Having read through a few posts I am a little confused regarding the Amsler grid.
I was diagnosed with AMD about 10 years ago in one eye, although at the start there was no mention of this condition. Over the first 6 years I saw numerous consultants nhs and private and from the beginning I was seeing slightly wavy lines but there was no mention of wet amd as such. After 6 years of feeling let down I paid to see a top consultant and he immediately gave me an Avastin injection. He referred me to a local Moorfields clinic and there I received about 26 injections of Lucentis and Eyelea over about 3 years. To start with my eye was kept stable and I could see to a degree but 2 years in I was diagnosed with a Cateract. They decided to operate fairly quickly but after the operation my eye deteriorated slightly. About a year ago they decided to stop the injections even though I was still able to see a little. Having read a couple of posts I feel they gave up too soon possibly as I now cannot see very well in this eye and it is now causing a problem.
My point about the grid is that I have dry amd in my other eye and constantly look at the grid. At the moment it is okay no wavy lines. So do wavy lines always mean wet amd? I also have a feeling there is an cateract starting in this eye too as a recent optician mentioned this. I just cannot face the decision of what to do. I am thinking I should pay out to see the top consultant again as I just feel when it comes to amd you can not rely on the nhs.
Sorry to ramble on but if someone could just clarify about the grid.