Hi everyone just had my 4th injection today and feeling really well after this latest one. Just a thought, as nearly always takes me a good 24 hours normally to feel brighter after them. Just wondering if this is due to build up, getting used to them or struck lucky with my injector today? Would love to hear what others think/experience? I am seeing the dr next time as we spoke of further spaces between them originally
Lucentis injections: Hi everyone just had my... - Macular Society
Lucentis injections

I think it does have a lot to do with the injector and for some reason I seem to do better with female injectors.
I have both eyes injected and I usually have little problem with my right eye but if one is going to go gritty it is my left eye.
Yes I had a dr today, normally a nurse. Was curious, I hadn’t seen one since I started them, I’m hoping to go longer between them soon, fingers crossed as I get so anxious but today has been a positive experience for once. Didn’t even have any blurring after today although that is normally very quickly resolved. Fingers crossed x
I would agree with others sometimes it’s 100% ok day after. Initially it would wipe me out for 24 hours it does depends on the injector.
I think it's the injector. The person who usually does mine almost always puts too much iodine on the sponge (?) which he cleanses around the eye with and he likes to get it right in the corner of my eye. Even though he now flushes it out (he never used to) last Thursday I had awful soreness afterwards and a constantly running left nostril and eye. I also had yet another bleed (which usually happens when this person does it) but this time it has been really bloodshot, particularly directly underneath the iris for some strange reason. I have had four other people inject my eye (all women) but only one of them has caused me any problems, that was a bleed and I had an awful bloodshot eye with that too. The other three were excellent. By the way, my injection is Eylea, not that it makes any difference.
That’s so interesting. I normally have really brittle eyelashes after for a few days, posted about this previously. Nothing today so I think he maybe used a milder iodine solution when cleaning round as you say. It’s good to know these things always as I can pinpoint what causes these problems. Thanks for the reply x Hope you’re feeling brighter now
Glad you have had a “good one” if there is such a thing when talking about eye injections! I have had over 50 jabs for a retinal vein occlusion, I find the reaction varies and is not related to the number of injections I have previously had. I have however been fortunate in that I don’t seem to get extreme reactions ( touch wood) so maybe the Geordie doctors and nurses who look after me are just exceptionally good at their job!
Injector makes a huge difference for me. You can feel kindness and care and feel insecure if it’s missing. All the best to you.
Iodine can cause v painful soreness. I now have "diluted" iodine, and that just causes some soreness and that's just about bearable. All the best xx
i think a good injector is essential-one who doesn't rush( who gives the anaesthetic drops time to work- not rushed in 5mins because the clinic was closing!!-I was left in agony!! -one who really listens to you when you state that you don't have iodine-and then promptly washes nearly all your face with an iodine covered sponge - as if you were having open heart surgery. I have had 15 injections of eylea and had to contact the patient advisory service many times- I can't understand why it happens-you go to the clinic and get treatment but every injector does it differently. I got so annoyed recently that I took photos of my treated eye to show my consultant as he did not believe me the first time it happened-my bad reaction to iodine- I think he recognised my problem. You have to be very proactive in your treatment regime.
I have had three injections. The first one I didn’t have much pain or blurriness. My second injection was awful. I had eye pain and blurriness for a week. It was terrible so I complained to my retinal doctor and the third time he injected me he washed out the area after he was finished and it was much improved. My eye was slightly painful and watery after the first day but then the blurriness went away After 24 hours. There was a big difference compared to a week the second time so I think washing the eye out after They finish The procedure made a huge difference In my experience.