Please can anyone advise. My poor mum has been in so much pain tonight after her fourth injection for Mac reg she couldn’t open her eyes at all she lives on her own and I just don’t know what to advise her. Please help.
Pain after injections : Please can anyone... - Macular Society
Pain after injections

Sorry for your mum. She should ring the doctor (Im in the USA) and ask him/her for any advise to make her more comfortable. Maybe a warm or cool cloth over her eyes as she lays down may help but before anything check with the doctor. Best to her and I hope she feels better soon.
Phone the number you are given in case there are any problems. I get pain from eyelea injections but didn't from Lucentis .
I never had a problem with kenalog or avista eye injections but eyelea is kicking my butt with pain I talked to dr office and they put extra numbing in and did a super wash after injection and I took a 1/2 dose of Xanax after and slept for 5 hours which helped a lot they did suggest cool compresses as well
Hi, hugs to your poor mum x
As others have said, always check eye pain with your eye clinic first. Don't delay.
Possibly her eye was scratched by the eye clamp. It should heal ok.
It's likely though that it's just sensitivity to the iodine used to clean the eye. I've had inj that were fine, others like your mum's. Some of us just need a more thorough wash out after the inj ( before they put the antibiotic drops in). Make sure to tell clinic next time . If necessary they can use a different cleaning fluid.
The other factor might be dry eye ( if took a long time to do inj eye can't blink to moisten ). It can be excruciating. Again, easily remedied. My clinic now puts soothing drops in before we leave and I use Hylotear at home regularly. They have really helped me. Drops must be sterile, mine are preservative free ( check with your Dr which to get).
I hope your mum feels better soon. Best wishes to her going forward x

Thank you for your kind reply she has a follow up appointment so will discuss it then hopefully they can help her. I’ll suggest everything everyone’s said on here thank you.
As above. PHONE THE CLINIC and tell them about it NOW. There are many reasons for pain and you MUST call and discuss this with the clinic.
Hi Katlouib, good advice given. from my experience it depends on who's giving injection x
Hopefully by now your Mum has had advise from her Doctor/eye clinic and is not in so much pain.
Hello Katlouib,
So sorry to learn about your mum's post injection pain.
As the other posters have suggested, quite rightly, that she should contact her eye doctor for advice.
The following link is to the Macular Society's factsheet about pain after injections which gives good advice;
Finally, if you would like to discuss further, please call the macular Society helpline on 0300 30 30 111 (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday).
Best wishes
Macular Society