I do tend to be panicking a lot as i am on my own & the wait till my appointment on wednesday seems so far away.
As i said before i have tried to do everything right but all seems to be going wrong. Clinic did not seem to listen when my GP said he thought i had wet amd & gave me a date of 1st August.
Visit to Specsavers worked but it will be over 2 weeks from my first symptoms to my visit on wednesday. Will it be too late as i am very scared? So anyone's thoughts would help please?
We also have no Emergency Eye Clinic for AMD, just one clinic per week for our large area.
If GP had been listened to i could have started treatment at the Clinic last wednesday.
I just cannot believe that my worst fear ever is coming true.
Sorry for waffling on but i am very scared now, not of the injections but of losing my sight.