I’m now 2 weeks on from the onset of this rare and devastating infection following my anti -VEGF injection, as you all know it has been a traumatic time but I am pleased to say I am feeling much brighter in myself and from losing the sight in my eye, I am now starting to see, not clearly yet but I am told this could take months so must be patient and continue with steroid drops every 2 hours, antibiotic drops and dilatation drops twice a day as I still have a lot of inflammation.
I finish oral antibiotics tomorrow, that I am told the bacterial infection will have gone after the antibiotic injections to my eye and 14 days of the oral ones, hopefully the effects of the meds will get less.
I have been treated very well by 2 consultants and will continue under their care.
I am due for 2 injections for wet AMD on the 25th, so have some decisions to make, I do feel that the injections for the foreseeable need to be by the doctors not the nurses.
I am obviously nervous about future injections and this happening again, and from all have read widely it is caused by something that was not within the sterile protocol, please make sure anyone in your injection unit wears masks and don’t talk whilst injecting, make sure your eyes have been cleaned thoroughly. It seems the best way to avoid contamination is to accept Iodine, then ask them to wash out the eye after it if you struggle with it as I do.
But as we all know there is always someone worse off and we have to be brave, positive and faith, my heart goes out to dear Ayayay who has battled so much much with great courage and dignity and is an inspiration to us all.
Hoping all on the platform for Macular have the best outcomes going forward for each of us.
Love to all
Ann xx