49 years old and diagnosed at 48. I am wondering if others with macular degeneration have good days and bad days in regards to vision. I do a lot of reading on the computer and paper at work and some days it is so much harder to see. Does anyone else experience this?
Good & bad vision days?: 49 years old and... - Macular Society
Good & bad vision days?

Yes. Absolutely. Some days I see great and some days I am banging into things. I am grateful for the goods days! You are not alone. 🙂
YES!!! My doctor says no but everyday it's different and the amsler grid to me isn't helpful. I know when its getting worse because it is a big difference between the subtle changes every day. Have had this for almost a year, was getting avastin shots every other month, but was approved for an eylea shot in November and I still don't need another. Took longer then avastin to work, a couple of weeks, but my eye is still hanging in there. Unfortunately I am going on medicare in April and the company won't pay for it . Here in the US it is 4000 dollars! So will have to stick with the 280 dollar avastin shot that they will pay for, How we wish they would find some other kind of bandaid for this. At 65 I don't know if I will ever see it. Good luck and don't stress out as we all have.
My doc says no also. My vision at eye doc is great. Actually about 20/20 but that's not my experience and doesn't explain the great difficulty with blurriness and lines bending when reading. It makes work exhausting and sometimes gives me a headache. And that is with magnifiers and lights and extra large monitor. I have days where I am not productive and am slower and don't want to lose my job but the caseloads and timelines I can't keep up. It is so frustrating and scary. I have two daughters to put thru college still. One just started. If I can't work everything will change. Not to mention that I am not ready to not work. It's so depressing. I want to see my grandbabies if I am blessed when the things me comes. I want to travel and see things with my husband. You are young too. What job did u have? Did they make accommodations?
Hiya, I've worked as account assistant last year but had to use an eye patch, otherwise the little numbers on the screen would't be accurate. I've given up that job as i don't want to ruin my good eye. Yes it's scary, having to find work that doesn't require good eye sight!
I'm only 49 like you, and had injections since May last year. Vision is a bit different every day, but I had ONE day last year with really good vision... that gave me so much hope! Now I'm trying to come to turns with the fact that it isn't going away, and life is too short to worry too much...
Best of luck to you, take care. Eat your greens 🙂
Interesting, even though I also have 20/20 vision in my bad eye I also see waviness and sometimes dark vision. I am retired now, worked in the casinos here in Las Vegas forever. Thank god I did get a chance to travel although I really wouldn't want to do it now with all the turmoil. With all the advances coming out and your age I believe you will keep your sight even though it might be wavy etc. Try not to be depressed, I went through that for awhile. My doctor put me on the lowest dosage of Prozac 10 mg and it really helped
Could you get Lucentis? More costly than Avastin but probably cheaper than Eyelea. Only lasts 4-5 weeks for most though.

It depends if my insurance will cover it, which here in the states you never know. They all seem to last the same. I think with the Eylea it was a build up of all the previous injection which is why it is lasting for a few months
assistance for eleaya. Easy apply, fast response. They approved me for years injections for 0 copay!
Good for you. Here in the states even though The medicine was covered the dr still charges me 350 to inject it in my eye☹️
Here in the UK in several centres the injection is given by trained nursing staff. My last was done by a nurse quick and completely painless.
Hi. I was 44 when I was diagnosed with wet amd and chronic CSR. Unfortunately my eyes were too bad for any injections so I'm funded for pdt treatment. My sight is definitely different on a day to day basis. Do u still drive and work. I can't do either anymore. I'm 53 now : )
I drive on daylight only I cam no longer read a book. Computer screen nope. I hope DVR can help with computer screens as I was doing taxes for income.
Yes sometimes when on the computer, I do a lot of work on Lightroom, Photoshop etc. plus reading various sites, at times reading or seeing is difficult, my eyes seem tired and a bit out of focus. I have a Colour Confidence, Grafilight above and to the left, I think this helps.
I do a lot of wildlife and plant surveys, another problem is that when I move from sunlight to shade or look into shade, for example a hedgerow or woods with patches of light and shade, I have problems seeing into the shade, lots of it is black and it takes a long time for my eyes to adjust. I've worn a wide brimmed hat for years, long before I was told I had AMD. On the advise of a doctor who was concerned about cancer as I worked as a Countryside Ranger and spent a lot of my time outside both during work before I retired and in my spare time wildlife and plant surveying.
Indeed, my visual acuity varies when checking my eye chart, but most of all I notice it when I am reading in bed at night. Despite the bright light behind me the text becomes darker and more distorted and I usually have to give up after half an hour, but sometimes I can read quite a bit longer.
I also have good and bad days. I retired recently and now have more good than bad days. Use to use a coloured overlay for reading but don't need it now
Yes, very much so. I had a totally rotten day yesterday, kept making mistakes on the computer as I just couldn't distinguish one letter from another, but today is better. So, I just keep hoping that one day I will wake up and find that my sight will have stabilised and that every day will give the same result.