Anaesthetic Drops for Pain after injection - Macular Society

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Anaesthetic Drops for Pain after injection

fed13 profile image
15 Replies

I have always suffered pain after injection, and tried all the usual advice: washing out well, soothing drops etc. (All the advice from the Macular Society). However after the past two injections I have been given a tiny vial of anaesthetic drops to take home that actually worked.

This time however despite asking several timed for my usual tiny vial I have been given just a bottle of Systane balance drops. I was told theses were instead of the anaesthetic drops.

They are VERY POOR substitute!!

Why do you think I have been deprived of my anaesthetic drops? Cost? new NICE guidelines? I was so pleased when my post injection pain problem had finally been solved. NOW though I am back to square one, with streaming painful eye; and VERY disappointed!! How can I get "them" to continue giving me my tiny vial of anaesthetic drops to take home??

I want my anaesthetic drop to take home.

Why do you think I've been deprived. Cost/ new guidelines/ Before I start throwing my weight around I'd like to hear from you. Yes!! I've tried all the usual advice from the Macular Society.

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fed13 profile image
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15 Replies
Lizleiper profile image

Helo fed13, everything you have written describes me. I have a solution to your problem

I have just returned from having an appointment with my GP. I told her everything about the pain and what works for it . She said she had no problem in prescribing me anaesthetic drops for future use. I now have 20 single vials of ......

I Oxybuprocaine hydrochloride 0.4% eye drops (anaesetic) Eye drops solution. ! As I may not need them every time it is good to know they are there.

The reason they do not like to give you the drops is because it is dangerous as you may “poke” your eye and not feel it . I must cover my eye or keep spectacles on.

Hope this is helpful . I am so happy at this outcome . I have had around 20 injections of eyelea and my etesight is very good .

fed13 profile image
fed13 in reply to Lizleiper

Thanks SO much! I never thought of asking my GP. Wish me luck! I shall follow your advice!!

Lizleiper profile image
Lizleiper in reply to fed13

Yes this macular app is a great one !. We don’t need to suffer in silence. So good we can share. Thank you macular society.

Good luck with your GP x

ironbrain profile image

A hospital specialist I saw told me he wasn't allowed to prescribe anaesthetic drops to us getting anti-VEGF injections – they weren't something they could let us go running around with.

Lizleiper profile image
Lizleiper in reply to ironbrain

Helo ironbrain

Yes I have been told that as well . I am not likely to ‘go running around’ with the drops. If they only knew why we were asking for them,I think they might be more lenient . If not I would continue to go to accident and emergency to get them to put in the anaesetic! The pain I get is so bad I would not mind if they ‘dug’ my eye out. ! Very pleased my GP agrees.

tallyho profile image

The reason why they have stopped the drops is because there was little evidence that they were of benefit IF the clinic followed all the very strict hygiene protocol. It was not about money. Having had 90 injections the injector is always fully gowned as if doing a proper operation and I have a drape too I also have anti biotic drops put in afterwards. I have never had an infection. I have had increasingly painful eyes though after an injection and that has been down to dry eyes I therefore put 2 drops of Celluvisc before I go into the clean room and that has really helped.

Ayralin profile image
Ayralin in reply to tallyho


Interesting about the hygiene prep. Here in Minnesota, USA - I go to a well respected private eye clinic. The injections are done by a retina specialist, a doctor. He has a nurse assist. The injections are given in a regular exam room. the doctor & nurse are in their regular clothes - sometimes the nurse is in a uniform. I am in my regular clothes. There is no drape on me, and the staff do not gown. I don't remember if either were gloves - I will look next time. Is this the protocol everywhere in the UK?

fed13 profile image

Reply to Iron brain's consultants comments! "Running around with...". I don't do much running around post injections. I am incapacitated. The vials are tiny and single use only: you may get a second use if careful. These drops were a huge relief to me and meant I no longer dreaded the post injection period. I can still see the smug smile of the nurse (not Dr.), saying these drops are instead of the anaesthetic drops. She neither knew nor cared about what I needed!

Don't nurses and Drs. realise we "patients" DO have a modicum of common sense. WE know what works for us. AND what doesn't. Having solved post injection pain with NO adverse outcome I SEETH that I've run up against a jobs-worth, and we know best dear attitude. Thanks though Ironbrain for your share....NONE of this invective is aimed at you obviously!

Lizleiper profile image
Lizleiper in reply to fed13

Agree with everything you have written fed13. I too no longer dread the post injection period . I am so relaxed now that I know I have a good supply of Anaesthetic drops . I will not be binning them for anyone 😀

ironbrain profile image
ironbrain in reply to fed13

I did explain that the pain had nearly reached a point nearly beyond tolerance, that I was almost at the point of phoning 111 to see if anyone could bring me something. In the end I just verbally conceded that if he wasn't allowed to prescribe them then that was the end of it. Of course, I wondered who was responsible for that position and what the reasoning or whatever was behind it.

The thing is the situation of knowing what one might suffer having an injection is no better. I was told a general anaesthetic was out of the question and that there were some painkilling drops which might help to a certain extent. Nothing about just feeling some pressure, nothing about the existence of the Macular Society. Expecting to be able to ask further questions when I had the dye test (there was a waiting room full after me), I left it at that. When the appointment for the dye test came, there was also one for the Lucentis clinic afterwards. Much as I might now be grateful for that fact, at the time it seemed to me as if I was expected to calmly come along for the dye test and maybe have a needle stuck in my eye no matter what. Press 1 to accept, press 2 to re-arrange or press 3 to cancel. Result: no central vision in my left eye.

Lizleiper profile image
Lizleiper in reply to ironbrain

Dear ironbrain the anaesthetic drop we are talking about is not a general anaesthetic! It is the same drop they put into your eye before injection. It does not put you to sleep.

Sorry you too are having this awful pain after anaesthetic has worn off. Go and pay your Dr. a visit and tell him about the pain . I did and she gave me a small supply of anaesthetic drops . No harm in asking . It is such a relief to know I have them and will never suffer that pain after injection again . I did not know how much it was affecting me . I am so happy . Here’s hoping you will be too.

ironbrain profile image
ironbrain in reply to Lizleiper

Yes, I knew which drops you meant, and I don't suppose I thought a general anaesthetic would be too good an idea! Knowing if I'd be able to keep my eye still with a needle approaching it was another matter.

It's a struggle getting a prescription from one's GP for a few milligrammes of Valium to get through the night before – ask for anaesthetic drops as well, goodness me!

But I think what tallyho says is correct. On a couple of occasions I've scarcely needed paracetamol – whether it's getting the clip in without scratching the eye or some other part of the procedure, I'm not 100% certain.

sheels448 profile image

Can I ask if one use of drops were enough? My pain has lasted for up to 2 days. Could I use twice do you think ? I will go to my GP now as the hospital are totally unconcerned with my complaints.

fed13 profile image
fed13 in reply to sheels448

Sorry to hear your hospital is unconcerned about your pain lasting for 2 days. They should be concerned! This is very bad. Yes, do go to your G.P. My post injection pain, although severe lasted a few hours. Managing to get 2 lots out of the tiny vials of anaesthetic drops meant it could be managed successfully. Let us know what your G. P. thinks/does. Good luck!

Lizleiper profile image
Lizleiper in reply to sheels448

Hello shekels 448! The pain I have is only really bad 2/4hours after injection ,once anaesthetic has worn off. It lasts usually until the next morning and then disappears. My eye still feels very tender but the excruciating pain has gone . I would not put anaesthetic in 2 days after. In your case I would take myself back to the eye hospital and let them see the state you are in . Like you, staff at the eye hospital really are too busy to really listen and understand just what the pain we have is like! That’s why I went to my GP who gave me the drops . What a difference it makes to know I have them and will never have to suffer that pain again!

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