I just got back from the eye doctors and he told me I have Drusen in one eye, he told me I was the youngest case he'd ever seen. He told me not to worry because it wouldn't get worse but I can't help think what if? Has anyone ever been diagnosed with Drusen at 20 and had it get worse?
20 years old and I have Drusen: I just got... - Macular Society
20 years old and I have Drusen

Hi, I understand why you are worried , sending you a hug x
I suggest you contact the Macular Society helpline 0300 3030 111 they are very good and will give you the best advice.
I am much older than you, my optician saw drusen in both eyes but the eye clinic was not worried about one of them and a year later there has been no change in that eye (the other one had a different problem going on not related to drusen).
Hope you get some info to help put your mind at rest. Best wishes x

I am sorry to read about your concerns.
When you stated that you had just returned from the eye doctors, were you referring to an optometrist (qualified optician) or an ophthalmologist at the eye clinic?
As suggested by eyesright, it would be a good idea to give us a ring on 0300 3030 111 to discuss this further.
Kind regards,
Macular Society Helpline
Had Drusen in both eyes when went for my second eye test at 26. Told not to worry probably born with it although Drusen wasn't present at my first eye test as age 19. You need to keep a check on this and keep having eye tests every two years. Take eye vitamins, don't smoke, eat healthily, don't drink to excessive and exercise. I'm 41 and my eye consultation told me I have the eyes of a 70 year old. Also lost central vision in one eye, around 6 years ago. Thing is the optician has no idea what has caused your Drusen so don't assume it will not get any worse. I was told not to worry and now I'm looking at lens replacement. I would get a second opinion or go to the doctors for a referral. Keep a close check on this as you are young enough to slow this down if it is a sign of macular degeneration.
Hey I came across this post as my optician think I may possibly have a Macular issue this worried me intensely when I read about AMD which I had never heard of. I have not seen anyone about it yet but have been referred to Moorefields Eye hospital London. However I did come across a procedure called iolAMD which I hope brings some hope as I heard there were few recommended treatments.
My daughter is 5 and had drusons. It's heart breaking.