Hi umm I have a little query which I actually want to clear. My daughter had a complain with her eye having a scar in i took her to several doctors before I could confirm. They actually couldn’t say what causes the scar. I want know if there is any possible reason for this. They say it is unknown for them to know that and also it cannot be cure. Can this scar get worst? What are some of the outcomes?
I am new here and I really need some answe... - Macular Society
I am new here and I really need some answer it’s important to me.

Hello Pirple,
I am so sorry to learn about your daughter.
I am afraid that this will not be a question that can be answered on our forum.
There can be many reasons for the scar; have the doctors said it is a scar on the macular?
It will be up to the doctors to get to the bottom of it and perhaps you should ask for a second opinion?
If you live in the UK, please call our helpline 0300 30 30 111 and we can discuss further an try and locate a suitable ophthalmologist who may be able to give you some answers.
Best wishes
Macular Society
I am not from UK I am from Guyana and my daughter is four years old there is actually no retina specialist in guyana at the moment the doctor that I took her to said it’s a scar on the retina( at the back of the eye causing her to have blurr vision) and there is nothing they can do about it he don’t know what caused it. So he said there is nothing can be done. I wanted to know if anything can be done about it. He advised glass for her but still am concern about being soo small to face this type of problem. I want to know if this can get any worst?
Have you taken your daughter to an optician? Opticians In the UK employ optometrists, who understand eye conditions much better than an ordenary doctor. It would be well worth a visit. Glasses may help your little girl to see clearer. As for the cause of the scar - well, even opthalmologists do not always know why it happens. You are asking if it can get worse; no one can honestly answer that question, but it does not follow that it will. So, do not distress yourself unduly. I know it is not easy, but you have to think positive for your little girl and not let her see your worry. Best wishes!
Hello Pirple
You do not say whether the scar is on the cornea (front of the eye) or on the retina or macula (back of the eye). Was this scar detected during an eye test at school? It is not all that uncommon that during such routine tests a scar on the retina or macula is discovered, occasionally even in siblings. The cause is often unknown. Some children are even born with this condition, especially if prematurely born.
Scars on the retina or macula, as all scars, cannot be cured as yet. They are permanent, but they do not necessarily affect the visual acuity, meaning that the eyesight is not necessarily compromised. It is important, however, that regular eye tests should be carried out by an ophtalmologist in case there is some progressive eye condition going on. Ask your GP for a referral.
Wishing you all the best.
Thank you so much and the scar was diagnosed on the retina this made me feel a little stress relief .. you were so helpful