I had a second Eylea injection a few days ago. It seems my vision has worsened whereas the first injection showed almost immediate improvement. Can anyone tell me if they have had a similar experience?
Thanks, Assim
I had a second Eylea injection a few days ago. It seems my vision has worsened whereas the first injection showed almost immediate improvement. Can anyone tell me if they have had a similar experience?
Thanks, Assim
Hi there I have just had my 6 th Eylea injection ( I have had a lot if injections with other drugs - avastin and lucentis) sometimes my vision has improved and sometimes not it is a bit of a roller coaster I have found (46 inj in) so don't worry too much. The Drs will monitor your progress. If you feel there is a large difference you could make a call to the clinic for advice or see how your vision goes and let them know at your next appointment. Did your vision go down quickly after wards may I ask?
Dear Assim,
I am sorry to read about your concerns.
I will firstly outline the function of injections. This is to suppress the abnormal blood vessels which are developing behind the retina and leaking blood or fluid; stabilise the eye; maintain vision and prevent further damage. Usually, an initial loading dose of 3 injections is given, once a month for 3 months, then the eye is reviewed.
Injections are not geared towards improving sight. However, occasionally there is a slight improvement within the first 2 or 3 injections.
Please contact the eye clinic with any concerns and do not hesitate to contact us for further discussion. Our helpline is open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday on 0300 3030 111.
Kind regards,