My optometrist has been confused about what to do for my eyes for the past year because he got fancy new equipment that spots glaucoma years in advance,i and it showed a problem. However, I was born with drusen (i got it from my dad, who has had it worse in the same eye).
The test showed some degradation that is worse in my right eye, but he can't figure out if it's even a valid test because my vision has not been impacted at all... My good vision doesn't match up with the level of degradation shown in the test. To top it off, I've had Lasik, so it's very difficult to test my eye pressure. He also said that there's an argument in the community over whether to treat the drusen like glaucoma, and said he'd feel much more comfortable sending me to a specialist. Has anyone else had this sort of problem? I'm in my mid 40s now, and my vision is still perfect (although I can see father in my left eye and up closer in my right eye, giving me perfect vision with both eyes, but not quite so perfect with each eye separately)