fact during a hospital stay earlier this year I missed one of my injections, but later tests showed that my AMD had been pretty dormant during this time.
I have tried Tylenol (same drug as paracetamol) many times in the past for pain of various sorts, and it has never helped. But I'll try it again I guess. Meanwhile, I'm taking any pain-killing drug that isn't an anti-inflammatory that I can find in the medicine cabinet - left over from old prescriptions. The unfortunate truth is that ibuprofen works the best by far for tooth pain, but my ophthalmologist says not to take any because of the AMD. I'm caught between a rock and a hard place.
I used to take two paracetamols and two ibuprofens both with codeine after my injections. Can you not ask your GP for a suitable painkiller?
Rather related to this is garlic. (It and clove oil might help tht tooth pain?) On the one hand, it can cause increased bleeding, while on the other, MS research shows that it inhibits interleukin-17 which is associated with CNV.
Thanks. The very strong antibiotic that my GP prescribed for me, Clindamycin, is now working well enough to have cut the pain way down. The antibiotic that the dentist prescribed didn't seem to work against the infection. When the pain was bad I resorted to some low dose opiate painkiller I found in the medicine cabinet. Since I took it for only a few days, I have no problem not taking it now. My chief problem now is getting the root canal done by an endodontist - before the antibiotic finishes me off as well as the infection! They are booked so far in advance that it is a wonder to me anyone has any teeth left in the US. Very few people have dental insurance also. Dentists work hard, but they are very amply rewarded $$!
I normally use paracetamol for all kind of pain, as anti-inflammatory meds cause me stomach ache. I didn’t know about the bleeding, so I am banning them forever now. Paracetamol I normally works wonder for me, maybe try with that?
Hope the pain goes fast!
I take cocodamol for knee pain as take an anticoagulant and unable to take other painkillers.
I use topical CBD - medical marihuana - for arthritis pain and it works wonders. The cardiologist okayed it (I take an anticoagulant because of atrial fibrillation). Has anybody taken a tincture or edible containing CBD?