If drusen only affect the macula in 3% of people, where does it go in the 97%? Can it not be persuaded to go there in the 3%?
Why does this page not respond to my low-vision settings?
If drusen only affect the macula in 3% of people, where does it go in the 97%? Can it not be persuaded to go there in the 3%?
Why does this page not respond to my low-vision settings?
I imagine its like flicking paint at a picture of a person, although it all hits the face only a small amount is likely to hit the nose....the macula being so small within the eye statistically gets fewer drusen???
Hello eyesright, a plausible possibility, except that the rest of the retina doesn't seem to be affected. Peripheral vision remains unchanged (11 years for my left eye now) whereas if it were getting spattered as well it would also deteriorate. So I don't think it's like that. I can't find anywhere on this site to ask technical questions in the hope that specialists might answer them. As a Patient's Forum it's good, although mostly depressing in the nature of things - but it would be very useful if Patients could ask Specialists questions and get answers. I read of miracle procedures, but there's no chance whatsoever of ever getting one myself ...
I'm sure the Mac soc helpline could ask their specialist for you?
What helpline? I thought I was writing to it at first, but saw I wasn't. I've clicked on everything in sight and looked for any indication of such a thing, but there's nothing. One problem I have is that the screen 'To ask a question' comes up glaring white and will not respond to my 'low vision' settings, so it's impossible to see what I'm doing. Can't believe no-one's thought of that! This 'Reply' is OK, it stays yellow on black. Is this Forum ever read by any Medical people?
Hi, this forum is hosted by health unlocked. Lots of different charities have their bit on it. Any techie stuff you need to direct to health unlocked I think. Ive done it ages ago can't remember how, will get back to you. OK SO CLICK ON THE GRID OF 9 CIRCLES IN THE HEADER BAR. SCROLL DOWN CLICK " SHOW FOOTER". CLICK TO EXPAND " SUPPORT " AND YOU GET THE CONTACT INFO FOR HEALTH UNLOCKED. HOPE THEY CAN HELP YOUR TECHIE PROB.
Re expert advice on our conditions etc check out the Mac soc actual website for their helpline (sorry not got no. to hand).
Hello eyesright, thank you, but I've tried everywhere and there's no 'grid of circles' to be found. I guess you mean like the Google thing, a small grid of 9 circles that opens a menu. Can you specify what page I'm supposed to be on, please? I'd have expected it to be front and centre as this is supposed to be a help site for health issues ... I tried the 'Home' page among others - nothing ... sorry to be a pain.
Hi, sorry I'm not techie. Don't you have a bar across the top of the page - left to right it has a house (where our posts can be seen), the circles grid, a pair of speech bubbles, a bell ( tells you when someone reacts to your post), a magnifier, and your ID ( ie pic, mine is a pink edged circular face)?
There's no tel or email address I can copy for you, but if you can find the support page as per my notes then you get an email proforma.
Hello eyesright, yes I do, thank you, but the group of circles only gives me 3 options - Communities. Macular Society. Find a Community. All of them land right back here on this Forum, Been there, done that. No sign of any pro-forma email - it seems as if they can't be bothered with us ...
Yes, under that bit, scroll right down to " show footer ". You're nearly there!!
Got it, eyesright! Sorry - I thought that because "show footer" was in inverted commas, it was a selectable option! Dawned on me it was just a question if scrolling down until the footer appeared ... some Mothers do 'ave 'em ... thanks!
Lol on my screen it IS a selectable option. Glad u got there. Don't forget where it is though for I probably will ha ha